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『壹』 如何寫英文影評



『貳』 英文影評怎麼寫有人幫忙嗎

電影報告(Screening Report)
電影評論(Movie Review)
movie review是我們大部分留學生都比較熟悉、常見於報刊雜志的一種電影分析論文作業形式。它的主要寫作目的是介紹或推薦大家要不要去看某部電影,在前面的文章我們也給大傢具體分析過如何去寫movie review。
理論文章(Theoretical Essay)
評論文章(Critical Essay)
視點(Point of View):廣義地說,它指看的位置,及暗示視點決定你所見之事的方式。狹義地說,視點是有形的,更深入一層,視點可以是心理的和文化的。通常,電影使用客觀的視點,它所呈現的事件並不局限於任何人的視角。視點是評寫電影的一個核心詞彙,基本上電影都是以某種特定的方式來看待世界的。




『叄』 請問怎麼樣寫英語電影影評就是影評的格式。


例如:《刺殺希特勒》(Valkyrie:歷史) 2009 (115 min) 英文影評:
What becomes of a movie star when the career hits a hiccup and the lustre starts to fade? If the movie star is smart, they go back to basics, reconnecting with the fire of their formative years. What drove them back then? What first made them strive for greatness? "When I was a kid I always wanted to kill Hitler," Tom Cruise revealed recently. "I hated that guy and all he stood for."

Valkyrie, then, is not just the latest Tom Cruise action thriller. It is the fruition of a dream; a boyhood fantasy writ large; a Hollywood blockbuster that provides an opportunity that was denied him in life. Inevitably he bungles it.

Bryan Singer's picture casts Cruise as Claus von Stauffenberg, the Wehrmacht colonel who spearheaded the 20 July 1944 plot to save the fatherland. Wounded in battle and sporting a natty eye-patch, von Stauffenberg has grown sick of war. He wants to "show the world that not all Germans are like Hitler". He hates that guy and all he stands for.

The obvious sticking point here is that (spoiler!) von Stauffenberg did not actually kill Hitler. The plot failed and the conspirators were executed. Played as a tragedy, or a stark study of failed ambitions, this might not have been a problem. Except that Singer opts to frame Valkyrie as a high-concept wartime suspense thriller, inviting us to suspend our disbelief and go along for the ride.

The 1944 plot was at least fiendishly planned and generally well executed. Singer's, by contrast, seems flawed and foolhardy from the start.

But what of Singer's co-conspirator? Valkyrie paints von Stauffenberg as the archetypal "good German", a model of elegant disenchantment. And yet Cruise, for all his skills as a performer, does not do disenchantment. For all the anguished moments of doubt, the constant stares into the mirror, his von Stauffenberg is essentially Top Gun with an eye-patch.

The film's curious melange of dialects only underscores this quality. Von Stauffenberg's cohorts are played by British actors (Bill Nighy, Terence Stamp, Kenneth Branagh) who deliver their lines in English accents. The villainous Nazi is portrayed by German actor Thomas Kretschmann who speaks English in a German accent. And then - standing separate and apart - is Cruise himself, intoning his lines in pureblood American. He might as well have been dropped in from an Allied plane; a gung-ho Hollywood hero sent in to clean up a very European mess. He couldn't manage it as a kid, and he can't quite do it now. Hitler one; Tom Cruise nil.

什麼成為一個電影明星,當職業生涯擊呃逆和光澤開始褪色?如果是聰明的電影明星,他們回歸本源,重新與消防的形成時期。是什麼驅使他們回呢?第一次是什麼使他們爭取的偉大? 「當我還是孩子的我一直想殺死希特勒, 」湯姆克魯斯近日透露。 「我討厭那個傢伙和他主張。 」


布萊恩辛格的圖片蒙上克魯斯的克勞斯馮施陶芬貝格,在國防軍上校誰帶頭1944年7月20號陰謀拯救祖國。在戰斗中受傷,並身穿整潔眼補丁,馮施陶芬貝格增加患病的戰爭。他希望「向世界表明,並不是所有的德國人喜歡希特勒」 。他討厭那個傢伙和他主張。

最明顯的症結是, (擾流板! )馮施陶芬貝格實際上沒有殺死希特勒。陰謀失敗,陰謀被處決。打一場悲劇,或形成了鮮明的研究沒有野心,這可能不是一個問題。但辛格選擇框女神作為高概念戰時懸疑驚悚片,邀請我們停止我們的懷疑和湊湊熱鬧。


但是歌手的同謀?女神油漆馮施陶芬貝格作為典型的「德國好人」 ,一個優雅的模型覺醒。但克魯斯,他的所有技能,作為一個演員,不會覺醒。所有的痛苦的時刻,毫無疑問,不斷地凝視到鏡子,他的馮施陶芬貝格基本上是壯志凌雲的眼睛修補程序。

影片的好奇混雜的方言不僅強調了這一點質量。馮施陶芬貝格的同夥正在發揮英國演員(比爾奈伊,特倫郵票,肯尼斯布萊納)誰提供的線在英語口音。納粹的罪惡所描繪的是德國演員托馬斯克萊徹曼誰講英語的德國口音。然後-除了常設單獨-是克魯斯本人,他的線intoning美國在pureblood 。他可能也已下降盟軍飛機從一個長庚浩好萊塢英雄發出清理非常歐洲一團糟。他無法管理它作為一個孩子,他不能做到現在。希特勒之一;湯姆克魯斯為零。

『肆』 如何寫英文電影的影評(用英語寫)

I saw this movie and it took my breath away. The love story of 有短一點的,如何: 蜘蛛俠2》英語影評 So what

『伍』 英文電影英語影評怎麼寫


『陸』 電影影評英文範文



Guardians of the Galaxy

The film adapted from the Marvel comic, as the way it once was, there is no doubt that the movie talks about some hero saving people. But in this movie, the hero saved the Galaxy. In the beginning, a little boy was listening music outside the ward, his mother was dying, but the boy can’t acceptit. He run out, at this time,a space ship came out and took him away. Then the scene changed, an interstellar robberfound a mysterious energy ball,but he didn’t expectit would bring complete change in his life.Yes, he was the lost boy from earth many years ago. In order to protect the energy ball, he got some other hero. And this team is not only powerful but also very funny and full of love. Anyway, it’s a film worth seeing


The pianist

This is a movie though the Jewish pianist’seyes of the Germans ring World WarⅡ and exposed to the cruel massacre of the Jews. Before the Nazi came to power, the family of the pianist was living well. With the Nazi persecution of the Jews deepened, the family lived more and more hard. They were forced to move to a cluster with other Jews, and then one day they had to leave for another unknown place. What impressed me so much is the old father bought a small milk sugar and then cut it to pieces for other families. But soon they were separated, the families were taken to concentration camp, only the pianist saved by a Jew assistant police. After that, the pianist started the long road to escape.



This is a story recalled by protagonist in his childhoodabout 4 boys went to search a dead body. And all of these boys are not happy because of the disharmony home environment, the protagonist’s parents are not fond of him, they believe he was not good as his dead brother.The leader is a boy who looks like a thug, but he is the best friend of protagonist, and in fact, he is a smart and kind person.Their journey was arous with many challenges along the way. In the end, they found the dead body, and the protagonist found himself.



On Christmas Eve, the boy received a teddy bear. The boy had no friend, so he wished teddy bear can be alive and talk with him. The next morning, his dream came true, teddy bear talked! And all of countries are shocked. Ted grew up with the boy to alt, and his mind grew too, but they are still best friend. But the man’s girlfriend thought Ted is spare part in their life, so she wanted Ted to leave. The man thought highly of Ted, so he would rather break with his girlfriend. For his best friend, Ted decided to leave. At this time, a Ted’s crazy fan kidnapped Ted. The man and his girlfriend found it and saved Ted out. This movie was rated 12A because of some alt dialogue and scenes, but I think is a good film that tell us the choice between the friendship and love is very important.



This is a very good film, which is about the World WarⅡ. At the end of the war, the United States joined the fight to Germany. The movie talked about a tank named“FURY” fight to Nazi.The soldiers in it thought the tank as their home, and the leader was a hero who saved others many times. In the beginning, they have some other comrades-in-arms, five tanks were destroyed one by one. At last, the “FURY” was the last one who still can fight. And at this time, they got a mission to slow the enemy at a crossroads. But in fact, they knew it’s impossible to finish it alive. They tried their best but at last they failed because of outnumbered.

『柒』 英文影評怎麼寫 影評用英文怎麼寫




4、對電影的內容和情節做了一個概括之後,下一步就是對電影做出評論。這一步是從你個人的角度來評價電影中的人物和情節,並且對他們進行深刻的分析。 在分析的時候,要提供具體詳細的實例和證據來證明你的觀點。比如用電影中的實例加以佐證,描述電影的場景、演員的演技和拍攝角度等等。這些都可以作為支撐你觀點的證據。你甚至可以引用電影中某句經典台詞來支撐你的觀點。除此之外,你也可以結合你找到的額外資料來支持你的觀點,完善你的整體思路。通過以上的方式,你可以在有限的篇幅裡面對電影做出細致全面的分析。在影評的結尾部分,再次總結你的這部電影的整體評價,有利於給你的讀者留下深刻的印象。比如說「即使有幾個演員發揮一般,這部電影還是很引人深思,勾人心弦。」 這就是一個好結尾。別忘了,在完成影評的草稿之後,還需要再仔細審核檢查你的文章。注意檢查語法、拼寫、影片基本信息等細節。在文章內容方面,我們需要再次強調,影評不是對電影中每個場景的復述,不是對電影的總結,而是一篇反饋論文。寫作時要求你需要使用批判性的思維,指出電影的優勢和不足,對電影做出評價,並用充實的論據予以證明。

『捌』 電影飢餓游戲100個次左右的英文影評

The Hunger Games shows us a story about a young lady's unfortunate experience. Compared with the original book, this movie just change some details, but it doesn't destroy the things the author wanted to express. And from this movie, we can learn many things.
First,as the leading lady Jennifer Lawrence said, Katniss Everdeen just like Joan of Arc who was famous for leading people to revolution in history. This movie isn't just a love story, of course. It shows us that people living under cruel control's desire of freedom, as a result, somebody turns up and protests in his own way. It's a warn not only for those who take control of the social order, but the relationship in our daily life.
Second, Katniss was really nice. She volunteered to save her sister, what's more, she made her family alive by hunting in the wood illegally after her father's death. She share her food with Rue,and when Rue died, she used flowers and showed her respect. She wanted to make Peeta and herself alive, and she was smart enough to catch up with the idea that they could use the night locks because Capitol needs one winner, and she made it anyway, but obviously got trouble.
Last but not least, this movie shows us that Katniss wasn't a powerful one, she led people to revolution accidentally, and her fate changed and she must be the mocking jay, the symbol of freedom. It's not her own choice, but there was force, and she actually just a role arranged by the people that lead the world and people who wanted freedom. It's certain that many people would die for freedom and it would be tragic. And the fact that we should know is that when one can't decide his own life, he 'd better do something to save the world.

『玖』 電影影評英語範文



During the summer vacation, I watched a lot of movies,such as , “Hilary and Jackie”, “Up(飛屋環游記)”, “The Shawshank Redemption [ri'dempʃən]” ,“ The Legend ['ledʒənd] of 1900”,“ The Truman Show”,“ He's Just Not That Into You” and so on.Now I will share my deepest feelings about some movies with you together and taste it.

First of all,the movie “Hilary and Jackie” translated “她比煙花寂寞”in Chinnese.The six words include the infinite ['infinət] deep profound. The film is divided into two sections, the first telling events from Hilary's point of view and the second from Jackie's. It opens with Hilary and Jackie as children being taught by their mother to dance and play musical instruments, the cello for Jackie and the flute for Hilary. Jackie does not take practicing seriously at first, but when she does, she becomes a virtuoso [,və:tju'əuzəu],

quickly rising to international prominence. Hilary, on the other hand, plays in a community orchestra ['ɔ:kistrə, -kes-] and marries Christopher

of composer Gerald克里斯多夫, the son 傑拉爾德Finzi. The film, though focused primarily on Jacqueline, is ultimately ['ʌltimətli] about the relationship between the two sisters and their dedication to one another; to help Jacqueline through a

nervous-breakdown, Hilary consents to Jacqueline having an affair with her husband.

The last quarter of the movie chronicles in detail the last fifteen years of Jacqueline's life, ring which she is diagnosed with multiple ['mʌltipl] sclerosis

[skliə'rəusis] and loses control of her nervous system, becomes paralyzed

['pærəlaizd], goes deaf and mute [mju:t], and finally dies. The film ends with Jacqueline's ghost standing on the beach where she used to play as a child, watching herself and her sister frolicking in the sand as little girls..

The second movie , I was going to say the “UP”

Up is definitely one of the better Pixar efforts. It's about the grandeur

['ɡrændʒə] and excitement of flight and adventure. The first ten minutes of the film about Carl and his life-long love Ellie are surprisingly touching. It's heartbreaking to see him lose his wife even at old age. With nothing left to do Carl heads for South America, but he's not alone. Russell, a Wilderness Explorer [ik'splɔ:rə] trying to earn his

['ænimeitid] films. Like other Pixar films Up is also very funny. Thankfully, it's sweet humour instead of the gross humour that's present in many of today's Hollywood films. In conclusion, Up is another daring, unusual and beautiful animated ['ænimeitid] film from Pixar that both children and alts will enjoy watching. I highly recommend it.

Finally,the “The Shawshank Redemption [ri'dempʃən]”.I don’t know how to express the feeling about this film. the movie is so great and Andy is a bloody

smart man! When I had finished watching the movie,I was excited and wanted to watch it again.Wheather the figures and details or the spirit that the music conveyed to.

I like Andy ,for his talent and his wisedom . And the most important thing that I like is his spirit—never giving up.



The movie talks about a love story of a man whose father decided to come out after his old wife dead. The protagonist was a little bit autistic because of his home environment. After he met a beautiful girl at a masquerade party and fall in love with her, his life became different and colorful. But it’s not easy to maintain this relationship e to both of them grew up in a disharmony family. At last, they learned how to love each other and solve the problems. I do believe that we all are beginners, there are many things that we aren’t good at, and we should face and try to deal with it, not just escape.


It’s a science fiction. The main character in the film is a man. And he writes letters for living, it’s a boring job as well as his life. As the story went on, the protagonist got an AI system that can talk as a real human by chance. Not long ago, he just broken with his girlfriend,but soon he found that AI is easier to get along with than real people. Surprisingly, he and “her” both feel like falling in love with each other, it makes him feel very happy. But good times don’t last long, they would quarrel, and it’s not easy to have an AI “girlfriend”. In the end, all of AI left people, in myopinion it’s because they love people. And they don’t want to hurt people. This is my favorite movie this year.


The Hitchhikes Guide to the Galaxy This movie is a classic science fiction comedy, adapted from a popular book with the same title written by Douglas Adams. In a peaceful morning, the protagonist was having breakfast, and at the moment, the construction team was going to force demolition of his home. Of course he was very angry, but his best friend who looks “nerves” came out suddenly and admitted he is an alien, then took him to a big space ship. After that, the aliens who own the space ship destroyed the earth. Thanks to his alien friend, as the last human being, he started aninterstellar journey full of excitement and fun.

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