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發布時間: 2022-12-28 19:56:57

㈠ 急求寫電影明星的英語作文...急急急

我最喜愛的女演員(My Favourite Actress)
There are many actors and actresses in the world and my favourite actor is Cui Peng and my favourite actress is Li Xiaolu, but now I only write my favourite actress.
My favourite actress is Li Xiaolu.She was born in September 30, 1982 . She came from Beijing, China. She had an English name called Jacqueline Luuli. She is a very beautiful, kind and vivacious girl, but did you know when she was young, she was a very quiet and shy girl. She always talked very little to her friends, but when she was thirteen years old she went to America to study English and she knew if she wanted to learn English, she must talk to people. So, she started to try to talk to people. Then she became an active girl. She was not quiet anymore. She was talented actress in movies and serials. She was already in a movie when she was three years old and another when she was seventeen years old. She acted in a movie 「tian yu」 and this movie helped her get the 「Jin Ma Jiang Ying Hou」. She was the youngest person who got the award.
I think she would forever be my favourite actress.

我最喜愛的女演員李小璐,她出生於1982年09月30日.她來自中國北京。她有個英文名叫Jacqueline Luuli。她是個很漂亮,善良又活潑的女孩子,但也許你們不知道當她小的時候,她是個文靜又害羞的女孩。她總是很少跟朋友交談,但是在她十三歲的時候,她去美國學習英語,她知道如果她要學習英語就必須與別人交談。因此,她開始去嘗試與別人交談。然而她就變得一個活潑的女孩,她不再文靜。她是對電影和電視連續劇都很有天賦的女演員。在她三歲的時候,她已經身在電影里。她演的一部電影叫《天浴》,而這部電影使她奪的金馬獎影後,她是奪得這項獎上最年輕的人。

㈡ 關於明星的英語對話

進入社會之後,能體現你英語水平直觀的不是各種考試的分數,而是你的真實口語水平,西安漢普森英語常用口語對話頻道主要通過各種生活中常用的的英語口語對話,讓你輕松掌握英語口語,今天西安漢普森英語為大家整理關於明星的英語對話。 01 Classic Sentences經典句子 01.The film features many well-known actors. 很多明星參加這部電影的演出。 02.Who is the host of the variety show? 這個綜藝節目的主持人是誰? 03.What is the subject of that talk show? 那個脫口秀的主題是什麼? 04.Who is in this movie? 這部電影是誰演的? 05.Jackie Chan is a very famous movie star in Hong Kong. 成龍是一位非常有名氣的香港電影明星。 06.He was promoted as he new Bruce. 人們尊稱他為李小龍二世。 07.Mary Pickford was a famous star of the silent movies. 瑪麗碧克馥是無聲電影的明星。 08.My favorite film star is Marilyn Monroe. 我喜歡的電影明星是瑪麗蓮夢露。 09.In his last film he starred as a cowboy. 他在近的一部影片中主演一位牛仔。 10.She is a bankable movie star. 她是一個很有票房率的電影明星。 11.He is a television star. 他是一個電視明星。 12.These three film stars seemed like old friends from the beginning. 從一開始,這三位電影明星看起來就一見如故。 13.The football star declined to answer the news writer's question. 那位足球明星拒絕回答新聞記者的提問。 14.He is a very popular folk singer. 他是一位很受歡迎的民歌手。 15.Tom is a rising star. 湯姆是一個後起之秀。 02 Useful Dialogue實用對話 Jackie Chan Movies Jennifer: Did you see the latest Jackie Chan movies? Michael: Which one? Jennifer: The Karate Kid . I just saw it last night with my friend Lisa. It's amazing! Michael: No, I haven't seen it yet. But I saw The Spy Next Door . I thought that was good. Jennifer: I think Jackie Chan is great. Michael: Really? Why? He isn't very handsome. Jennifer: No, but he's got character. He can act with a lot of depth. What about Rush Hour ? Did you see that? Michael: Yes, I did. Jennifer: To me, that is the classic Jackie Chan movie. He is perfect for it. Michael: It's interesting you like him so much. Usually I think girls don't like him. They like more handsome actors. Jennifer: That's not always true. But I like some very handsome actors. Like Brad Pit. But I don't like an actor just because he is handsome. Michael: I see. 成龍的電影 珍尼弗:你看過成龍的新電影嗎? 邁克爾:哪一部? 珍尼弗:《新龍威小子》。昨晚我和我的朋友麗莎去看了,真叫人驚嘆。 邁克爾:我還沒去看,不過我看過《鄰家特工》,覺得不錯。 珍尼弗:我覺得成龍很棒。 邁克爾:真的啊?為什麼?他又不是很帥。 珍尼弗:不過他很有個性,演得很有深度。《尖峰時刻》呢?你看過嗎? 邁克爾:是的,我看過。 珍尼弗:我覺得那是成龍的經典之作,他演得很棒。 邁克爾:你這么喜歡他,實在是太有趣了。我覺得通常女生不喜歡他,她們喜歡帥的男演員。 珍尼弗:不全是如此。我也喜歡一些非常帥的演員,像布拉德皮特。不過我不會只是因為一個男演員帥就喜歡他。 邁克爾:我明白了。 以上就是西安漢普森英語為大家整理關於明星的英語對話。平時多去英語角,多與人用英語聊天,創造多的情景對話,使用能飛英語學習軟體創造近似真實的語言訓練環境是練習英語會話的不二法門,建議您走出去參加英語角,或者參加西安漢普森英語口語培訓班進行系統的學習。

㈢ 所有的記者都在等這位電影明星的英文

to be told that the movie star had already left.

㈣ 我現在不再喜歡那個電影明星了用英語怎麼說


㈤ 用英語介紹一個喜歡的電影明星

Robin Williams a man who born July 21, 1951.he is an American actor and comedian. I like him cause he is very hormor.no matter in the show or in normal life.and he is very smart, he's show start in 1977 called Can I do it till I need glasses? and the old film Good Morning, Vietnam in 1987. but my favorite film is Good Will Hunting in 1997,and the new film in the 2010 called wedding banned. even when he is old now,he is still the popular actor in America that is why I like him 我自己喜歡的明星 簡單了點 但是希望能幫到你

㈥ 「電影明星」用英語翻譯


㈦ 關於電影明星新聞的英語作文連帶翻譯

Many people desire to become a super star like Nicole Kidman or Michael Jordan.That's all because of people's aspiration for great honor and fortune.There should be thousands of fans follow you and crazy for you if you are the great singer or football player.However,in my opinion,a pop star have many troubles rather than the common people.Thay always have no free time; they should try their best to avoid the reporter;they have to take part in some activities which they don't like in fact.
Michael Jordan once said :So i want to be a good man who works hard to live my dream.In my life,i am the No.1 super star.

㈧ 求電影明星的英文名

湯姆·克魯斯 Tom Cruise 馬龍·白蘭度 Marlon Brando 黑澤明 Akira Kurosawa 斯蒂文·斯皮爾伯格 Steven Spielberg 奧黛麗·赫本 Audrey Hepburn 瑪麗蓮·夢露 Marilyn Monroe 妮可·基德曼 Nicole Kidman 安吉麗娜·朱莉 Angelina Jolie 約翰尼·德普 Johnny Depp 查爾斯·卓別林 Charles Chaplin 讓·雷諾 Jean Reno 你這20分可真不好得啊~~

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