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① 《放牛班的春天》 英語簡介


On 15 January 1949, the former music teacher Clément Mathieu (Gérard Jugnot) arrives in "Fond de l' Etang" ("Bottom of the Well"), a boarding school for orphans and problematic boys, to work as an inspector. The place is administrated with iron fist by the cruel director Rachin (François Berléand), and most of the boys have severe punishments for their faults. Clément decides to teach the boys to sing in a choir in their spare time, and identify the musical potential of the rebel Pierre Morhange (Jean-Baptiste Maunier), the son of a beautiful single mother for whom he feels a crush. He also has a special feeling for the young Pépinot (Maxence Perrin), a boy that expects the visit of his father every Saturday near the gate, but indeed lost his parents in the war. With his methods, Clément changes the lives of the boys, of the other employees and his own.

② 急!!!求英文電影《放牛班的春天》和《弱點》里的經典台詞各十句、英漢都要有、謝謝各位、幫個忙塞~




1949年的法國鄉村,音樂家克萊門特(熱拉爾·朱尼奧 飾)到了一間外號叫「塘低」的男子寄宿學校當助理教師。學校里的學生大部分都是難纏的問題兒童,體罰在這里司空見慣,學校的校長(弗朗索瓦·貝萊昂 飾)只顧自己的前途,殘暴高壓。

性格沉靜的克萊門特嘗試用自己的方法改善這種狀況,他重新創作音樂作品,組織合唱團,決定用音樂的方法來打開學生們封閉的心靈。 然而,事情並不順利,克萊門特發現學生皮埃爾·莫安琦(讓-巴蒂斯特·莫尼耶 飾)擁有非同一般的音樂天賦,但是單親家庭長大的他,性格異常敏感孤僻,怎樣釋放皮埃爾的音樂才能,讓克萊門特頭痛不已;同時,他與皮埃爾母親的感情也漸漸微妙起來。

③ 英語電影《放牛班的春天》單詞摘抄


④ 放牛班的春天英語簡介

Pierre moonk, a world-famous conctor, returned to his hometown in France to attend his mother's funeral. His old friend Peppino gave him an old diary.

Looking at the diary left by Clement Matthew, the music enlightenment teacher in those years, Pierre slowly savored the teacher's state of mind in those years, and scenes of childhood memories also surfaced in the depths of his own memory.

Clement was a talented musician, but in the French countryside in 1949, he didn't have the opportunity to develop his talent. Finally, he became an assistant teacher in a men's boarding school called "pond bottom correctional home".

The school has a nickname "the bottom of the pond", because most of the students here are naughty children.

After taking office, Clement found that the principal of the school managed the problem teenagers with cruel and high-pressure means, and corporal punishment was common here.

Clement, with a quiet personality, tried to improve the situation with his own methods. In his spare time, he would create some chorus music, and to his surprise, there was no music class in this boarding school, He decided to use music to open the students' closed hearts.

Matthew began to teach the students how to sing, but things didn't go well.

One of the biggest troublemakers was Pierre moonk. Pierre had an angel face and voice, but had a troublesome and naughty character. Clement, who was earnest and kind, explored Pierre's musical talent.

At the same time, he also had a subtle relationship with Pierre's mother, But it is wishful thinking. Finally, he was fired by the headmaster because of the fire and took pepino (P é Pinot alte) before leaving.







⑤ 電影,放牛班的春天的名字用英文怎麼讀,還有電影中幾個主人公的簡短英文介紹

放牛班的春天英文The Chorus讀作[ðə ˈkɔːrəs]。角色介紹如下:


He went to work as an assistant teacher at a boys' boarding school nicknamed tong Low. Most of the students are difficult, troubled children, corporal punishment is common, and the school principal is tyranical and oppressive, concerned with his own future.

With a calm personality, he tried to improve the situation with his own methods. He re-created music works, organized the choir, and decided to use music to open the closed hearts of students. Love music career, the most selfless love dedicated to the children.





⑥ 《放牛班的春天》英文名是什麼

《放牛班的春天》英文名是Les Choristes。









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