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A. 如何評價電影《香水》(Perfume: The Story of a Murderer)



B. 求關於香水的的一個外國喜劇電影名字


英文名: Love Potion No. 9

中文名: 第九號愛情香水

導 演: ( Dale Launer )

主 演: ( Tate Donovan) (桑德拉·布洛克 Sandra Bullock) ( Mary Mara) (戴爾·米凱夫 Dale Midkiff) ( Hillary Bailey Smith) (安妮·班克羅夫特 Anne Bancroft)

上 映: 1992年11月13日


C. 歐美有部電影 是關於香水的電影 不知道是什麼電影

這將是最完美的香水。 以少女的絕妙體香為基底,含苞待放的芬芳為主幹, 他將用這瓶香水,把她們的美永永遠遠地收藏。 一個從出生身上就完全沒有味道的男子格雷諾耶,卻是個嗅覺天才,他能製造出全世界最獨一無二的傑出香水,這些香水的製作方式和一般的並無不同,唯一差別之處,是他所使用原料—處女的體香,只要是格雷諾耶挑選中的女子,他便不計一切代價將她殺害,將新鮮的屍體身上的香味用來作成香水的材料,讓這個香味永遠只專屬他一個人……

D. 香水一部外國電影,講的是一個奴隸為了製造一種香水殺了好多女人,是什麼片名














巴爾蒂尼告訴格雷諾耶香水的起源地在格拉斯,那裡的人知道保存氣味的方法。格雷諾耶拿著巴爾蒂尼的推薦信來到了格拉斯。格雷諾耶愛上了青春少女的體香,為了把這種香味保存下來,格雷諾耶最終走上了殺手的道路 。

E. 電影《香水DAS PARFUM》影評英文版

Junior high school when reading the original novel, only after reading that the world really wonderful, and later heard that a remake into a movie, read, discovered that a good film
First of all, the film adaptation of it as a relatively faithful to the original, but this is not easy to do, take a look at the recent death of the notes will know, the moral aspect, the film has always been a degree of tolerance than fiction, television and tolerance Also lower than the film, but the shooting of the film are shot out, everything was wonderful world of not less, especially from the end to the plot and narration are the same as the original, original works may be too strong to the extent that the director also would like to change too You
The film also has a subtitle called the story of a murderer, compared with the curry favor with the public, but may be e to the box office, that person is called an artist's story is more appropriate

Yan Zhujiao is a very special actor, his eyes revealed the depths of madness, it's a bit like Di Jiuri protagonist, an actor that looks like a skull, eyes, but it was clear people forget to look over

Then look at the original time is also small, also saw white, now remind ourselves that this is what a lot of profound symbolic
The novel is about a man looking for love and self-story, the protagonist is no smell, which implies a lack of self, and the smell of his sensitive than ordinary people to bring him some characteristics of the tragedy, he did not persist in the East and West He snatch other people's smell, he finally got the smell and the people love, but he also true of their own and I was puzzled by the existence of despair and this is a typical Gothic-style romanticism of the story

Obviously the film has found a starting point, which makes the whole film has a clear line
This is a romantic love story
Protagonist missed the first girl killed when his expression of despair, he tells us that the pursuit of the perfume is not just that he fell in love with a girl, she fell in love with the smell or the other does not matter, it was always his first love, as a There are also born with defects autistic boy is Qingdouchukai let him know what to do, he has to get her to keep her, but he did not know how, he thought he had found a way to kill them, make perfume, spreading in Himself, and he turned into them, and this is his love, the two become one, but then he found that he did not want his real self, that the round-shouldered dark as there is no Self-possession in Hong Wen dressed appearance, and no one to love, film, he looked at everyone on the stage in the high, first emerged in the minds of young girls figure, this clearly tells us that the entire movie theme

Romantic love has always been a pessimistic view, because a person can not be another person, no matter how close the other side can not belong to you, because it is two people, two of the main, the theme of love is despair, every time Do you think the other side has been found that this is only an illusion of time and disappointment brought about by the end of despair
The film's symbolic in this

Finally, he will disappear like crazy people in love, but died of loneliness and despair

F. <香水> 這部電影反映了什麼看到最後沒看太明白

因為這是一部演義人性,社會,理性與感性非常透徹的的作品。且片中所內含的東西激發人深思,每一個看過《香水》的人對這部電影都會有一個不同的理解層次。電影通篇彌漫著神秘且誘人的氣息,時而讓人心顫時而讓人為它熱血沸騰。電影誇張離奇的情節都要歸功於《香水》小說的作者非同尋常的藝術表現手法,與本部電影導演:湯姆.泰克維爾 Tom Tykwer 精湛的拍攝技藝分不開的。電影中配樂更是妙不可言,世界頂級交響樂團之一(柏林愛樂樂團)為此配樂,完美的襯托出電影詭異奇幻的色彩。電影的主演更是明星聚集,老牌奧斯卡影帝:達斯丁.霍夫曼—Dustin Hoffman,著名電影演員、導演:艾倫.里克曼—Alan Rickman,聯合出演為本片增色。是一部非常值得一看的藝術影片。
其實這部電影根據1985年暢銷小說《香水——一個殺人犯的故事》得來,是由德國作家聚斯金德所著。是一部揭露人性,布滿了人生哲理的作品。讓人品味的地方實在是太多了。小說《香水》沒有浩瀚 的篇幅,他的結構嚴謹,共四章五十一節,段落分明,敘述清楚,小說用了巴爾扎克式的批判現實主義傳統筆調,一開頭就開門見山地把主人公格雷諾耶請出來,他於1738年7月一個炎熱的一天出生在臭氣熏天的宰魚攤旁,他一出生就被母親丟棄在臭魚攤旁爛魚肚腸垃圾堆里,他的哭聲挽救了自己的生命,也把棄嬰的母親推上了斷頭台,開始了他的人生之旅。嬰幼兒時代舉目無親,八歲就被加拉爾夫人賣給製革匠家像牛馬一樣幹活;第一次殺害少女並攝取其香味,為香水製造商巴爾迪尼重振香水業;徒步南方,在荒山過了七年的穴居生活;在生產香水的名城格拉斯當伙計,期間殺害了25名美麗的少女,取得她們的香味製作香水,1766年被判死刑卻因香水的神奇功效使他死裡逃生,次年(又是這年最熱的一天)返回巴黎被人分屍吃掉。在作家筆下,格雷諾耶是一個傳奇人物,他具有頑強的生命力,多次奇跡般地活下來「他有抵抗力的細菌那樣頑強,像扁虱那樣容易滿足,它安靜地停在樹上,靠著它在幾年前所獲得的一小滴血維持生活。」他天生地先天不足,相貌醜陋、凶惡,有強烈的復仇意識;他身上沒氣味,卻天生具有靈敏的鼻子,能夠識別世上的一切氣味。他殺害少女製造他想要的迷人的香水,供自己使用。僅僅一滴香水就使刑場上包括行刑者在內的所有人神魂顛倒,把他當作救世主,也因為一滴神奇的香水,使他被眾人千刀萬剮分屍而死,這個仇視人類,夢想在氣味王國里成為主宰的格雷諾耶最終從地面上消失,不剩一根頭發。小說的最後作家描寫道:「這幫野蠻人吃完人肉後又聚集在營火周圍,沒有哪個說一句話。這個或另一個在打嗝,吐出一小塊骨頭,輕輕地咂舌頭,用腳輕輕地把藍外衣剩下來的破布踢到火里,他們大家都有點窘,不敢相互對視。他們中的每一個人,無論是男人還是女人,已經參與了一次兇殺或者一種別的卑鄙的犯罪行為。但是把一個人吃掉?他們想,他們絕不會做出如此殘酷的事。他們感到驚奇,他們竟會做出令人難以置信的事,奇怪自己 非常難堪,卻沒有發覺有過一點壞心眼。正相反!盡管他們的胃裡不好受,他們還是覺得心裡是完全輕松的。在他們陰沉的靈魂里,突然變得那麼輕松樂觀。在他們的臉上,表現出一種童話般的、柔和的幸福光輝。他們或許是因此而羞於抬起目光和相互對視吧。

G. 電影《香水》迅雷下載地址謝謝!英文名:Perfume: The Story of a Murderer 是一部2006年的德國電影

記得在風行看過這不片子 很不錯


H. 誰有 電影 香水 的英文簡介


Set in 18th century France, the film tells the story of an olfactory genius, Jean-Baptiste Grenouille (Ben Whishaw) and his homicidal quest for the perfect scent.

The film begins with the sentencing of Grenouille, a notorious murderer. Between the reading of the sentence and the execution, the story of his life is told in flashback, beginning with his abandonment at birth in a French fish market. Raised in an orphanage, Grenouille grows into a strangely detached boy with a superhuman sense of smell. After growing to maturity as a tanner's apprentice, he makes his first delivery to Paris, where he revels in the new odors. He focuses on a girl selling plums (Karoline Herfurth) and startles her with his behavior. To prevent her from crying out, he covers the girl's mouth and unintentionally suffocates her. After realising that she is dead, he strips her body naked and smells her until the scent fades. Afterwards, Grenouille becomes haunted by the desire to preserve scents forever.

After making a delivery to a perfume shop, Grenouille amazes the owner, Giuseppe Baldini (Dustin Hoffman), with his ability to create fragrances. He revitalises the perfumer's career with new formulas, demanding only that Baldini teach him how to convert scents into perfume. Baldini explains that all perfumes are harmonies of twelve indivial scents, and may contain a theoretical thirteenth scent. He also tells a story about a perfume discovered in an Egyptian tomb that was so perfect that it affected the entire world the moment the bottle was opened. However, when Grenouille discovers that Baldini's method will not capture all scents, he becomes depressed and leaves to learn superior methods in Grasse. En route to Grasse, Grenouille realises that he has no scent of his own, and is therefore a cipher. He decides that creating the perfect smell will prove his worth.

Grenouille finds work in Grasse assisting with perfumes. After some experimenting, he succeeds in preserving the scent of a woman by cutting her hair, covering her in animal fat, and then distilling the fat. To force the woman to undergo the procere, however, he must kill her. Grenouille embarks on a killing spree, murdering beautiful virgins and capturing their scents. He mps the girls' naked corpses around the city, creating an uproar that threatens to tear the city apart. Nearing completion, Grenouille selects a beautiful young lady, Laura (Rachel Hurd-Wood), for his thirteenth scent, the lynchpin of his perfect perfume. Laura's wealthy father, Antoine Richis (Alan Rickman) realises the danger and attempts to flee the city with his daughter. Grenouille tracks her scent to a roadside inn and sneaks into her room that night. The next morning, Richis discovers Laura lying dead in her bed.

Soldiers capture Grenouille moments after he finishes preparing his perfume. On the day of his execution, he applies a drop of the perfume to himself. The executioner and the crowd in attendance are overwhelmed by the beauty of the perfume. They declare Grenouille innocent before falling into an orgy. Walking out of Grasse unscathed, Grenouille has enough perfume to rule the world, but has discovered that it will not allow him to love or be loved like a normal person. He returns to the Parisian fish market where he was born and empties his perfume bottle over his head. Overcome by the scent, the nearby crowd devours him. The next morning, one final drop of perfume falls from the open bottle.








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