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發布時間: 2022-12-23 00:35:00

❶ 電影人工智慧劇情分析介紹




21世紀50年代之後,人類的科學技術已經達到了相當高的水平,人類發明了人工智慧機器人用以應對惡劣的自然環境。先進的人工智慧機器人不但擁有以假亂真酷似人類的外表,而且還能像人類一樣感知自己的存在。11歲的大衛(海利·喬·奧斯蒙特)就是生活在未來時代中一個有思想、有情感的小機器人。在他那個年代,由於全球氣候的變暖,南北兩極冰山開始融化,許多城市被淹沒在汪洋大水中。於是人工智慧機器人開始擔負起拯救人類生命的重任。同時,大衛還一直渴望自己有朝一日不再僅僅是個簡簡單單機器人,轉而成為真正的人。為了實現這個願望,大衛與機器人喬(裘德·洛 飾)一道踏上漫長的旅途,而等待他們的卻只有凶吉難料、變幻莫測的對復雜人性的探索……

21世紀中期,這是一個自然資源缺乏,科學技術飛速發展的時代。現代化的住所,精心設計的飲食,為你服務的不再是人類,而是機器人。園藝、家務、友誼,機器人可以滿足每一個需求,但“愛”機器人是無法做到的。在機器人發展過程中,為機器人賦予情感程序極具爭議。機器人被看作是現代設備,他們不應具有感情。但是現在由於很多父母沒有自己的孩子,所以這種可能性不是沒有。一家計算機公司做出了一個決定:製作一個具有情感的機器人。他的名字叫大衛(海利·喬·奧斯蒙 飾)——第一個被輸入情感程序的機器男孩,作為一個試驗品被該公司的員工(山姆·羅伯茲 飾)和他的妻子(弗朗西斯·歐康娜 飾演)收養。他們自己的兒子因病被冷凍起來,直到能治療這種病的 方法 出現。莫妮卡為了緩解傷痛的心情領養了大衛,大衛的使命就是愛他。然而當大馬丁蘇醒,恢復健康,回到了家裡,一系列的事情使大衛“失寵”,最後被莫妮卡拋棄。 在躲過機器屠宰場的殘酷追殺後,大衛在機器情人喬(裘德·洛 飾)的幫助下,開始尋找自己的生存價值:渴望變成真正的小孩,重新回到莫妮卡媽媽的身邊。誰也不知道他能否完成自己的心願,脫胎換骨成為真正的人,等待他們的只是凶吉難料的旅程……



在機器人的發展過程中,賦予機器人以情感是最富有爭議的,也是最後未能做到的事。通常機器人被視作為一個極其復雜的裝置,人們認為他們不會具備感情。但是,現在有很多父母失去了自己的孩子,時代的需要就使這種可能性大大增加了。終於,Cybertronics Manufacturing製作公司著手解決了這個問題,製造出了第一個具有感情的機器人。

他的名字叫大衛(David,海利-喬-奧斯蒙特飾,Haley Joel Osment)。

作為第一個被輸入情感程序的機器男孩,大衛是這個公司的員工(薩姆-羅伯茲飾,Sam Robards)和他的妻子(弗朗西斯-奧康娜飾,Frances O'Connor)的一個試驗品,他們夫妻倆收養了大衛。而他們自己的孩子卻最終因病被冷凍起來,以期待有朝一日,有一種能治療這種病的方法會出現。盡管大衛逐漸成了他們的孩子,擁有了所有的愛,成為了家庭的一員。但是,一系列意想不到的事件的發生,使得大衛的生活無法進行下去。


電影大師斯坦利-庫布里克(Stanley Kubrick)早在20年前就有了推出《人工智慧》的構思,重點刻畫一個代表未來技術條件下思維的人物形象。該片最終是由斯坦利-庫布里克的老朋友,奧斯卡獲獎導演/編劇斯蒂文-斯皮爾伯格(Steven Spielberg)擔任了此片的導演兼編劇。斯皮爾伯格曾表示,"在20世紀的80年代,斯坦利-庫布里克就把我當作十分信賴的朋友,告訴了我一個非常美麗的 故事 ,美麗得讓人無法忘記的一個故事。我想也正是科學和人性的魅力才讓斯坦利急不可待地告訴了我這個故事。他‘走’了以後,我特別想完成他的遺願”。



這位美國童星已經證明是他這個年齡段里最優秀的青年演員。他的父親是演員尤金·奧斯蒙特(Eugene Osment),母親特里莎·奧斯蒙特(Theresa Osment)是位教師。4歲時海利和父母逛傢具店時被導演相中拍攝 廣告 。幾個月之後,他在《阿甘正傳》 (Forrest Gump,1994)里扮演湯姆·漢克斯(Tom Hanks)的兒子,角色雖小但令人印象深刻,同年在電視劇集“Thunder Alley”(1994)里扮演愛德華·阿斯納(Edward Asner)的曾孫。由於他卓越的喜劇表演才能,在“Thunder Alley”後又接演了兩部情景喜劇。諾曼·傑威森(Norman Jewison)給了他在電影《媽咪也瘋狂》 (Bogus,1996)里扮演主角的機會,他輕松的扮演了這個戲劇性的角色。但是,直到熱門電影《第六感》 (Sixth Sense,1999),這個年輕的演員才被公眾所熟知。他對於角色Cole Sear極佳的塑造使之在11歲時就得到了一項奧斯卡的提名以及後來的獲獎者邁克爾·凱恩(Michael Caine)的贊美之詞“當我知道你獲得提名,並看到你的表演時,我就知道你一定會贏。”之後,在《讓愛傳出去》 (pay it forward,2000)里他的表演同樣精彩。除了精彩的表演之外,他也在同行中贏得了相當的榮譽。在史蒂芬·斯皮爾伯格的科幻大片《人工智慧》 (Artificial Intelligence,2001)中,他擔綱主演智能機器人,不負眾望,其表現令人驚艷。但之後奧斯蒙特的演藝事業並未出現長足進步,陷入了童星成年後難再走紅的怪圈。


美國導演,生於俄亥俄州辛辛那提,曾就讀加州州立學院三年,12歲開始用8厘米的電影攝影機拍家庭影片。1960年,他編導了一部片長四十分鍾的戰爭片《無處容身》 ,在“峽谷影展”中獲勝,並使他獲得了一台十六厘米的攝影機作獎品。1968年,他獲得一位開光學儀器公司的富翁投資十萬美元,讓他導演一部用三十五厘米攝影機拍攝的短片《安培林》,講述一對年輕戀人在莫哈威沙漠相遇後一齊坐車到加州海邊的故事,結果在第二屆亞特蘭大影展上獲獎。環球公司的行政總裁恰好看到了這部短片而與他簽約。



1. 人工智慧觀後感

2. 電影人工智慧影評英文

3. 人工智慧電影講什麼

4. 電影人工智慧英文簡介

5. 電影人工智慧論文

❷ 能否介紹一部關於機器人的英文電影


❸ 介紹幾部英語電影,生活/愛情/哲理/喜劇的類型都好



《快樂大腳》「Happy Feet」
《美女與野獸》 「Beauty and beast」 推薦
《加菲貓》 「Carfield」
《冰河世紀》「Ice age」 推薦
《功夫熊貓》「kufung panda」
《小雞快跑》「Chicken Run」
《獅子王》「The Lion King」 推薦
《海底總動員》「Finding Nemo」 推薦
《玩具總動員》「Toy Story」
《綠野仙蹤》「The Wizard of Oz」
《小鬼當家 》「Home alone」 推薦
《蜘蛛俠 》「Spider man」
《外星人》「E.T」 推薦
《查理和巧克力工廠》「Charlie and the Chocolate Factory」
《金銀島》「Treasure Island」
《白雪公主》「Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs」 推薦
《恐龍世紀》「Dinosaurs」 推薦
《老爸夏令營》「Daddy Day Camp」 推薦
《航站鬧翻天》「Unaccompanied Minors」
《勇敢者的游戲》「Jumanji」 推薦
《少年特工科迪》「Agent Cody Banks」
《怪物史萊克》「Shrek 」
青春片:(這里的更好看!)《歌舞青春》「High school musical」超級推薦
《穿PRADA的惡魔》「The Devil Wears Prada」

《魔法保姆》「Nanny McPhee」 推薦
《公主日記》「The Princess Diaries」推薦
《總統千金歐游記》「Chasing Liberty」
《辣媽辣妹》「Freaky Friday」 推薦
《賤女孩》「Mean Girls」
《12月男孩》「December Boys」
《超完美男人》「The Perfect Man」
《勁歌飛揚》「Raise Your Voice」
《高校天後》「Confessions Of A Teenage Drama Queen」
《牛仔褲的夏天》「The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants」
《初戀的回憶》「A Walk to Remember Soundtrack」
《甜心辣舞》「Jessica Alba」
《女生向前翻》「Stick It」
《風雲才女》「I love Hilton sisters」
《誰領風騷》」She Gets What She Wants」
《變裝拍檔》」Connie and Carla」(也叫《康妮和卡拉》)
《對此承諾》「Pledge This」
《怪女孩出列》「Odd Girl Out」
《美國甜心》「America's Sweethearts」
《魔法灰姑娘》「Ella Enchanted」(也叫《麻辣公主》)推薦
《魔法奇緣 》「Enchanted」(也叫《思路》)
《灰姑娘的玻璃手機》「A Cinderella Story」(也叫《無線兩心知》)
《兒女一籮筐 》「Cheaper by the Dozen」
《冰雪公主》「Ice Princess」(也叫《冰上公主》)推薦
《瘋狂金龜車》「Herbie: Fully Loaded 」
《平民天後 》「The Lizzie McGuire Movie」(也叫《麻雀變鳳凰》)
《律政俏佳人》「Legally Blonde」
《麻辣寶貝》「Uptown Girls」
《美少女啦啦隊》「Bring It On」
《舞出我人生》「Step up」
《錄取通知書》「Accepted」 推薦
《美麗壞寶貝》「Pretty Persuasion」
《粉紅豹》「The Pink Panther」
《幸福終點站》「The Terminal」
《風雨哈佛路》「Homeless to Harvard」(也叫《最貧窮的哈佛女孩》)推薦
《超完美奪分》「The Perfect Score」
《戀愛假期》「The Holiday」
《魔戒》「The lord of the ring」 推薦
《哈里波特》「Harry Porter」 推薦
《納尼亞傳奇》「Narnia 」 推薦
《陽光小美女》「Little Miss Sunshine」
《高校男生》「The history boy」
《美好人生》「It's a Wonderful Life」


《與狼共舞》「 Dances with Wolves」
《辛德勒的名單》「Schindler's List」
《真實的謊言》「 True Lies」
《鋼琴別戀》「The Piano」
《肖申克的救贖》「 The Shawshank Redemption」 推薦
《飛躍瘋人院》「One Flew Over the Cuckoo」
《上帝也瘋狂》「The Gods Must Be Crazy」 推薦
Indiana Jones系列:推薦
《奪寶奇兵》「Raiders of the Lost Ark」
《拯救大兵瑞恩》「Saving Private Ryan」
《靈異第六感》「The Sixth Sense」
《金剛》「King Kong」
《第三類接觸》「Close encounters of the third kiind」
《木乃伊系列》「The Mummy」 推薦
《神奇四俠》系列「Fantastic Four」
《博物館奇妙夜》「Night at the Museum」 推薦
《漂亮女人》(《風月俏佳人》(pretty woman) 推薦
《遺願清單》「The seventh seal」
《極速60秒》「 Gone In 60 Seconds 」
《國家寶藏》「National Treasure 」 推薦
《廊橋遺夢》「Bridges of Madison County」
《西雅圖夜未眠》「Sleepless In Seattle」 推薦
《沉默的羔羊》「The Silence of the Lambs·」
《人鬼情未了》「ghost」 推薦
《黑客帝國》「The Matrix: Path of Neo」 推薦
《後天》「The day after tomorrow」 推薦
《一球成名》「Goal」 推薦
《最長的一碼》「The longest yard」 推薦
《當幸福來敲門》「The pursuit of happiness」 推薦
《心靈捕手》「Good Will Hunting」
《返老還童》「The Curious Case of Benjamin Button」 推薦
《全民公敵》「Enemy of the State」
《機械公敵》「I Robot」 推薦
《撞車》 「Crash」
《海上鋼琴師》「The Legend Of 1900」
《死亡詩社》「Dead Poets Society」
《驚聲尖笑1-4》「Scary Movie」
《死神來了》「Final.Destination」 推薦
《午夜凶鈴》「The ring」 推薦
《貧民窟的百萬富翁》「Slumdog Millionaire」 推薦
《變相怪傑》「The mask」
《雲中漫步》「A walk in the clouds」 推薦
《伊麗莎白鎮》「Elizabethtown」 推薦
《白宮奇緣》「The American President」 推薦
《真愛復甦》「The valley of light」 推薦
《生死朗讀》「The reader」
《前任女友》「Just friends」推薦
《職業特工隊》「Mission: Impossible」(也叫《不可能的任務》)推薦
《守夜人》「Night Watch」推薦
《守日人》「Day Watch」推薦
《甜心先生》「jerry_maguire」 推薦
《超級杯奶爸》「The game plan」 推薦《幸運庫克》「Good.Luck.Chuck」
《生化危機》「Resident Evil」推薦
《搶錢袋鼠》「Kangaroo Jack.」
《預見未來》「Next」 推薦
《空軍一號》「Air Force One」 推薦
《七宗罪》「Se7en」 推薦
《電子情書》「You Got Mail」 推薦
《玩命速遞》「Transporter」 推薦
《極限特工》「XXX: State of the Union」推薦
《美好的一年》「A Good Year」推薦
《獨領風潮》「Take the Lead」(也叫《舞動人生》)推薦
《幸運之吻》」Just My Luck」(也叫《倒霉愛神》)推薦
《清除代碼》「Code Name The Cleaner」推薦
《地球反擊戰》「Independence Day」(也叫《天煞》和《獨立日》)推薦
《休旅任務》「Runaway vocation」
《黃金羅盤》「The Golden Compass」推薦
《神奇遙控器 》「Click」 推薦
《第五元素》「The Fifth Element」 推薦
《12隻猴子》「Twelve Monkeys」
《人工智慧》「Artificial intelligence」 推薦
《蠍子王》「Scorpion King」推薦
《美國黑幫》「American Gangster」
《我是傳奇》「 I Am Legend」推薦
《回到未來》「 Back to the Future」
《蝴蝶效應》「The Butterfly Effect」推薦
《機器人管家》「Bicentennial Man」推薦
《34街奇跡》「Miracle on 34th Street」 推薦
《真愛至上》「Love Actually」
《石破天驚/勇闖奪命島》「The Rock」推薦
《史密斯夫婦》「Mr. and Mrs. Smith」推薦
《光明追捕手:黑紀元》「The Dark Is Rising」

❹ 分別用中英文寫出你知道的英文影片!謝謝

通天塔 (2006)(Babel)
透明人2 (2006)(Hollow Man II)
美國怪談 (2006)(an american haunting)
超人歸來 (2006)(Superman Returns)
人皮客棧 (2006)(Hostel)
寂靜嶺 (2006)(Silent Hill)
本能2:致命誘惑 (2006)(Basic Instinct 2: Risk Addiction)
美人魚 (2006)(Aquamarine)
發射失敗 (2006)(Failure to Launch)
生存游戲 (2006)(Stay Alive)
局內人 (2006)(Inside Man)
冰河世紀2:冰川融解 (2006)(Ice Age 2: The Meltdown)
海神號 (2006)(Poseidon)
達芬奇密碼 (2006)(The Da Vinci Code)
奪寶奇兵4 (2006)(Indiana Jones 4)
吸血萊恩 (2005)(Bloodrayne)
驚聲尖笑4 (2006)(Scary Movie 4)
魔法保姆麥克菲 (2005)(Nanny McPhee)
加勒比海盜2 (2006)(Pirates of the Caribbean 2)

納尼亞傳奇:魔衣櫥 (2005)(The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch & the Wardrobe)
X戰警3 (2006)(X-Men 3)
格林兄弟 (2005)(The Brothers Grimm)
史密斯夫婦 (2005)(Mr. & Mrs. Smith)
家有仙妻 (2005)(Bewitched)
千屍屋2 (2005)(The Devil's Rejects)
雷霆萬鈞 (2005)(A Sound of Thunder)
查理和巧克力工廠 (2005)(Charlie and the Chocolate Factory)
怪獸婆婆 (2005)(Monster-in-Law)
神奇四俠 (2005)(The Fantastic Four)
四眼天雞 (2005)(Chicken Little)
撞車 (2005)(Crash)
天氣預報員 (2005)(The Weather Man)
世界大戰 (2005)(War of the Worlds)
吮拇指的人 (2005)(Thumbsucker)
僵屍新娘 (2005)(Corpse Bride)
鬼霧 (2005)(The Fog)
恐怖蠟像館 (2005)(House of Wax)
金剛 (2005)(King Kong)
戰爭之王 (2005)(Lord of War)
魔力女戰士 (2005)(Aeon Flux)
傲慢與偏見 (2005)(Pride and Prejudice)
藝妓回憶錄 (2005)(Memoirs of a Geisha)
冰雪公主 (2005)(Ice Princess)
斷背山 (2005)(Brokeback Mountain)
空中危機 (2005)(Flightplan)
黑暗侵襲 (2005)(The Descent)
黑夜傳說2:進化 (2005)(Underworld: Evolution)

百萬寶貝 (2004)(Million Dollar Baby)
杯酒人生 (2004)(Sideways)
雙狙人3 (2004)(sinper 3)
威尼斯商人 (2004)(The Merchant of Venice)
BJ單身日記2 (2004)(Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason)
小姐好白 (2004)(White Chicks)
復制嬌妻 (2004)(The Stepford Wives)
貓女 (2004)(Catwoman)
機械公敵 (2004)(I, Robot)
魔法灰姑娘 (2004)(Ella Enchanted)
驅魔人前傳 (2004)(Exorcist: The Beginning)
秘窗 (2004)(Secret Window)
星河戰隊II (2004)(Starship Troopers 2: Hero of the Federation)
機動殺人 (2004)(Taking Lives)
賤女孩 (2004)(Mean Girls)
女孩夢三十 (2004)(13 Going On 30)
西班牙女傭 (2004)(Spanglish)
生化危機2:啟示錄 (2004)(Resident Evil: Apocalypse)

太陽之淚 (2003)(Tears of the Sun)
記憶裂痕 (2003)(Paycheck)
神秘河 (2003)(Mystic River)
鬼影人 (2003)(Gothika)
最後的武士 (2003)(The Last Samurai)
魔戒3:王者歸來 (2003)(The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King)
天降奇兵 (2003)(The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen)
怒海爭鋒:極地遠伐 (2003)(The Far Side of the World)
海底總動員 (2003)(Finding Nemo)
黑客帝國3:矩陣革命 (2003)(The Matrix Revolutions)
律政俏佳人2 (2003)(Legally Blonde 2: Red, White & Blonde)
聖誕壞公公 (2003)(Bad Santa)
迷失東京 (2003)(Lost in Translation)
大智若魚 (2003)(Big Fish)
新婚告急 (2003)(Just Married)
搶錢袋鼠 (2003)(Kangaroo Jack)
蒙娜麗莎的微笑 (2003)(Mona Lisa Smile)
黑客帝國2:重裝上陣 (2003)(The Matrix Reloaded)
女魔頭 (2003)(Monster)
變種DNAIII (2003)(Mimic 3:Sentinel)
沉默羔羊前傳:赤龍 (2002)(Red Dragon)

刀鋒戰士2 (2002)(Blade II)
魔戒2:雙塔奇兵 (2002)(Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers)
間接傷害 (2002)(Collateral Damage)
雙狙人2 (2002)(Sniper 2)
芝加哥 (2002)(Chicago)
蠍子王 (2002)(The Scorpion King)
火龍帝國 (2002)(Reign of Fire)
冰川時代 (2002)(Ice Age)
生化危機 (2002)(Resident Evil)
鋼琴家 (2002)(The Pianist)

紅磨坊 (2001)(Moulin Rouge!)
怪物史萊克 (2001)(Shrek)
木乃伊2 (2001)(The Mummy Returns)
公主的日記 (2001)(The Princess Diaries)
人工智慧 (2001)(Artificial Intelligence: AI)
十三鬼叫門 (2001)(Thir13en Ghosts)
珍珠港 (2001)(Pearl Harbor)
美麗心靈 (2001)(A Beautiful Mind)
怪獸電力公司 (2001)(Monsters, Inc.)
穿越時空愛上你 (2001)(Kate & Leopold)
小島驚魂 (2001)(The Others)
變種DNAⅡ (2001)(Mimic 2)
劍魚行動 (2001)(Swordfish)
原罪 (2001)(Original Sin)
古墓麗影 (2001)(Lara Croft: Tomb Raider)
兄弟連 (2001)("Band of Brothers")


❺ 高三時一篇英語課文有關於機器人的文章,有關於它的電影,電影叫啥名字

科幻小說改編的《人工智慧》 (2001)

導演: 史蒂文·斯皮爾伯格
主演: 海利·喬·奧斯蒙 / 弗蘭西絲·奧康納 / 山姆·洛巴茲 / 傑克·托馬斯 / 裘德·洛
類型: 劇情 / 科幻 / 冒險
製片國家/地區: 美國
語言: 英語
上映日期: 2001-06-26

❻ 跪求~~!關於機器人的電影的英文簡介

Bicentennial Man

Genre: Comedy
Movie Type: Domestic Comedy, Sci-Fi Comedy
Themes: Journey of Self-Discovery, Opposites Attract, Robots and Androids
Director: Chris Columbus
Main Cast: Robin Williams, Sam Neill, Wendy Crewson, Embeth Davidtz, Oliver Platt
Release Year: 1999
Country: US
Run Time: 131 minutes
MPAA Rating: PG
If a robot spends enough time around humans, can he learn to become one of them? The Martin family purchases a domestic android as a servant and names him Andrew (Robin Williams). Andrew comes to know the man of the house as Sir (Sam Neill), his wife as Ma'am Wendy Crewson, and their daughter as Portia (Embeth Davidtz); before long, the Martins suspect that they do not have an ordinary robot on their hands. Andrew seems capable of expressing emotion and generating original thoughts, and the longer he stays with the Martins, the more strongly these human traits manifest themselves. Over the next 200 years, Andrew becomes less a machine and more a member of the family, until a mechanic (Oliver Platt) tells Andrew that he might be able to turn him into a human being. Based on a short story by renowned science fiction author Isaac Asimov (surprisingly, it's only the second Asimov story to be brought to the screen), Bicentennial Man was directed by Chris Columbus, who previously worked with Robin Williams on Mrs. Doubtfire. ~ Mark Deming, All Movie Guide.

機器管家/變人 Bicentennial Man (1999)

導 演:克里斯·哥倫布 Chris Columbus
主 演:羅賓·威廉斯 Robin Williams 山姆·內爾 Sam Neill 艾伯斯·戴維斯 Embeth Davidtz 奧利弗·普萊特 Oliver Platt 海麗·凱特·艾森伯格 Hallie Kate Eisenberg Kevin Tiny Ancell Joe Bellan Merridee Book
上 映:1999年12月13日 ( 美國 )更多地區
地 區:美國 德國 ( 拍攝地 )
對 白:英語
評 分:6.1/10( 7330票 ) 詳細
顏 色:彩色
聲 音:DTS Dolby Digital SDDS
時 長:132 分鍾
類 型:劇情 科幻 愛情
分 級:瑞典:Btl 澳大利亞:PG 英國:PG 阿根廷:13 德國:0 美國:PG 紐西蘭:PG 法國:U

這個機器人,是好萊塢喜劇天王、羅賓威廉斯最新的嘗試。 擅長以溫馨喜感演出取勝的、好萊塢影星,羅賓威廉斯,在新片《機器人》中,飾演的機器人,在經歷兩百年後,終於透過先進科技,變成真正人類的故事。


❼ 急需電影《人工智慧》和《勇敢的心》的英文劇情介紹

勇敢的心 braveheart
Unfortunately, I have yet to find a film of quite this caliber again. Braveheart contains elements of Romance (several heart- wrenching and warming instances), Epic/Action (spectacular scenes), Mystery (can take a few viewings to put it all together), History (albeit romanticised) and of course Drama (perfectly unravelled). This level of uncompromised multi-tasking allows the film to move you to laugh and cry, love and hate or even to think and be taught. I'm trying to avoid the clichés of glowing reviews (almost as bad as entirely negative ones) - but this is one of the few movies that I feel deserves one.

The witty banter between friends/foes/lovers/relatives is, in my opinion, flawless and aids the film's claim as a true classic. The soundtrack is similarly top-notch and encapsulates and refracts the patriotic theme ring several key moments. The political sub-plot and gorgeous scenery also serve as refreshers ring otherwise heavy areas of the story. Perhaps Braveheart's only flaw (but if you share my sentiments it's actually a bonus) is its length so you'll want to prepare a comfy seat and maybe even two pots of tea (complete with cosies!).

I suppose it's also relevant to touch on the historic inaccuracies as I expect this is what people might dislike most about this film. However, "History is written by those who have hanged heroes"; also, the overall sketchiness of such periods coupled with the right of artistic license are enough for me to personally dismiss such thoughts. On that note, I hope you also enjoy what, to me, is the greatest film created (so far).

The movie begins in the small town of Elerslie, Scotland. William lives with his father, who is not named in the film, and his older brother Malcolm. William's father and older brother are called to a meeting a few miles from their home where they find the entire nobility of Scotland hanging. Malcolm and his father then go to a battle between the British and their clan, both die tragically. At the funeral William meets his uncle Argyle who fought in the battle with Malcolm and his father. He takes him away to live with him. The scene then cuts to an alt William on his horse. William later runs into a girl he knew before he went to live with Argyle, her name, Murron, we discover that Lords have the right to sleep with brides on their wedding night, so William marries Murron in secret. Murron is the assaulted by a British guard, the guard is killed by William, a fight ensues, and eventually Murron is killed by the lord. This enrages Wallace who then build himself a fine army entering city's and killing all Englishman within. Wallace prepares to move on to Sterling where he prepared for his greatest battle yet, in the forest he realises that he must find a way to beat the heavy cavalry from the ground, he decided to create spears twice as long as men. These were used in the battle to kill the entire heavy cavalry raised at the last minute to kill the on coming horses. Eventually Wallace reaches York, the most important military city he gains control. Williams final battle at Falkirk ends in his betrayal by two nobles, whom he later kills. William is betrayed by the leper father of Robert the Bruce, is captured and refuses to bow down as a loyal subject of the king Edward I, Longshanks. Therefore, instead of mere beheading William Wallace is subject to being Hung, hung within an inch of death. Drawn, being stretched by his ankles and wrists and then having his insides shown to him before he died. Then Quartered, he was beheaded and his head was put on the London Bridge his body was torn into for pieces one sent to each corner of Britain as a warning to the citizens. After Wallace's death we see Robert the Bruce led the battle of Bannockburn the last battle for Scotland's freedom.

In 14th Century Scotland, William Wallace leads his people in a rebellion against the tyranny of the English King, who has given English nobility the 'Prima Nocta'.. a right to take all new brides for the first night. The Scots are none too pleased with the brutal English invaders, but they lack leadership to fight back. Wallace creates a legend of himself, with his courageous defence of his people and attacks on the English.

人工智慧 artificial intelligence A.I
In the not-so-far future the polar ice caps have melted and the resulting raise of the ocean waters has drowned all the coastal cities of the world. Withdrawn to the interior of the continents, the human race keeps advancing, reaching to the point of creating realistic robots (called mechas) to serve him. One of the mecha-procing companies builds David, an artificial kid which is the first to have real feelings, especially a never-ending love for his "mother", Monica. Monica is the woman who adopted him as a substitute for her real son, who remains in cryo-stasis, stricken by an incurable disease. David is living happily with Monica and her husband, but when their real son returns home after a cure is discovered, his life changes dramatically. A futuristic adaptation of the tale of Pinocchio, with David being the "fake" boy who desperately wants to become "real".

The "literalists" are clearly not happy with A.I. So now is a good time to recall that "2001: A Space Odyssey" was greeted upon release with derision, confusion, dismissive reviews, public consternation, and, oh yeah, some thought it was an absolute masterpiece. Beyond the monolithic influence of that film (think of Han Solo's jump to lightspeed, etc.), the symbols of "2001" -- TO THIS VERY DAY -- cannot be decoded using anything but the most personal, interpretive language. The obelisks, the message of the obelisks, the Star Child, Cosmonaut Dave's "room", HAL-9000's true motivation – all these things remain in our collective subconscious as indelible images that refuse to be concretely defined between or among viewers. WHAT CAUSES THIS CONFLICT OF PERCEPTION? IS IT INTENTIONAL? Again and again, Kubrick's films take us to a No-Man's Land of narrative and moral ambiguity, stranding us, forcing us to make decisions, demanding interpretation (or we can judge the surface, walk away, hate the film). To my perception, Kubrick is the only, true "Brechtian" film director. The device Brecht proposed is "Alienation Effect", or put simply, Leading the audience down two, divergent paths at once. My favorite example is "Barry Lyndon". Being the adventures of a young man, handsome, virtuous, well-meaning, ambitious, full of promise. Yet in every scene, the camera "pulls-back" revealing Barry (but never to himself) to be womanizing, self-absorbed, criminally inclined, socially inept, not very bright, morally bankrupt, and at last, a broken shell of a man. Or let's consider "Strangelove": Did Kubrick really create a headbanger, slapstick comedy about nuclear proliferation, mass destruction, and military/political incompetence? The real question is "Who else could have?" Well, that's my take on Kubrick's artistic sensibility, and, without daring to presume Spielberg's motivation, it's what drew them both to "A.I." Pinocchio, the Blue Fairy, cuddly Teddy Bears on one hand, but on the other hand – social institutions are faltering forever -- parenthood, childhood, science, instry, sexuality -- all distorted beyond repair. And Humans, the ultimate A.I. protagonist, seem blissed-out, in denial, more interested in creating "Davids", "Darlenes" and "Gigolo Joes" than in rising water levels and the imminent threat of extinction. Therefore, I believe A.I. is getting precisely the response all Kubrick films "INITIALLY" get. Spielberg's reputation and career can withstand anything that public perception might bring to his films, but I keep thinking that A.I. is the riskiest moment of his artistic life.

❽ 求一篇介紹關於機器人電影的英文簡介

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