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㈠ 愛麗絲夢遊仙境的電影名字用英語怎麼說

愛麗絲夢遊仙境》(又名愛麗絲漫遊奇境;英語:Alice's Adventures in Wonderland)是英國作家查爾斯·路德維希·道奇森以筆名路易斯·卡羅爾於1865年出版的兒童文學作品。故事敘述一個名叫愛麗絲的女孩從兔子洞進入一處神奇國度,遇到許多會講話的生物以及像人一般活動的紙牌,最後發現原來是一場夢。本書出版之後即廣受歡迎,兒童和成人都喜愛這部作品,並且反復再版至今。至今已有超過五十種語言的譯本,上百種不同版本,以及許多戲劇、電影等改編作品。在英文中,本書通常被簡稱為Alice in Wonderland,並適用於大部分的改編作品。電影英語名字:Alice (Alice): the story of the protagonist, a lovely little girl, full of curiosity and thirst for knowledge, reflected in her pure, belonging to the child. In the human growth process, this child's innocence is often eroded. Thus, the innocence of Alice for children, alts are very attractive and valuable.

Rabbit (The White Rabbit): a white rabbit wearing a vest, in the opening story of the Queen is going to take something that shouted "God! God! Be late!" Ran in front of Alice, caused her attention, in order to chase it, only from the rabbit hole Alice fell into the mysterious world, Alice was another mistake in its home drinking a bottle of potion and turned into a giant.

Lizards Bill (Bill the Lizard): Alice in the rabbit home and drink potions into a giant mistake, unable to leave house monster rabbit that appeared in the room, send only a small lizard from the chimney into the situation to see results ranging into Alice was kicked out.

Caterpillar (The Caterpillar): a bucket sitting in a strange mushroom smoking caterpillar, the attitude a bit arrogant, but it taught Alice free way to become big to small. I am a caterpillar

Duchess (The Duchess): a loving woman sermon, spoken language is "all things Jieneng raises a lesson." Alice went to her home where she was met at the Cheshire Cat.

Cheshire Cat (The Cheshire Cat): one is always Liezhezuixiao (grin) the cat, from the saying "smile like a Cheshire cat (grin like a Cheshire Cat)". It helped Alice busy times.

Hatter (The Hatter): mad tea party (Mad Tea-party) one of the participants, from the saying "crazy like a hat maker (Mad as a hatter)".

March Hare (The March Hare): mad tea party (Mad Tea-party) one of the participants, from the saying "crazy like only the March Hare (Mad as a March Hare)".
Dormouse (The Dormouse): mad tea party (Mad Tea-party) one of the participants, always sleeping.

Red Queen (The Queen of Hearts): led a group of soldiers playing cards queen of poker, it is easy to get angry, prone to cut someone's head, but in fact never implemented.

Red King (The King of Hearts): poker king, unlike his wife, so in love with angry, on the contrary to give people a nice guy by his wife instigated the feeling.

Griffin (The Gryphon): Greek mythology, the lion-eagle the first monster, under the command of the Queen with Alice to see the Mock Turtle.

Mock Turtle (The Mock Turtle): Queen of the command to see the role of Griffin with Alice, Alice, tell it to the full text of a strange story of the game.

㈡ 《愛麗絲漫遊奇遇記》的英文名

"Alice's adventures"

《愛麗絲漫遊奇遇記》內容簡介:像小狗一樣可愛,像小鹿一樣溫柔,對誰都很有禮貌,不論對方偉大或古怪,是國王或毛毛蟲,都一樣殷勤有禮。這個名叫愛麗絲的小姑娘有著一顆純凈透明的心,勇敢、善良、可愛。 愛麗絲來自一百多年前。那是在英國的柴郡,有一位年輕的數學家和邏輯學家,名叫劉易斯·卡羅爾。他身邊纏有三個喜歡聽故事的小姑娘,老是要他講故事。於是卡羅爾一面編一面講:掉進兔子洞,能讓人變大變小的蛋糕和蘑菇,組成王國的撲克牌,使人忘記名字的小樹林……於是有了奇妙的《愛麗絲漫遊奇遇記》。這《愛麗絲漫遊奇遇記》編織了孩子五彩繽紛的夢,成了孩子們嚮往的童話世界,也使得愛麗絲的故事經久不衰。

㈢ 愛麗絲漫遊奇境記簡介英文版

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland is a work of children's literature by the English mathematician and author, the Reverend Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, written under the pseudonym Lewis Carroll. It tells the story of a girl named Alice who falls down a rabbit-hole into a fantasy realm populated by grotesque figures like talking playing cards and anthropomorphic creatures.

The tale is fraught with satirical allusions to Dodgson's friends (and enemies), and to the lessons that British schoolchildren were expected to memorize. The Wonderland described in the tale plays with logic in ways that have made the story of lasting popularity with alts as well as children. It is considered to be one of the most characteristic examples of the genre of literary nonsense.

The book is often referred to by the abbreviated title Alice in Wonderland. This alternate title was popularized by the numerous film and television adaptations of the story proced over the years. Some printings of this title contain both Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and its sequel Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There.

㈣ 愛麗絲夢遊仙境英文版電影的簡介

故事發生在愛麗絲上次夢遊仙境的十三年後,已經20歲的愛麗絲去一個庄園參加一個聚會,到了那裡她才發現自己會當著眾賓客被人求婚。愛麗絲選擇了逃跑,她跟著一隻白兔鑽進了一個洞,來到了「仙境」,雖然7歲那年她曾來過這里,但此時已毫無印象。有一大幫愛麗絲的朋友歡迎她的歸來,他們期待著愛麗絲能幫助他們推翻「紅桃皇後」的統治。[1] 影片講述了已經20 歲的愛麗絲和母親參加一個宴會,卻發現自己將在眾多傲慢自大的人面前被求婚。於是她跟隨一隻白色的兔子逃到一個洞里,進入仙境。13年前,愛麗絲曾來過此地,但她現在卻一點也不記得了。在這里,愛麗絲與那些可愛的老朋友們重逢了:虛張聲勢的睡鼠,美麗的白皇後和她可憎的姐姐紅桃皇後,還有雙胞胎兄弟,毛毛蟲,白兔,瘋帽子等等。在奇妙的仙境歷險中,愛麗絲了解到自己身負的重大使命,那就是帶領地下世界的居民們結束紅桃皇後的邪惡統治,恢復昔日仙境。 從「仙境」回到現實世界的愛麗絲·金斯利(米婭·華希科沃斯卡飾),對自己曾經有過的奇幻遭遇早就忘了個一干二凈,即使如此,已經長成20歲的漂亮女人的她,仍然認為生活本身就是一場充滿著意想不到的轉折和驚奇的夢幻冒險。白皇後愛麗絲在參加父母在維多利亞花園專門為自己舉辦的派對上,驚訝地發現原來自己竟然也有了仰慕者,而且還向她發出了結婚的請求--對方是哈米什·愛斯科特(利奧·比爾飾),他是愛斯科特先生(蒂姆·皮戈特-史密斯飾)和太太(傑拉爾丁·詹姆斯飾)的兒子,雖然家財萬貫,卻有著富家子慣有的在過於養尊處優的環境下養成的愚笨和木訥。被哈米什嚇了一跳的愛麗絲,還來不及對他的求婚做出反應,就迅速地逃離了正在進行中的宴會現場……隨後,她驚訝地看到了一隻穿著馬夾、帶著表袋的兔子正在前方迅速地奔跑。 緊緊地跟隨著「兔子先生」(麥克·辛配音)穿越了一大片草地,愛麗絲眼睜睜地看著他消失在一個兔子洞里。然後,突然之間,她發現自己竟然也一起跌落進去,不斷地翻著跟頭通過了一條奇怪、有如夢境般朦朧的通道,最終抵達一個圓形的大廳里,四周座落的是數不清的門--在「吃下我」的蛋糕,緊接著她的身體又重新長大了……最終,愛麗絲選好了自己要走進去的那扇門,她進入的一個令人驚奇的幻想世界當中,居住在那裡的人和生物將這片土地稱為「地下生活」。 在這里,她見到的是有如動物園般豐富多彩的各色人物,從一隻喜歡恃強凌弱、虛張聲勢的睡鼠(芭芭拉·溫莎配音)到精神錯亂的「瘋帽子先生」(約翰尼·德普飾);從一隻「常露齒嬉笑的貓」(斯蒂芬·弗雷配音)到一隻喜歡抽水煙袋、名叫阿布索倫(阿倫·瑞克曼配音)的毛毛蟲;從讓人感到毛骨悚然的「白色皇後」(安妮·海瑟薇飾)到她那一直懷恨在心的姐姐「紅桃皇後」(海倫娜·伯翰·卡特飾)--雖然她脾氣又壞且喜歡使性子,但她卻是「地下生活」真正的主宰者。在經歷了一連串險象環生的意外事故之後,愛麗絲將會在這片有如童話般虛幻的奇妙世界裡重新找到那個迷失了的自我。

3.2.3 角色介紹 (1)愛麗絲 己經19歲的愛麗絲有著自己對未來的思考,成年的她受困於維多利亞時代上流社會婦女們的淺見,無法在自己的夢想與親朋好友對她的期望之間找到平衡。 這個地下世界她還是孩子的時候就曾經拜訪過,但現在已經沒有任何印象。 跌進兔子洞後,愛麗絲又一次遇見了童年的朋友們:毛毛蟲阿布索倫,柴郡貓,孿生胖兄弟叮叮和咚咚,當然還有「瘋帽子」。愛麗絲忽而變大忽而變小,她以為這一切都是一場夢,「直到地下」那些對她並不十分友善的居民請求她保衛他們的奇幻家園,愛麗絲的挑戰來了。 (2)瘋帽子 急性子的「瘋帽子」不斷變換的情緒忠實地反應在他的臉上和著裝上。 他一直焦急地等待著愛麗絲的回歸。他可以說是愛麗絲真正的朋友,當其他居民不願意相信她的時候,只有他還堅決站在愛麗絲這邊。 在這個故事中,他勇敢無畏,不遺餘力地保護著愛麗絲。 (3)柴郡貓 柴郡貓是一隻能隨時現身隨時消失的短尾貓。他總是帶著平靜,誘人的微笑來掩蓋自己膽怯的個性。 這只貓首次出現在愛麗絲被凶險的野獸襲擊之時,他用絲帶幫愛麗絲包紮傷口。 愛麗絲帶他出席了「瘋帽子」的茶會,而膽小的他卻在「紅皇後」控制地下世界的時候背棄了朋友。受到「瘋帽子」指責的柴郡貓最後憑靠自己的能力和拚命的勇氣重新贏得了朋友們的尊重。 (4)白兔先生 永遠擔心要遲到,永遠急急忙忙地趕時間。 白兔先生負責找到愛麗絲並將她帶回地下世界以完成她的使命。他出現在愛麗絲的花園聚會上,努力誘惑愛麗絲進入兔子洞。 (5)三月兔 他在自己的兔窩主辦「瘋帽子」的茶話會。 他偏執,焦慮,有點瘋狂,不斷地絞著自己的耳朵和爪子,並拋出茶壺和其他的餐具。 他偏愛烹飪,是少數幾個逃離了「紅皇後」魔爪的居民之一。 (6)紅皇後 「地下世界」的暴君,是《愛麗絲漫遊奇境記》中的「紅心女王」與《愛麗絲鏡中奇遇記》中的「紅皇後"的結合。 她的腦袋大得與身體不成比例,她性格跋扈,成天叫嚷著要砍掉人們的腦袋,地下世界處於她的殘暴統治之下。她廢黜並且流放了本應該成為女皇的妹妹「白皇後」。 (7)白皇後 「紅皇後」的妹妹。在她的開朗活潑的性格之下又有著一點陰暗。 與紅皇後有不少相同的基因,其實喜歡黑暗的一面,但又害怕走的太深,因此總是表現的輕松愉快。 但是由於害怕,她在自己生活的世界裡無法控制自己。盡管並不完全出於無私,但當愛麗絲返回地下世界時,「白皇後」將她置於自己的翅膀下保護著她。

㈤ 愛麗絲漫遊奇境記英文版

Alice Wonderland Adventures" tells the little girl Alice to catch a Chuaizhuo pocket watch speak the white rabbit, fell into a rabbit hole, which fell into the magical underground world. 《愛麗絲夢遊仙境歷險記》講的是小女孩愛麗絲為了抓一隻揣著懷表會說話的白兔,掉進了兔子洞,從而掉進了神奇的地下世界。
In this world, it seems that all the food is eccentric.She also met a lot of people and animals: dodo, lizards Bill, Cheshire cat, mad hatter, March hare, dormouse, penguin, gryphon, ugly chess.在這個世界上,似乎所有的食物都是古怪的。她遇到了很多人和動物:渡渡鳥、蜥蜴比爾、柴郡貓、瘋帽子、三月兔、睡鼠、企鵝、鷹頭獅、丑公爵夫人。
She met a small door in a small garden after a pair of poker, the card in the rough red queen queen, the old man and the god of the god of the heart of the mother and so on. 她還在一個小花園的門後遇到了一副撲克牌,紙牌上的粗紅皇後,皇後,老人和神的心的母親等等。

㈥ 愛麗絲漫遊仙境的英文簡介

Alice in Wonderland is a 3D movie proced by Disney.

(《愛麗絲夢遊仙境》(Alice in Wonderland)是迪士尼的一部3D立體電影。)

The book is inspired by Lewis Carroll's Alice in wonderland and through the looking glass.


Directed by Tim burton, it stars mia wasikowska, Johnny Depp, Helena bonham carter and Anne hathaway.


The film was released in mainland China on March 26, 2010.


The film tells the story thirteen years after Alice's last adventure in wonderland.


Now 19 years old, Alice went to an estate to attend a party, Alice chose to escape.


She followed a white rabbit into a hole, again came to "wonderland."





㈦ 愛麗絲夢遊仙境英文版2005年電影,百度網盤,百度雲



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㈧ 求《愛麗絲夢遊仙境(2010)》百度雲無刪減完整版在線觀看,蒂姆·波頓導演的


編劇:琳達·伍爾芙頓 / 路易斯·卡羅爾
主演:米婭·華希科沃斯卡 / 約翰尼·德普 / 海倫娜·伯翰·卡特 / 安妮·海瑟薇 / 克里斯平·格洛弗 / 馬特·盧卡斯 / 斯蒂芬·弗雷 / 麥克·辛 / 艾倫·瑞克曼 / 克里斯托弗·李
類型:奇幻 / 冒險
上映日期:2010-03-26(中國大陸) / 2010-03-05(美國)
片長:108 分鍾
又名:魔境夢游(台) / 愛麗絲漫遊仙境 / 愛麗絲漫遊奇境記

該片講述了愛麗斯(米婭·華希科沃斯卡 Mia Wasikowska 飾)始終被同一個夢魘所困擾,直到她20歲時參加的一場聚會。本認為是一場無聊至極的聚會而已,沒想到卻是精心策劃的求婚儀式。面對養尊處優的公子哥哈米什突如其來的求婚,毫無准備的愛麗斯著實被嚇了一跳。愛麗斯被一隻身馬甲 的兔子所吸引,在追趕過程中愛麗斯掉入了一個深不見底的樹洞里,來到了一個如同仙境般不可思議的「地下世界」。此時,生活在地下世界的善良人們似乎都在盼望著她的到來,可是她卻認為這是一場夢,只想快點醒過來回到現實世界。然而,在認識瘋瘋癲癲的瘋帽子(約翰尼·德普 Johnny Depp 飾)之後,愛麗斯才知道地下世界正處於「紅桃皇後」(海倫娜·伯翰·卡特 Helena Bonham Carter 飾)的血腥統治之下,按照「皇歷」的預言,只有她才能幫助「白色皇後」。

㈨ 電影《愛麗絲夢遊仙境》(2010年版)簡介英文翻譯



The film tells the story of 20-year-old Alice and her mother attending a party, only to find that she will be proposed in front of many arrogant people.

影片講述了已經20 歲的愛麗絲和母親參加一個宴會,卻發現自己將在眾多傲慢自大的人面前被求婚。

So she followed a white rabbit into a cave and went into fairyland. Alice came here 13 years ago, but now she doesn't remember at all.


Here, Alice and those lovely old friends meet again: bluff dormouse, beautiful white queen and her detestable sister, Queen of hearts, twin brothers, caterpillar, white rabbit, crazy hat and so on. In a wonderland adventure.


Alice realized that her great mission was to lead the residents of the underground world to end the evil rule of the queen of hearts and restore the former fairyland.


㈩ 愛麗絲夢遊仙境 英文簡介

Alice in wonderland is a 1951 American Disney animated film.


Directed by Clyde jeronemi, Hamilton s. lusk and Wilfred Jackson, the film features the voices of kathryn bomont and Ed winn.


It premiered in the United States on July 26, 1951.


The film is based on the novel of the same name by Louis kahlo.


It depicts a blonde girl named "Alice" who has no interest in class.


See a pocket watch with Mr. Rabbit and accidentally into the fantasy dreamland, get acquainted with a group of good friends and a series of stories.














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