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發布時間: 2022-12-31 09:47:57

1. 以「電影和書,你認為哪樣更好」為題,寫一篇英語作文

someone like book.They said book can give them more details and it alway has beautiful lauguage .someone like movie ,because it can save they time and compared with book, it more interesting and easy understanding.
As for me ,i like book more.First of all ,it give me more spare and more time to think about the meaning of ever word .so i can remember details longer.
secongly,book often more real than movie .last but not the least ,i like collecting books,it make me happy!

2. 英語作文「看電影和看書你比較喜歡哪個」

At free time ,we ofte have some interesting activies.Such as watch movies and read the books.I think watching movies can save time ,and I think it is interesting and easy to understand.Reading is relaxing ,we also can learn a lot of skills from the books,I am interested in reading.Because reading can help me learn more knowledgeable,and do not need to stay at the same time about a hour
Ijust need to take a book stay with me.And at the same time,new fictions are more than the new movies

3. 英語作文 看電影和讀書你更喜歡哪個

Going to the Movies.There are many theatres showing a wide variety of movies such as love stories, westerns, spy stories, adventure ones, science fiction ones, and Kung-fu ones. I like to go to the English movies to enjoy the special effects and good music as well as to learn the language. Some movies I have seen before still interest me, and I enjoy watching it again. Usually it is more fun to go to the movies in a group on holidays.
So choosing books is very important for reading. We should choose some good and helpful books.to read. Be as careful of the books we read, as of the company we keep, for our habit, and character will be as much influenced by the former as by the latter.
But,I'll think going to the Movies is most interesting rather than read books.

4. 比較看書看電影或者電視哪個比較好的英語作文


5. Harvy電影和書有什麼區別


6. 寫一篇電影與書比較的作文

我帶來的不止是我對其的感受,她同樣改變了我的觀念,她如一顆明星,會一直在我對知識的追求道路上閃耀,使我不斷進步。 簡·愛,她並不是一個天生麗質、出生於權貴之家的小姐。相反,父母早年的離世,寄人籬下遭受欺辱的成長經歷磨礪了這位堅強的女性。她沒有在孤獨與絕望中被打倒,那追求幸福的、永遠充滿生活激情的朝氣渲染了文章氛圍。從小姑娘成長到一位勇敢婦女的歷程,親戚的欺侮、愛與尊嚴的抉擇、好友的早年逝去……我並不完全明白她所經歷的親情、愛情、友情是多麼坎坷,但我始終佩服她不介意地位的高低敢愛敢恨的形象,猶如在學海中遇到了暴風雨卻毅然前進的表現。 「難道就因為我一貧如洗,默默無聞,長相平庸,個子瘦小,就沒有靈魂,沒有心腸了——你想錯了,我的心靈跟你一樣豐富,我的心胸一樣充實!"由文章中的這句話,我更加堅定了對簡·愛的評價。她的外表也許平庸,但她內心充斥的那份對幸福追求的執著無不體現了她堅韌信心和內在美的氣息,無不使自己想到知識盈滿心頭的快樂氣息,鼓舞著理解她的人們前進。 還記得在那次考試的失敗中,我一直帶有失落的心境。一個人面對滿是錯誤的試卷不知如何去面對老師與家長,同樣擔心滿心歡喜的同學們會因我不理想的成績而與自己疏遠起來。回家路途上我的腦海中充斥著自卑的心理,回到家在父母的批評後,獨自坐在書桌前。失落中看到了書架角落的那本《簡·愛》,平時都沒有時間細心拜讀。我緩緩抽出這本名著,開始又一次仔細的瀏覽,隨即深深被文中女主人公的言語所感動。是的,文中的簡愛知道自己的卑微,但她有一顆不屈服的心,那在慘淡人生上繼續奮斗的不屈精神卻如一顆明亮的北斗星,引領著主旨直到結局,同時也為我指明了學習的方向。 簡·愛正如北斗星那般及時地在我的學習上指導和鼓勵了我。曾經我在學習的過程中時常會嘆息自我的平庸,始終不緊不慢地跟在佼佼者的後方,沒有對於追求知識的那份強烈激情,在渾渾噩噩的日子中殊不知後方正有一大批即將趕超自己的同學。然而在自卑的環境中接受知識,只會收取那事倍功半的後果,那感受恍若低人一等。正是簡·愛的精神為我帶來了新的動力,告訴我即使平庸也能活出自我的精彩,單調地度過每一天將沒有任何意義,每個人一天的時間是相同的,在同學們努力的同時自己怎麼不一同加入他們的行列呢? 對於簡·愛的言行,我不是最喜愛她如同明星般閃耀的心靈,但那正直地呼喚,帶著我走向希望的世界.她沒有那世俗的丑惡觀念,她不在乎貧富的差距,用努力去換得幸福。因為她那全心付出的決心,她對理想如此的執著,在他人被金錢迷惑的生活環境中,唯獨她掙脫那黑暗的枷鎖,如一隻飛向幸福的鳥兒得到美好的結局。即使那隻是作者對生活的希冀,她的精神與歷程仍是如此觸人心弦。無法去批評她對尊嚴與愛的矛盾,有的只是這位女性帶來的無比樂觀的精神。平凡的簡·愛在最後同時擁有了親情、友情、愛情,正因為她一直堅強地生活,樂觀積極地期盼。它猶如墜落人間的一顆北斗星,親手實踐自我的想法,在黑暗的環境中為自己照出一條明亮的道路。她勇敢地追求愛也同樣勇敢地放棄愛,那執著的想法仍在我腦海中如鳥兒般飛翔。 在如今的生活中,她啟示我們不為自己的渺小而自卑,命運是靠自己的改變才會精彩。就如生活中的我面對失敗和挫折,一定要努力到最後,假如失敗了也有可能從中得到教訓,為此簡·愛的那份執著教會了他人勇敢追求幸福的道理,簡如此的一個平庸女子卻如星星一般閃耀,人們對她的理解並不唯一,那深深地執著卻是我最喜愛這個女性的原因。百年來,她的精神被眾多人所理解,她的存在如青蟲破繭成蝶的瞬間般美妙。 簡·愛,這位對生活抱著執著希冀的女性形象將永遠地成為鼓舞我精神領域的動力,它無關乎情感,但她這顆名為執著的星星才是真正指引我在黑暗中與迷途上前行的北斗星。在知識的道路上,我同樣會向著那明亮的北斗星,用那執著的精神不斷前進。

7. 關於「小說和電影」的比較,寫一篇對比類的英文作文


8. 以書籍和電影你更喜歡哪個為話題,寫一篇英語作文如題 謝謝了

Many students, compared with reading original books, prefer to watch movies, because they think the film is more interesting , but it saves time and is easy to understand . But I prefer reading books, because there are more original details , the statement is very beautiful , to give people the joy of beauty .

9. 關於寫書和電視之間區別的英語作文帶翻譯

My Favorite Hobby
I have many hobbies, such as reading,skating,and watching TV. But reading is my favorite hobby.
I like reading for three reasons. Fist of all, books introce me to a new world.which is colorful and without time and space limit. Through reading, I can track to ancient Egypt, the cradle of human cilivilization.Secondly,reading can better myself by showing me a new horizon. In the past years, most of my knowlege has been obtained from books.
I have leared from many people by reading about their ideas on science,politics, life and society.Thirdly,reading bridge the gap between my dream and my goal.In order tosucceed in my career in the futher,I must keep reading, thinking and practising. Reading has become part of my life.Every day, I spend some time reading books,newspapers and magazines.At night, I can hardly go to sleep withiout a novel in my hand.

10. 關於「電影或者書你更喜歡哪一個」的英語作文

Personally,I prefer books.Movies have only been around for a small amount of time and by favoring movies,I am not immersing myself in the words and thoughts of great women and men of the past.I can not imagine simply not reading books which have captured the hearts of so many people.Although many films try to bring out what the author was trying to say,they usually have big budgets and a lot of editing.I like that most of the authors who are famous,had incredibly raw and emotional lives and I really think that their inspiration came from that.
When reading a book,we are so engrossed into the story line that our mind's eye has crafted a picture and emotional response that is highly intense and real.With this in mind,a movie proction would be hard pressed to match what we already have formed within our mental file cabinet.

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