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1. 有誰要考英語的影視鑒賞啊 求重點

1.1.2. the 2nd stage: Classical Hollywood Cinema( 1920s-1950s)
The period of classical Hollywood cinema is usually taken to run from the early 1920s through to the late 1950s.Sound and color emerged in the period of Classical Hollywood cinema.聲音和顏色出現在經典好萊塢電影時期。Sound was first introced in Don Juan(唐璜) in 1926 by Warner Brother .華納兄弟公司在―唐璜‖(1926)中第一次使用聲音。
From the instrial perspective, the period of Classical Hollywood cinema is characterized by the emergence of the ―studio system‖ and the domination of five major companies (the so-called 「Big Five):  Warner Brother (華納兄弟公司),  Loew』s-MGM (米高梅公司),  Fox(福克斯公司),  Paramount (派拉蒙公司)  Radio-Keith-Orpheum (RKO雷電華公司).
Alongside the five majors were smaller companies(the 「Little Three」):  Columbia (哥倫比亞公司)  Universal (環球公司)  United Artists (聯美公司)
In classical Hollywood cinema, some of the main features of the ideology(電影的意識形態) are:Property, enterprise and initiative (財產、事業和進取心)are the fundamental American values; American as a Land of Happiness(美國是一片樂土), even if they haven』t yet done so; The ideal female(理想女性)is wife and mother, perfect companion and mainstay of the home. 1.1.3. the 3rd stage: Post-classical Hollywood cinema (1960s--)
Hollywood faced a number of significance challenges from the 1960s onwards. In the New Hollywood period, a new generation of directors(新一代導演) proced a lot of immense films(推出了一系列膾炙人口的作品). Among them, Close Encounters was directed by Steven Spielberg(其中有史蒂文.斯皮爾伯格的「第三類接觸」).
1.2. Categorization of Genres(影片類型的分類)
Generally, generic categories are defined on the basis of subject matter(題材), formal properties(形式), style(風格) or affective response(觀眾的情感反應).
The table gives a schematic overview(縱覽,全面的評述) of how this approach might be used to identify genres:

var cpro_psid ="u2572954"; var cpro_pswidth =966; var cpro_psheight =120;

Categorization of GenresGenreDefining Criteria Differentiating CriteriaSocial Drama
Serious social topic
RomanceRomantic relationship between lovers
GangsterGangsters in urban AmericaWar FilmSpecific military conflictsScience FictionFuturistic technologies/future worldsFantasy(奇幻片)
Impossible worlds/fantastical charactersWesternAmerican West
DisasterNatural or man-made catastropheCrimeCriminal activities and investigationEpic(史詩片)
Biblical(有關聖經的) or ancient histrory
Presence of action set-piecesMusical
Presence of song and dance performance
StyleSpectacular events
ComedyIntended to generate laughter
HorrorIntended to horrifyThriller(驚悚片)
Intended to thrill
Subject Matter
Formal Criteria
Affective Response(觀眾的反應)

2. 2018智慧樹知到英文電影鑒賞作業答案

聽說公眾號類似 手電筒校園 有參考答案,有用過的同學過來分享一下

3. 跪求爾雅影視鑒賞作業答案,給出答案繼續送分

1,C 。( 法國電影導演兼評論家亞歷山大.阿斯特呂克在1948年《法國銀幕》第144期發表的《新先鋒派的誕生:攝影機-筆》一文中所倡導的電影主張。)

4. 大學英文電影賞析要考試嗎




5. 英文影視鑒賞

"King Arthur" Movie Review--------A New Take On An Old Legend

My knowledge of the legendary King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table comes chiefly through watching movies based on the heroic figures. If asked prior to this film if King Arthur really existed, you』d probably have elicited an answer from me which amounted to a maybe. Now after seeing 「King Arthur,」 I』m relieved to find my 『maybe』 answer would have been appropriate.

There isn』t a kindly Sean Connery figure in this 2004 version of 「King Arthur.」 No, this version takes viewers on a journey with the man who may have been the inspiration for the legend as he fights to serve and protect Rome and its interests. Wanting nothing more than to put down his sword after more than a decade of fighting and return to his life in his beloved Rome, Arthur (Clive Owen) and his Knights are forced to take on one final mission before being released from their commitment to serve Rome.

When their last task leads Arthur to the conclusion Rome as he knew it no longer exists, he comes to believe everything he stands for and all the battles he』s waged on behalf of his country and religion were for naught. Left to decide on his own who to fight and who to befriend, Arthur joins with his former enemies to save Britain from the invading Saxons, changing his destiny while changing the course of history.
Almost right off the bat, 「King Arthur」 had a major hurdle to overcome as the action on screen echoed the action in Disney』s disastrous 「The Alamo」 – the battles in both films are depicted as bloodless affairs. However at least in the case of 「King Arthur,」 the fight scenes themselves looked brutal. The stunts were choreographed so that while we didn』t see much blood flowing, the illusion of violence and death exists. Most of the violence is done while actors block the shots of their weapons penetrating flesh from the camera. Even when wounds are shown, they are shown without the gore. And while this might make the battle scenes easier on the eyes, it doesn』t lend itself to looking authentic. Audiences have grown accustomed to seeing blood on film, so it』s very obvious when there』s a lack of blood in fight scenes it is a choice made by the filmmakers/studio in order to get a gentler rating from the MPAA. Some say this is selling out, others contend it』s just a necessary evil in order to get to the largest audience. Whatever the thought process behind the decision was, the result is a film cleansed of its realistic brutality. And while that』s not always necessarily a bad thing, in a movie such as 「King Arthur」 where we』re told upfront the filmmakers are attempting to base their version on facts, then the decision to follow through and make the entire film realistic should have been given more weight than the decision to release a sterilized version of the film wiped free of blood.

This 「King Arthur」 does benefit from an impressive cast, headed up by Clive Owen (「Croupier」). As King Arthur, Owen – aside from being unarguably sexy – exudes a sense of righteousness onscreen. He becomes this leader men will give their lives to follow. And in this screen version, Guinevere is no shrinking violet. She』s not a woman to be loved and protected. She』s a fierce warrior capable of fighting alongside knights, standing up for herself and her people (while clad in thin leather straps), and is the one woman who can command the attention – and love – of Arthur. As Guinevere, Keira Knightley shows the spunk and physical strength needed to handle a tough role, while at the same time not distancing herself from her feminine wiles. It』s an interesting role for the young actress and one that expands on the role she had in 「Pirates of the Caribbean.」

Ioan Gruffudd as Lancelot, Hugh Dancy as Galahad, Mads Mikkelsen as Tristan, and Stellan Skarsgard as Cerdic are standouts among the ensemble. Their strong performances in supporting roles aid Owen and Knightley in making all the characters connect and come to life for the audience.

At 130 minutes, 「King Arthur」 wraps itself up nicely without becoming tedious as some 『epic』-type stories are wont to do. The dialogue』s a little heavy and plodding, the lack of blood is something I had a tough time getting past, and ring the film』s first ½ hour it』s hard to figure out the good guys from the bad (and I don』t believe that was the intention). But there』s enough to like about 「King Arthur」 – the acting, the cinematography, the grace of the fight scenes, the romance, the depth of the story – that the distractions can be overlooked or are at least balanced out by what』s worthwhile about the film.

6. 英語電影賞析問答及翻譯

He decided to write an exclusive report on the escape princess to make a lot of money.

7. 電影英語金句



1.He got two experience in spite of this gathering in crowds and groups: when fighting, trying to protect themselves;


2.In the battle with a single dog, to try to use the shortest time to call each other to eat the biggest loss.


3.The paradox of life is that there is a state that marks the peak of life and beyond life. When a person is extremely active thoroughly forget yourself, this realm silently appeared.


4.Life is like this, there is no fair rules of the game, once the fall, is the end of life.


5.He has the spirit of loyalty and devotion, and also has a wild and cunning side.


6.Either to get the right to control, or to be dominated. Mercy is a manifestation of cowardice, and it does not exist in the original life. Mercy will be misunderstood as fear, and when it is misunderstood it will lead to death.


7.He did not do a good job in the preparation of the opponent before the impact of the shock, in the absence of a good defense before the attack.


8.These men wanted dogs, and the dogs they wanted were heavy dogs,with strong muscles by which to toil, and furry coats to protect them from the frost.

這些男人想要一些狗,他們想要的這些狗要是重量級的,有著強壯的肌肉,能夠做苦力, 還有毛皮大衣可以保護它們免受寒凍。

9.Buck had accepted the rope with quiet dignity. To be sure, it was an unwonted performance: but he had learned to trust in men he knew,and to give them credit for a wisdom that outreached his own. But when the ends of the rope were placed in the stranger's hands, he growled menacingly. He had merely intimated his displeasure, in his pride believing that to intimate was to command. But to his surprise the rope tightened around his neck, shutting off his breath. In quick rage he sprang at the man, who met him halfway, grappled him close by the throat, and with a deft twist threw him over on his back. Then the rope tightened mercilessly, while Buck struggled in a fury, his tongue lolling out of his mouth and his great chest panting futilely. Never in all his life had he been so vilely treated, and never in all his life had he been so angry. But his strength ebbed, his eyes glazed, and he knew nothing when the train was flagged and the two men threw him into the baggage car.


10.Each muscle, every fiber, every cell, was tired, tired numb.


11.These illusions often emerge in the eyes of buck, and they are intertwined, and still deep in the forest the call of the ring.


12.Hear this voice, buck became restless, the in the mind is filled with the desire to understand.一聽到這聲音,布克就變得躁動不安,心裡充滿了難以名狀的慾望

13.Night came, and a full moon rises from the top of the tree to hang in the air, as in this piece of land, to the outside is shrouded in dark BaiGuangLi.


14.Everyone agreed that Buck had only attacked because he saw Thornton in danger.


15.He was happy to sit by Thornton's fire,but he sat as a wild animal,and his dreams were filled with other animals dogs, half wolves,and wild wolves.


16.'He's the finest dog that I've ever seen, ' said Thornton to his friends one day as they watched Buck walking out of camp.

“他是我見過的最出色的狗, ”桑頓有一天對他的朋友們說, 他們正看著巴克跑出營地。

17.They saw him walking out of camp but they didn't see the change that happened when he was inside the forest.

他們只看見他跑出了營地, 但是他們無從知曉他在森林中發生的本質的變化。

18.'If you hit that dog again, I' ll kill you, ' Thornton shouted.

“如果你再動那狗一下, 我就宰了你, ”桑頓怒喊著。

19.The club hit him again and again, but Buck felt almost nothing.

現在他看到那不堪重負的冰層就在面前。木棍劈頭蓋臉砸下來, 而巴克卻全無知覺。

20.'You know nothing about dogs, 'answered Hal.' Leave me alone Dogs are lazy, and you have to whip them.

“你懂什麼, ”哈爾回答, “別管我。狗都是犯懶的, 你必須鞭打它們。

21.Everybody knows that. Ask those men if you don't believe me.'

這道理人人皆知, 不信你問問那些人。”

22.'It's spring now. You won't have any more cold weather.'

“春天來了, 天氣不會再冷啦。”

22.They didn't know how to do it sensibly, and every time they put something on the sledge, Mercedes moved it.

他們不懂得如何把東西有條理地安置好。而且更糟的是, 每一次剛把東西放到雪撬上, 瑪爾賽蒂就動手移開它。

23.It was heavy work; the sledge was loaded with letters for the gold miners of Dawson.

任重而道遠, 雪撬上載滿了給道桑尋找金礦的人的信件。

24.Each day was the same. They started early, before it was light, and at night they stopped and camped and the dogs ate.


25.All day he ran painfully, and when they camped for the night, he lay down like a dead dog.

一整天他都忍著痛苦奔跑, 但當他們晚上安營休息時, 他像死狗一樣癱在了地上。

26.And Buck knew that if he and Spitz fought, one of them would die.


27.There was heavy snow and it was very cold.


28.There was no peace, no rest only continual noise and movement.



1.You can't love a person who lives that way without fearing him too.


2.Nothing that you remember has survived.Better to forget.


3. Whatever's going on, you should deal with it before too long. Take care not to let these things fester. Time will only make it worse.


4.War doesn't negate decency.


5.For you,thousand times over.


6.Children aren't colouring books. You don't get to fill them with your favourite colors.


7.I don't want to forget any more.


8.Older Hassan (voice):I dream that my son will grow up to be a good person,a free person. Idream that someday you will return to revisit the land of our childhood.I dream that flowers willbloom in the streets again...and kites will fly in the skies!


9.That was a long time ago, but it's wrong what they say about the past, I've learned, about how you can bury it. Because the past claws its way out. Looking back now, I realize I have been peeking into that deserted alley for the last twenty-six years.


10."There is a way to be good again". I looked up at those twin kites. I thought about Hassan. Thought about Baba. Ali. Kabul. I thought of the life I had lived until the winter of 1975 came and changed everything. And made me what I am today.


11.After the movie had started, I heard Hassan next to me, croaking. Tears were sliding down his cheeks. I reached across my seat, slung my arm around him, pulled him close. He rested his head on my shoulder. "He took you for someone else,”I whispered. "He took you for someone else.”


12.With me as the glaring exception, my father molded the world around him to his liking. The problem, of course, was that Baba saw the world in black and white. And he got to decide what was black and what was white. You can't love a person who lives that way without fearing him too. Maybe even hating him a little.


13."When you kill a man, you steal a life,“Baba said. "You steal his wife's right to a husband, rob his children of a father. When you tell a lie, you steal someone's right to the truth. When you cheat, you steal the right to fairness. ”


14.Rahim Khan laughed. "Children aren't coloring books. You don't get to fill them with your favorite colors.”


15.I heard the leather of Baba's seat creaking as he shifted on it. I closed my eyes, pressed my ear even harder against the door, wanting to hear, not wanting to hear.


16."So he's not violent,"Rahim Khan said.

"That's not what I mean, Rahim, and you know it,"Baba shot back. "There is something missing in that boy."

"Yes, a mean streak."

"Self-defense has nothing to do with meanness. You know what always happens when the neighborhood boys tease him? Hassan steps in and fends them off. I've seen it with my own eyes. And when they come Home, I say to him, ‘How did Hassan get that scrape on his face?"And he says, ‘He fell down.‘I'm telling you, Rahim, there is something missing in that boy."

"You just need to let him find his way,"Rahim Khan said.

"And where is he headed??"Baba said. "A boy who won't stand up for himself becomes a man who can't stand up to anything.

"As usual you're oversimplifying."

"I don't think so."









17.Never mind any of those things. Because history isn't easy to overcome. Neither is religion. In the end, I was a Pashtun and he was a Hazara, I was Sunni and he was Shi'a, and nothing was ever going to change that. Nothing.


18.But we were kids who had learned to crawl together, and no history, ethnicity, society, or religion was going to change that either. I spent most of the first twelve years of my life playing with Hassan. Sometimes, my entire childhood seems like one long lazy summer day with Hassan.


19.But despite his illiteracy, or maybe because of it, Hassan was drawn to the mystery of words, seced by a secret world forbidden to him.


20.We sat for hours under that tree, sat there until the sun faded in the west, and still Hassan insisted we had enough daylight for one more story, one more chapter.


21.I would always feel guilty about it later. So I'd try to make up for it by giving him one of my old shirts or a broken toy. I would tell myself that was amends enough for a harmless prank.


22.To him, the words on the page were a scramble of codes, indecipherable, mysterious. Words were secret doorways and I held all the keys.


23.I probably stood there for under a minute, but, to this day, it was one of the longest minutes of my life. Seconds plodded by, each separated from the next by an eternity. Air grew heavy damp, almost solid. I was breathing bricks. Baba went on staring me down, and didn't offer to read.


24.It was only a smile, nothing more. It didn’t make everything all right. It didn’t make anything all right. Only a smile. A tiny thing. A leaf in the woods, shaking in the wake of a startled bird’s flight.


25.I remembered something I had read somewhere a long time ago: That’s how children deal with terror. They fall asleep.


8. 英語電影賞析的單選題






瑪麗亞走了之後,男爵夫人用盡辦法討孩子們的歡心都沒有成效。當孩子們得知上校要和男爵夫人結婚的消息後,他們更加難過。他們到修道院找瑪麗亞卻沒能見到她。瑪麗亞向阿比斯院長坦白了她對上校的愛情和對生活的不知所措,阿比斯院長告訴她要有骨氣勇氣,哪怕翻越世界上的每一座山峰也要找到自己的真愛。於是,瑪麗亞回到馮·特拉普家裡。 瑪麗亞回來之後,男爵夫人發現她已經無法挽回瑪麗亞和上校之間的感情,她主動退出了婚約,上校和瑪麗亞互訴衷腸,很快地,他們就結婚了。

可惜,他們的生活並沒有從此就永遠幸福快樂。當他們還在度蜜月的時候,德國納粹佔領了奧地利。當他們趕回薩爾茨堡,發現到處已經是納粹旗幟橫行了。他們不在的時候,負責照顧孩子們的麥克叔叔幫他們注冊參加了薩爾茨堡音樂節(Salzburg Festival)。上校一回到家裡,就接到了納粹發來的電報,要他立即到納粹海軍報道。一向痛恨納粹的上校決定帶領全家人離開奧地利。當他們晚上離開別墅的時候,被早就躲在門外監視他們的納粹攔住了,於是上校解釋說他們離開是為了參加希爾斯伯格節演出,並拿出節目單作為證據。在納粹的陪同下,他們來到了會場,演出了孩子們准備好的歌曲。在這時,上校和瑪麗亞演唱了《雪絨花》,歌曲里對祖國奧地利的熱愛之情濃郁深厚,不顧旁邊持槍的納粹守衛,在場的觀眾也跟著上校一起唱完了《雪絨花》。



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