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⑴ 高分 英語論文 電影



⑵ 我想寫一片關於電影的英語論文,求主題!


⑶ 求一篇關於我喜歡的電影的英文文章(120字左右)

Plot summary:
Peter Parker is a high school student. By accident, he is bitted by a genetically-altered spider and after that, he found that he gains the strange power of spider. Therefore, he uses his power to fight crime. However, Norman Osborn with the new source of energy has become an enemy of Spider-man, Green Goblin. Spider-man needs to fight with Green Goblin, but he confuses as Norman Osborn is the father of his best friend. On the other hand, Peter Parker struggles to fall in love with Mary Jane.

My opinions:
I like this film because its fight scenes are great and the animation in Spider-man is impressive, especially the part of Spider-man flying in the sky, it looks realistic. The music in Spider-man made me feel excited. However, the part about the love between Peter Parker and Mary Jane is quite boring. Besides, I like the story of the film, it is outstanding and teaches me 「With great power comes great responsibility.」 We have our own responsibilities in our life and now, my responsibility is to work hard.




我喜歡這部電影,因為它的打鬥場面是巨大的和動畫蜘蛛俠令人印象深刻,特別是部分蜘蛛俠飛行在天空中,它看起來現實。中的音樂蜘蛛人讓我感到興奮。然而,部分之間的愛情彼得帕克和瑪麗簡是很無聊。此外,我喜歡這個故事的電影,這是傑出的,並教我「在大國意味著巨大的責任。 」我們有我們自己的責任在我們的生活和現在,我的責任是努力工作。

⑷ 「看英文電影提高英語聽力」的論文1000字









然而,我們平常對於打招呼的話,習慣性的只有:How are you? How do you do? 兩句,到底老外在現實生活裡面是怎麼說話的呢?看看美國電視劇收視神話《老友記》,裡面6個年輕人天天和不同的人打招呼,整整10年了,都沒有什麼重復的話出現。裡面大量的時髦日常用語,是大家學習美國口語挖掘不盡的寶藏。一句How you doing?換不同的語音語調,意思也馬上隨之改頭換面。這樣學習英語的過程將不再是suffering, 而是有所收獲感到高興的過程。





1. 電影為語言的運用提供了更真實的情景,使用者更能領悟語言的意境。

近年來隨著社會的不斷發展,人們的文化生活豐富多彩。 人們對於文化的需求不斷的上升。電影事業發展迅速,成為文化陣地的領頭羊。往往一部電影的發行和放映,就引起一股社會的潮流和時尚。尤其是一些大片已經與人們的生活息息相關。一部大片的發行,人們爭先恐後的觀看。生怕走在時代的後面。中學生尤其如此。 大片無論從他的投資和製作都堪稱為典範。其中的故事性強,情節曲折,語言考究並具有時代特色。除次之外,還有經過改編的經典文學巨著的影片,其包含的文化和歷史可為文化的珠寶,永發光芒。從而使人們走進時間隧道,去遨遊的最好去處。人們可以從中不斷的汲取精神的營養。


然而,電影作為一種文化傳播工具,提供了最好的語言情景,和最實用的語言.電影的對白配合上情景和人物的表情,不像我們課本上的文字那麼枯燥,那麼難以理解.如我們在觀賞獅子王片段時,當辛巴和父親一起在晨曦中眺望自己統治的遼闊疆域時,父親講到Look, Simba, everything the light touches is our kingdom…。那種唯美的畫面和音樂不僅吸引了學生的注意力,也使學生很容易地理解了這句帶有定語從句的復合句及他們所說的每一句話,更使他們充分感悟到了生命的價值和獅子王濃濃的父愛。而如果把這一段以書本的形式一字一句的交給學生是無法讓他們體驗到尊重生命的哲理的。我們還要花更多的時間使學生理解每一句話。這種學習語言的方式是機械的.常常是背了很多到用時還不能用的地道,也不能用的符合英語國家人的習慣。

就拿我國的國產影片來講,近年來推出了不少膾炙人口,走向國際影壇的大片。電影《一個都不能少》「Not one less」 ,《神話》, 「The myth」 《英雄》 「Hero」 等電影都是用英語字幕,語言中滲透著濃厚的文化,但是從英語把他表現出來。而我們學生所運用的教材也有許多是汲取了電影的營養,使其豐滿和具有時代氣息。比如現行教材中許多材料都是圍繞電影的話題來展開的。如高中第一冊的第一單元 「GOOD FRIEND 」 中的閱讀就是電影 「Cast away」就是例子。課文中以魯賓遜的經歷來引出話題,談論如何認識到朋友的重要性及如何交朋友等。設想如果讓學生欣賞該部影片,那麼將更能吸引學生的學習興趣。學生不但可以從中加深對於課文的理解,更能觸發學生對於語言的認識和體驗。

2. 電影作為一種視頻文本所產生的吸引力是我們書本教材所無法比擬的。














3、 看英文原版電影能激活你學的單詞、句子和語法!因為孤立的背單詞和語法是沒有用的,必須把它用出去,而看英文原版電影則可以將你學的單詞全部激活,變成你的口語單詞,一個單詞一旦變成你的口語單詞以後,那這個單詞已經達到最高境界了!


5、 看英文原版電影能讓你學到最鮮活的詞彙和表達!這是非常重要的,因為我們平常背的句子其實有很多都是已經過時的或者在口語中不常用的句子,但通過看英文原版電影我們可以學到很多最時髦、最鮮活的詞彙和表達法,比如昨天我看老友記時學到了一個地道的表達法,叫Have you put your foot down?(你已經決定好了嗎?)還好很多很多好的地道表達等著你去學習和吸收!


⑸ 「看電影」英語議論文 要列出好處壞處 初三水平 高手賜教 謝謝謝謝🙏ԅ

好處:Watching movie is a activity that make us relax.Like comedy movie ,it can make us happy.Like science movie,we can learn more knowledge that cant learn from books.
壞處:If we keep watching movie all the time,it's not good for our eye and forget the reality in your life.
我是初二生但在澳門就讀 所以希望可以幫到你😊

⑹ My favorite movie 為題寫一篇英語文章

my favorite movie is called Luoye Guigen. This is a comedy and is acted by a famous comedian named Zhao Benshan. I like this film because it is really funny and also thought-provoking. Zhao plays a role of a honest and smart guy. He tries his best to keep his promise, and at last, he manages to fulfill his colleague's will. And I like him because of his good performance in the movie and also the shinging character of the role.


⑺ 一篇關於英語原版電影的論文






⑻ 我最喜歡的電影英語作文


我最喜歡的電影英語作文 篇1

I like watching movies very much. My favorite movie is Twilight. It is a beautiful love story between vampire and mankind. The main characters are named Edward and Bella. They can』t help loving each other. Edward is a vampire who has lived hundreds of years, while Bella just a ordinary high school student. They are classmates. When Bella recognizes that Edward is a vampire, she still chooses to love him under the pressure of every aspect. And Edward also pick the choice to protect Bella at all costs. This is their beginning of love.

I like this movie so much that I have seen it four times. I think the movie stars in it are very beautiful and handsome. Secondly, the plot is very attractive and excited. And the scenery is beautiful too. In a word, I just like it the moment I see it.

我最喜歡的電影英語作文 篇2

My favorite movie is Titanic .It's a love story about Jack and Rose.They met on Titanic.They loved each other for the first sight.On the night of April 15, 1912 , the Titanic had an accident on the way to America . Jack and Rose fell into the sea with many other people .They were very frightened because they were afraid of losing each other.In the end ,Rose was saved,but Jack died.Rose was very sad. Ilove this film very much .

我最喜歡的電影英語作文 篇3

I love movies so much that I spend most of my spare time on watching them. Particularly, its useful to improve my English learning with the aid of foreign movies. Among so many films I have seen, the one I like best is High School Musical. It tells the stories about two high school juniors from rival cliques – Troy Bolton, captain of the basketball team, and Gabriella Montez, a beautiful and shy transfer student who is a hard working girl. As the hero and heroine, they try out for the leading parts in their high school musical. In this process, a series of affairs happened, but in the end, the musical performance achieves great success and the teenage couple----Troy and Gabriella fall in love with each other. It』s totally a happy ending. I like this movie because it shows the colorful and amazing high school life, which fascinates me so much. Besides, everyone loves happy ending of love story.

我最喜歡的'電影英語作文 篇4

My favourite movie is The Bucket List. When two complete strangers (Carter and Edward) became roommates in the hospital』s ICU,what they were going to do in their last couple of months? Carter made a bucket list that including his wishes such as: witness something really magnificent, help complete stranger on the good, laugh until I cry, but Edward thought his wishes were too weak, and then he added something like 「kiss the most beautiful girl in the world, gosky diving, and get a tattoo. After that, both of them tried to complete their wishes together before they die. At last, Carter and Edward both knew what the life was all about---to bring joy to others.

When they traveled to Egypt, Carter told Edward that before people』s souls entry the heaven, the divinities would ask them two questions: Have you find joy in your life and have you life brought joy to others? Edward can barely answer these questions. However, when Carter died, he realized that he had brought joy to others lives just like Carter did. In the end of the movie, these two good friends lay on the top of the world where they can witness something really magnificent. It』s a happy ending.

The film tries to convey a theme that finds the joy in your life. Say what you need to say. When you die, your eyes were closed, but your heart was widely opened.

我最喜歡的電影英語作文 篇5

My favorite cartoon film is "Kung Fu Panda".Because its very funny and interesting.The story was great and the background was beautiful, it really felt like an ancient Chinese city.So many people like it.In this cartoon movie the character who I most like is the panda Arab League valuable.Because it not only unusual lovable and annoys the human to like, moreover is this cartoon movies lead .But I did not deny that other roles also very much annoy the affection, for example tigress (Angelina Jolie), viper (Lucy Liu), praying mantis (Seth Rogen), hoist crane (David cross) and monkey (Jackie Chan).I from this cartoon movie middle school: Each people have the merit and the shortcoming, perhaps you only know your shortcoming, so long as but you look diligently, also will discover that oneself will have the merit.

我最喜歡的電影英語作文 篇6

Hello,boys and girls!My name is Jenny.I'm 14-year-old.My birthday is on October 31st.I'm a movie fan.I like action movie and science movie. My favorite actor is Jackie Chan.He is a great action actor. He has many movies . For example.The Around the World is 80 Days,Rob-B-hood and Rush Hour.These movies are very exciting. I really like Rob-B-hood very much, because they are exciting.I like action movie movies very much.

我最喜歡的電影英語作文 篇7

I like movies very much. My favorite movie is 「Love Me Once More, Mom」.This is a moving story about a mother and her son. The son was lost one day and the mother was so worried that she looked for him everywhere,but she couldn』t find him. She was very sad and almost went mad. I think it is a wonderful movie. It is so moving and sad that I ever cried over and over again. How I wish to watch it again.

⑼ 求英語論文,以電影阿甘正傳寫一篇關於美國夢論文


⑽ 求英語電影論文

《Alexander》about it. ——《亞歷山大大帝》觀後感~

I am a student, study more onerous task to all immersed in a pile, thick book of other aspects of knowledge about nature also less. In order to broaden their horizons, when choosing courses, I usually choose some human science classes. Remember when a friend gave high school had a Greek mythology to me, that is, from the book, I see a god of the mind and I've also is the traditional Chinese religion in the image of god is completely different. Greek mythology of the gods of the people who have thoughts, feelings, and the joy of the people, sadness, jealous, have fear. But god is the Oriental religions in, or even omnipotent, is ordinary mortals cannot be achieved. But because those books and the names of the gods and long, sometimes make me confused, I eventually failed to read the book. Myth, of course, is part of the culture of the classical Greek, in order to understand with many Greek mythology, when he saw the ancient Greek culture, when elective without hesitation, I chose. Fortunately, I choose. Through a study of the semester, although no Greek culture and in-depth understanding of ancient Greece, but the experienced periods have probably know for certain period of development, the typical of the political system, cultural phenomenon also have certain knowledge, I think is good harvest. Of course, the teacher said to the final paper to write, I still feel a bit silly, I don't know what good, because although much knowledge of ancient Greece, but to really understand some of the problems one write an essay, I think my knowledge is not enough. Just recently saw "Alexander of Alexander's life", interest, but to know before Alexander, so you have to find some information, and some of the facts is mentioned below from these materials, not do annotation.
Video introction
Alexander the great was about the history of the world's first emperor Alexander conquered Eurasian of life. Alexander BC, in Macedonian king is 3.56 Philip ii, once studied Aristotle, 19 years old father was assassinated succession to the throne. He first, then pacify defeated the Persian empire, began 22,000 miles of conquest. 25 years old, Alexander had established including the Nile valley, dry peninsula and the Ins civilization across Europe in Asia, but the Alexander under age 33 because inexplicable disease die suddenly.
In this film, Alexander the great friend (Anthony Hopkins ptolemaic general) through memory, the emperor's will as life. Forty years ago, Hollywood has taken Alexander, but only about his hero. The new version, full of adventure and dream from the childhood, thrust his parents fight, then the sad for him by Aristotle and mapping lesson, graally to his invicible paving the way to conquer. This is the life of the vivid characterization.
The director of Alexander oliver stone said: "this is probably the biggest challenges in my life, hope can make it much objective." In order to do this, stone is hard. Rafer specially invited professor of the university of Oxford robin Ryan fox as the historical consultant. The fox is research of Alexander the great expert, once wrote biographies of Alexander, sales of more than 100 million copies. He accepted the invitation gladly, but a condition, is to them in the emperor's elite cavalry, and must stand in the front of the team, he "fight" for Alexander dream.
Stone has invited the ancient linguists, tries to make some of the lines to real effect. Language Fox watched the movie said after school and historical scholars should get there watching for discussion.
However, if the movie history book, it obviously lost as the value of the movie. "Alexander" in the context of history, the plot details on again. Films, Alexander's father told him: a woman more dangerous than men, as the king had hurt his lover, Mother kept his place before him, said his father. Without these details on the history, but the parents struggle was mentioned. Alexander, such as wedding night, the bride almost killed him, although not in the historical lee, but the bride was defeated by Alexander, daughter of darius, the plot and have confidence. Therefore, the writer's creation that is reasonable, no violation of history.In addition, the recent history of the new viewpoint about Alexander historiography, more and more absorbed some characters, appear very full.
A pursuit of dreams
Above has been mentioned in the film, and the understanding of Alexander before, so he is the first impression from the movie, here is to put the matter what facts. Admittedly, the film Alexander some arbitrary, even some cold, but sometimes think conversely, if no such a domineering, pride and resolute, he can become a history of Chinese strategists hoyywood hills? However, I want to discuss and not his military command art, but his pursuit of dreams and in the process which reflects personality, it is exciting and amazing. If someone was born, this man is the conqueror Alexander. As a great soldier son, Alexander had been instilled many heroism and high adventure stories. He can reel off in the early lead, read Homer in the shelter of personality and lyrics. Whether in the house or in the battlefield, he had a pillow YiLiYaTe "with him to sleep. He led his Greek soldiers and defeated the Persian empire, strong and continue to crusade. Along the way, he and his army met with human body is similar, but what we know, hair, it is a monkey. They rode on large and those of the east, the elephant who had never seen defeated the monster. Of course, though, Alexander the great personality charm, many of his soldiers to fight for Alexander has faith, but for a long time, the journey of hard driving, the warriors who still alive and tired, they obviously very to return to his country and so on the roster appeared, the army also appeared a mutiny. One section, I is very impressive, when he determined to continue to advance in India, unwilling to part soldiers, one of the important general said a touching, they finally wish is only in them to the soldiers who died superempirical essence and meet them before the meeting, the wife and children. Alexander said: "yes, you're right, I, Ross, negligence. Should I send you back as soon as possible, all pensions from me to send, respected and wealthy, love, in the rest of you will be his wife and son of a hero, finally died peacefully. But your dreams, Ross, you, the simple, early in your child's life with Persia, with gold and silver in your pockets stuffed with you when you love, because it can destroy everything in the life of a man!" , kelat rose that touching words some long, here I will not lead to, but when I'm hearing his words, I was really touched by it and feel a mortal ordinary and true feelings, in my opinion, that he was not too. Then, Alexander the retort that enthusiasm, yes, Alexander and their pursuit of something different, he pursues the sun rays, the pursuit of great, so the life of ease, money and enjoy attractive for him, he defeated the Persian empire, Babylon the great wealth, costly court life and can't baffel him to continue the expedition.
Just after the movie's feelings, then some literatures on Alexander's expedition, some of the objective a detailed analysis. According to the data, Alexander expedition, he himself has said the Persian, and had ravaged sanctuary in Greece was assassinated Philip ii, the purpose is the expedition, revenge against the Persian stronger. But the specific analysis, find the reason for the expedition is just an excuse. Firstly, the assassination of the killer waves Philip ii, paulson and no relationship with the Persian empire. O Nebuchadnezzar, paulson wave is a young aristocrat, he and Philip ii, the generals have personal in Dallas. Whatever wave, is of Nebuchadnezzar's, but he SiYuan what action, really have no direct connection with the Persian empire. Alexander said he was assassinated in Persia, Philip ii, historical records on no. Secondly, from the assassination of Nebuchadnezzar, wave, paulson to Philip ii, so the action in advance of horses prepared assassination scene, it shows that he really otherwise conspiracy. Third, revenge is only according to Greek long-standing extremely extensive mental state, as to stimulate the greeks into the slogan of the Persian.
Anyway, I think it is worth affirmation, Alexander the great dream, in order to realize its can not wealth, enjoy thier rance and courage to explore the unknown.
2 Tim HeFei and about Alexander, RON
Alexander the great films, especially sexual orientation private life a lot dispute. In fact, he HeFei and ask the relationship, and I was at the movies process has been very puzzled, why history so great a character is gay? Believe that many people have the same doubts.However, when I accidentally see teacher site of excellent assignments exploring ancient Greek young titled "love", I feel like a life. For the love of the young this phenomenon from different aspects. First is the ancient greeks aesthetic idea. Ancient Greece is extremely attractive appearance and the worship of strong and handsome figure, in this respect, they don't care, as long as the male sex "golden hair, jiongjiongweishen eyes, ruddy complexion, strong muscle, broad shoulders." He must be able to attract others' eyes and love. Beautiful young completely meet greeks aesthetic standards and, in some cases, the young beauty of man can be less attractive girl. Secondly, the ancient Greek culture condition is the root of young love. The ancient culture and modern culture and the fundamental difference between the ancients to men, women, children in the man's eyes is only the mother and the family business managers. The ancient greeks regarded the spirit of man is the center of activities, they think that the girl was not what ecation, this kind of situation is caused by a woman because ecation condition, the cultural resources, and the spirit world of ancient Greek men spirit grades. This kind of social status can appear a situation: men and women together only flirting with youth, and can be found in the heart. They are likely to rationally between the dialogue lies not only in the young, beautiful, because they have more abundant knowledge and talent. Therefore, in ancient Greece appeared a modern difficult to understand customs: every man have attracted a boy or a young man, and in close daily life as his tutor, guardian and friends, also encouraged him to study all noble character. If any man have deceived than his little boy, will be considered not perform ties of a man, No one can get to a young man of friendship is a shame for. This kind of social and cultural customs in promoting cultural and ideological progress in a little deeper, to help build social moral standards have contribution. We can not surprised to find that most firmly hold the view that homosexuality is the most important and the most influential cultural elite of ancient Greece. At this point, even the spirit of love, Socrates also no exception.
In addition, a professor of the university of Oxford robin Ryan fox in the privacy of Alexander is explained. He said, Alexander has three wives, and his mistress, four grow up together, carry the HeFei partners have homosexual relations, and the one who Persian royal eunuch very close. The fox said, many of these ancient historians recorded the plot, compared with these records could be understatement. While these sparked controversy, because of different age has different view. Ancient Greece, polygamy and homosexuality is normal, Christian Europe, strict monogamy was established, homosexuality was considered evil, so, if we use today's morality to request more than 2,000 years ago, the ancients are serious distortion.
Want to use words to summarize the feeling after see: "bravely to pursue their dreams!"

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