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① 芭比公主之十二芭蕾公主英文介紹 希望稍詳細點

"There's a difference only you can make."
-- Barbie
Barbie in The 12 Dancing Princesses is the ninth computer-animated film in the Barbie film series. It is a direct-to-DVD film released in 2006. The story follows Princess Genevieve, played by Barbie, and her eleven sisters as they go to a magical world where their wishes come true. The story is based on the Brothers Grimm's fairy tale, The Twelve Dancing Princesses.
Official Summary
In Barbie in The 12 Dancing Princesses, Barbie will dance her way into your hearts in this fun and enchanting all-new adventure. Join Barbie as the beautiful Princess Genevieve and her eleven dancing princess sisters as they discover a secret entrance to an amazing, magical world where wishes come true! But when their father is in danger of losing his kingdom, Princess Genevieve and her sisters must work together in order to save the day and their father. They learn that the power of family can overcome all obstacles!
Barbie stars as Genevieve, a princess with eleven sisters: Ashlyn, Blair, Courtney, Delia, Edeline, Fallon, Hadley, Isla, Janessa, Kathleen and Lacey. Each princess is beautiful and different, but the twelve sisters have one thing in common: they all love to dance. They live in a castle with their widowed father, King Randolph. Randolph loves his daughters deeply, but at times can't understand them and feels that they should act more like "proper" princesses. The girls' adventurous and free-spirited natures are viewed as "unladylike" and "unproper" by other members of the royal society and often leads them to make rude comments about the princesses. This both disheartens and hurts Randolph. Believing his daughters need a woman's touch, the king summons his cousin, Duchess Rowena, to the castle to help raise them. However, Rowena has her own plans, which includes getting rid of Randolph and his daughters so she can take over the kingdom.
Sensing trouble, Genevieve and her sisters try to reason with Randolph, but e to Rowena's interference, the king doesn't believe them and says they must listen to his cousin. Attempting to break the girls' spirits, Rowena makes the princesses' lives miserable by stripping the castle of everything they love and having them practice "proper" behavior, like fanning. She even banishes dancing and singing from the castle. Sad with the changes, the princesses find comfort in their mother's favorite story, which tells of a magical kingdom where gold flowers grant wishes and a princess could dance at an enchanted pavilion for three nights. They later discover that the story is true. Lacey, the youngest, sees that her lily matches the lily on the floor. Genevieve tells everyone to find a match on their book to a stone. Genevieve tries dancing from stone to stone; it doesn't work. She then tries dancing from oldest to youngest (which is actually stone-to-stone, only in an alternating up-down pattern); Lacey's stone doesn't work so she twirls three times, like the character in the story. They enter the magical kingdom and end up dancing the night away.

Lacey, the youngest, falls and scrapes her knee. Genevieve dabs water from a nearby fountain on the cut and it instantly heals, revealing that the water there is magic. The next day, the girls are tired and the chess finds their new dancing shoes worn through. Suspicious, Rowena believes that they were out dancing with princes. Meanwhile, the royal cobbler and Genevieve's love interest, Derek, comes to fix their shoes and sees that they are covered in gold st. Genevieve dances on the mosaic in the pavilion outside, (the same dance that opens the magical door hidden in their bedroom floor), that is identical to the one in their bedroom. While together, Genevieve asks Derek to find out what Rowena's true intentions are. The chess continues to deprive them of any enjoyment and prevents them from visiting or singing to their father, who has suddenly fallen ill. The doctor gives Rowena a tonic for Randolph, which she quickly disposes of, revealing that she is poisoning him.
That night, Rowena has her footman, Desmond, stand guard outside the princesses' room to find out where they go. The sisters sneak back to the magic realm and dance well into the night again. Meanwhile, Derek discovers that Rowena is stealing heirlooms from the castle and dealing with an apothecary (presumably for the poison). He hurries back to warn Genevieve and her sisters. The next morning, the sisters are still exhausted and Rowena demands to know why. When she gangs up on Lacey, the girls tell her the truth, but she doesn't believe them and forces them into servitude. That night, she demands the truth again, but they tell her the same story. This makes Rowena even angrier and she locks them in their room, blaming them for Randolph's failing health. Hurt by her cruel words and e to a misinterpreted conversation between the king and Rowena, the girls can't help but feel that she's right and that their father would be better off without them.

Heartbroken and not knowing what to do, the princesses return to the magical kingdom. A furious Rowena finds the sisters gone the next morning. That evening, Derek finally makes it back to the castle, but discovers that the princesses are missing. Determined to find Genevieve, he sneaks into their bedroom. Remembering Genevieve's dance pattern, Derek enters the magic realm and reports his findings to the girls. Unfortunately, Rowena learns how to enter the magic realm, e to her monkey, Brutus. Stealing some flowers that can give you whatever you want, she quickly returns to the castle and has Desmond destroy the mosaic that forms the gateway, trapping the sisters and Derek in the magical kingdom.

Thinking she has disposed of the princesses, Rowena then tricks the weak Randolph into making her acting queen until he recovers. Trapped in the magic realm, the girls and Derek try to find a way out. Genevieve eventually learns that it is only by dancing with Derek that she can open another entrance back to their world. As they dance, the couple and the rest of the princesses float up into the sky and return home. However, this new gateway leads to their mother's dance pavilion (that is identical to the pavilion in the magic realm), instead of their bedroom. Once back, the sisters and Derek discover that Rowena is now queen, new guards (hired by Rowena) have been ordered to capture any stray princesses, and the princesses overhear that their father is dying.
Using their diverse talents, the princesses disable the guards and enter the castle to confront Rowena. Ignoring Genevieve's orders, Lacey enters the castle to help, but is seized by Desmond. Derek and Genevieve defeat the enchanted suits of armor that defend Rowena (using her magical flowers that she stole from the magic realm), but the chess has the upper hand when Desmond drags in Lacey. Noting that Genevieve is the source of her sisters' resistance against her, Rowena uses the flowers to wish for Genevieve to dance forever and ever and ever. But as the flower st comes towards her, Genevieve proces her fan and blows it back at Rowena, who starts dancing instead. Desmond soon joins her while trying to help and the two villains dance their way out of the castle and the film.

It is revealed that Lacey has saved some water from the magical kingdom. She uses it, and thereby heals the dying king. Randolph explains that Rowena was poisoning him and apologizes to his daughters for not believing them. He now truly understands them, and realizes they will do great things and be wonderful princesses by just being themselves. The film ends with everything made right as Genevieve and Derek celebrate their wedding.

② 芭比所有電影的英文簡介

《芭比與胡桃夾子的夢幻之旅》:In the film, Bobbi plays the heroine Jana, on Christmas Eve from Aunt Elizabeth's gift - the nutcracker. In the evening to sleep, the evil king rat to garner the evil spell, put the Jana becomes and the Nutcracker. In order to solve the nutcracker and Jana spell, together they embark on a search for the candied princess fantasy magic.
《芭比之長發公主》:Tells the story of Rapunzel Libao Shakespeare change destiny in the two friends Peng Nilu and rabbit than under the support of the story. In the film, her pursuit of freedom and love and dreams, but the devil has locked in the enchanted tower, but with courage, wisdom and imagination, with mom and dad and the love of the prince, after several twists and turns finally change danger into safety, for which I have been longing for freedom.
《芭比之天鵝湖》:Clever and beautiful a civilian girl Odette (Barbie) accidentally came to a beautiful but cursed forest, found the good queen and the elves. The Queen's cousin to queen for forest the elves into the small animal, they only after sunset and sunrise by the Queen's magic to restore. Who can save the forest? Nature is Odette. Unfortunately, before Odette to face the task in energy, was the Queen's cousin magic into a beautiful swan. Save the road becomes difficult.
《芭比之真假公主》:Alice Princess and the poor country girl to the Ritz Carlton although the identity of the gap, the appearance was as like as two peas. Alice was the evil prince princess first kidnapping, the Ritz Carlton happened to pass by, stand for. Handsome monarch Du Mingli mistakenly to the Ritz Carlton as Alice, the Ritz Carlton love at first sight.

③ barbie芭比 的英文簡介

Barbie, the world's most well-known and best-selling doll, debuted at the American International Toy Fair on March 9, 1959. The doll is proced and owned by Mattel, Inc.

The highest-selling Barbie doll in Mattel's history, Totally Hair Barbie (known as "Ultra Hair Barbie" outside the US), was released in 1992. The majority of Barbie dolls and related accessories are manufactured to approximately 1/6th scale.

In the 1950s Ruth Handler, "creator" of the Barbie doll, noticed that her daughter, Barbara, preferred to play with dolls that resembled alts rather than infants. At that time, most three-dimensional dolls were made to look like babies or small children; however, Barbara preferred playing with paper dolls that looked like alts. Realizing that there was a hole in the marketplace, Handler suggested the idea of a three-dimensional alt-bodied doll to her husband, Elliot Handler, a co-founder of the Mattel toy company, but the idea was scoffed at. Mattel's directors told her that it would be impossible to create such a doll.

However, ring a trip to Germany with her daughter, Handler discovered a German doll called the Bild Lilli doll in a shop window. The alt-figured Lilli doll was exactly what Handler had in mind, so she purchased three of them. She gave one to her daughter and took the others back to Mattel.

The Lilli doll was based on a popular character appearing in a comic strip drawn by Reinhard Beuthin for the newspaper Die Bild-Zeitung. Lilli was a fashionable "society girl" who knew what she wanted and was not above using men to get it. The Lilli doll was first sold in Germany in 1955. Although the doll was initially marketed to alt men in bars and tobacco shops, it eventually became popular with children, who enjoyed dressing her up in outfits that were available separately. The doll was so popular, she was even exported to other countries, including the United States.

Back home Handler reworked the design of the doll (with help from engineer Jack Ryan), the concept was revamped, and the doll was given a new name: Barbie, after Handler's daughter, Barbara. The doll made its debut at the New York International American Toy Fair on March 9, 1959. (This date is also used as Barbie's official "birthday".) Mattel acquired the rights of the Bild Lilli doll in 1964 so the proction of "Lilli" was stopped.

The first Barbie doll wore a black-and-white "zebra-striped" swimsuit and signature topknot ponytail with tightly-curled bangs. The dolls were available either as blonds or brunettes. In succeeding years, Barbie dolls were made available with other hair styles and colors. The doll was marketed as a "Teen-age Fashion Model", so many fashions were available for her as well. Barbie's wardrobe was designed by esteemed Mattel fashion designer Charlotte Johnson, whose inspiration came from the fashion runways of Paris.

Ruth Handler stated that she felt it was "important to a little girl's self-esteem to play with a doll that [had] breasts", believing it would allow them role-play and imagine their future lives as alt women. However, Barbie's exaggerated proportions have always been a point of contention for her detractors. Mattel asserts that Barbie's exaggerated proportions are necessary to allow clothes to fit properly on such a small scale, but many have suggested that Barbie's unrealistic proportions may contribute to self-esteem and body image problems in young girls. Mattel has adjusted Barbie's proportions in recent years as an answer to current fashion trends, but the present Barbie doll body is still uncharacteristic of most women.

The Barbie doll is a $1.9 billion dollar a year instry. Mattel has claimed that approximately three Barbie dolls are sold every second.

④ 芭比之長發公主英文劇情


在陰暗的城堡里,住著一位頭發很長的姑娘,叫麗寶莎,她每天都得為女巫戈蒂爾做家務,稍有做不好,就會遭到戈蒂爾的責罵與懲罰。 麗寶莎有兩個好朋友,小龍彭尼露和兔子可比,他們每天陪伴並幫助麗寶莎。麗寶莎酷愛畫畫,可是戈蒂爾卻不讓,無奈,麗寶莎只有偷偷地畫。 一次偶然,麗寶莎發現了城堡的地下室,里邊還有一個可以通到城堡外的通道,麗寶莎第一次走出了城堡。在城堡外的一片草地上,麗寶莎救了三個可愛的女孩,她們是斯達芬王子的三個妹妹:貝洛、露雲娜和嘉翠娜。麗寶莎與斯達芬一見鍾情,王子問麗寶莎的名字,麗寶莎並沒有說. 麗寶莎的行動被寵物貂奧圖告訴了戈蒂爾,戈蒂爾便將麗寶莎關在了高塔上,逼問王子的名字,可是,麗寶莎真的不知道。 一天,麗寶莎在彭尼露和可比的幫助下,發現了一隻神奇的筆,麗寶莎用它畫出了外面的世界,而且通過畫可以走到外面。麗寶莎終於又見到了王子,王子邀她參加自己的生日舞會。 可是,這又被戈蒂爾知道了,她割下了麗寶莎的長發,毀了麗寶莎的畫筆,並把高塔施了咒語,冒充麗寶莎去參加舞會,想害死斯達芬王子。在關鍵時刻,麗寶莎出現了,揭穿了戈蒂爾的陰謀,並見到了自己的父親---鄰國的威爾汗國王。 原來,戈蒂爾曾經單戀威爾汗國王,後因愛生恨,抓走了威爾汗國王的女兒麗寶莎。 麗寶莎設法將戈蒂爾引入高塔,戈蒂爾中了自己「永遠不要釋放這個說謊的囚犯」的詛咒,被永遠困在高塔上了。 後來,麗寶莎與斯達芬結婚了,過著快樂的日子,兩個國家也重歸於好。還有,兔子可比和噴火龍彭尼露也住進了他們的宮殿

⑤ 我最喜歡的一部電影作文



























































⑥ 芭比娃娃英文介紹


Barbie is a best-selling fashion doll launched in 1959. The doll is proced by Mattel, Inc., and is a major source of revenue for the company. The American businesswoman Ruth Handler (1916-2002) is regarded as the creator of Barbie, and the doll's design was inspired by a German doll called Bild Lilli.

Barbie has been an important part of the toy fashion doll market for nearly fifty years, and has been the subject of numerous controversies and lawsuits, often involving parody of the doll and her lifestyle. In recent years, Barbie has faced increasing competition from the Bratz range of dolls.

Barbie's full name is Barbara Millicent Roberts. In a series of novels published by Random House in the 1960s, her parents' names are given as George and Margaret Roberts from the fictional town of Willows, Wisconsin. Barbie has been said to attend Willows High School and Manhattan International High School in New York City, based on the real-life Stuyvesant High School. She has an on-off romantic relationship with her beau Ken (Ken Carson), who first appeared in 1961. Like Barbie, Ken shares his name with one of Ruth Handler's children. A news release from Mattel in February 2004 announced that Barbie and Ken had decided to split up, but in February 2006 they were back together again.

⑦ 求芭比動畫電影每一部最後結尾的一句話

芭比之長發公主:love and imagition can change the world.——Barbie
芭比之天鵝湖:You are braver than you think.——Barbie
芭比之真假公主:Live in your dream.——Barbie
芭比與魔幻飛馬之旅:There is always hope.——Barbie
芭比之12芭蕾舞公主:There is a difference that only you can make.——Barbie
芭比之森林公主:There may be miracles awaiting ,
They may be closer than we know ,
When we have love to guide us as we go .——Barbie
芭比之夢幻仙境:What makes you different,makes you special.——Barbie
芭比夢幻仙境之人魚公主:Trust your true self.——Barbie
芭比夢幻仙境之魔法彩虹:Together we are strong.——Barbie
芭比之蝴蝶仙子:The most beautiful thing you can be is yourself.——Barbie
芭比之鑽石城堡:Friendship is the true treasure.——Barbie
芭比之聖誕頌歌(又名 芭比之聖誕歡歌 ):Keep the beauty of Christmas in your heart everyday of the year.——Barbie
芭比之拇指姑娘(尚未推出):Even the smallest person can make a big difference.——Barbie

⑧ 有關芭比娃娃的英漢雙語短文

Barbie is a best-selling fashion doll launched in 1959. The doll is proced by Mattel, Inc., and is a major source of revenue for the company. The American businesswoman Ruth Handler (1916-2002) is regarded as the creator of Barbie, and the doll's design was inspired by a German doll called Bild Lilli.

Barbie has been an important part of the toy fashion doll market for nearly fifty years, and has been the subject of numerous controversies and lawsuits, often involving parody of the doll and her lifestyle. In recent years, Barbie has faced increasing competition from the Bratz range of dolls.

Ruth Handler watched her daughter Barbara at play with paper dolls, and noticed that she often enjoyed giving them alt roles. At the time, most children's toy dolls were representations of infants. Realizing that there could be a gap in the market, Handler suggested the idea of an alt-bodied doll to her husband Elliot, a co-founder of the Mattel toy company. He was unenthusiastic about the idea, as were Mattel's directors.

During a trip to Europe in 1956 with her children Barbara and Kenneth, Ruth Handler came across German toy doll called Bild Lilli.[1] The alt-figured Lilli doll was exactly what Handler had in mind, so she purchased three of them. She gave one to her daughter and took the others back to Mattel. The Lilli doll was based on a popular character appearing in a comic strip drawn by Reinhard Beuthin for the newspaper Die Bild-Zeitung. Lilli was a working girl who knew what she wanted and was not above using men to get it. The Lilli doll was first sold in Germany in 1955, and although it was initially sold to alts, it became popular with children who enjoyed dressing her up in outfits that were available separately.

Upon her return to the United States, Handler reworked the design of the doll (with help from engineer Jack Ryan) and the doll was given a new name, Barbie, after Handler's daughter Barbara. The doll made its debut at the American International Toy Fair in New York on March 9, 1959. This date is also used as Barbie's official birthday. Mattel acquired the rights to the Bild Lilli doll in 1964 and proction of Lilli was stopped. The first Barbie doll wore a black and white zebra striped swimsuit and signature topknot ponytail, and was available as either a blonde or brunette. The doll was marketed as a "Teen-age Fashion Model," with her clothes created by Mattel fashion designer Charlotte Johnson. The first Barbie dolls were manufactured in Japan, with their clothes hand-stitched by Japanese homeworkers. Around 350,000 Barbie dolls were sold ring the first year of proction.

Ruth Handler believed that it was important for Barbie to have an alt appearance, and early market research showed that some parents were unhappy about the doll's chest, which had distinct breasts. Barbie's appearance has been changed many times, most notably in 1971 when the doll's eyes were adjusted to look forwards rather than having the demure sideways glance of the original model.

Barbie was one of the first toys to have a marketing strategy based extensively on television advertising, which has been copied widely by other toys. It is estimated that over a billion Barbie dolls have been sold worldwide in over 150 countries, with Mattel claiming that three Barbie dolls are sold every second.[2]

The standard range of Barbie dolls and related accessories are manufactured to approximately 1/6th scale, which is also known as playscale.[3] Barbie procts include not only the range of dolls with their clothes and accessories, but also a huge range of Barbie branded goods such as books, fashion items and video games. Barbie has appeared in a series of animated films and makes a brief guest appearance in the 1999 film Toy Story 2.

Almost uniquely for a toy fashion doll, Barbie has become a cultural icon and has been given honors that are rare in the toy world. In 1974 a section of Times Square in New York City was renamed Barbie Boulevard for a week, while in 1985 the artist Andy Warhol created a painting of Barbie.[4][5]

Barbie's full name is Barbara Millicent Roberts. In a series of novels published by Random House in the 1960s, her parents' names are given as George and Margaret Roberts from the fictional town of Willows, Wisconsin. Barbie has been said to attend Willows High School and Manhattan International High School in New York City, based on the real-life Stuyvesant High School. She has an on-off romantic relationship with her beau Ken (Ken Carson), who first appeared in 1961. Like Barbie, Ken shares his name with one of Ruth Handler's children. A news release from Mattel in February 2004 announced that Barbie and Ken had decided to split up, but in February 2006 they were back together again.[6][7]

Barbie has had over forty pets including cats and dogs, horses, a panda, a lion cub, and a zebra. She has owned a wide range of vehicles, including pink Corvette convertibles, trailers and jeeps. She also holds a pilot's license, and operates commercial airliners in addition to serving as a flight attendant. Barbie's careers are designed to show that women can take on a variety of roles in life, and the doll has been sold with a wide range of titles including Miss Astronaut Barbie (1965), Doctor Barbie (1988) and Nascar Barbie (1998).[8]

Mattel has created a range of companions for Barbie, including Hispanic Teresa, Midge, African American Christie and Steven (Christie's boyfriend). Barbie's siblings and cousins were also created including Skipper, Tutti (Todd's twin sister), Todd (Tutti's and Stacie's twin brother), Stacie (Todd's twin sister), Kelly, Krissy, Francie, and Jazzie. For more details, see the List of Barbie's friends and family.

芭比娃娃是截至20世紀最廣為人知及最暢銷的玩偶,由Ruth Handler發明,於1959年3月9日舉辦的美國國際玩具展覽會(American International Toy Fair)上首次曝光。芭比玩偶由美泰兒 公司擁有及生產。芭比娃娃及其它相關配件是以一比六的比例製作,此比例為娃娃屋模型的最大號,也稱為playscale。


在1956年,羅絲與芭芭拉及Kenneth往瑞士時,她在琉森一個店鋪櫥窗中發現一種名為Bild Lilli doll的德國玩偶。該種成人形象的玩偶與Ruth Handler意念中的玩偶不謀而合,於是她購買了三個Bild Lilli doll,她將其中一個給送給芭芭拉,另外兩個則送往美泰兒。Lilli doll是以一個受歡迎的漫畫角色為藍本而設計,她出現在Reinhard Beuthin在報紙連載的漫畫專欄中,是一名獨立自主的職業女性。Lilli doll由1955年首次在德國發售,原本目標顧客是成年人,但後來亦受兒童歡迎,因他們能用另外發售的服裝為玩偶裝扮。

回程往美國後,羅絲在工程師Jack Ryan的協助下,再次著手設計玩偶,並以女兒芭芭拉的名字為玩偶起名為芭比。芭比娃娃於1959年3月9日在紐約的美國國際玩具展覽會上首次曝光,此日期成為芭比娃娃的官方生日日期。美泰兒在1964年取得Bild Lilli doll的版權後,Bild Lilli doll正式停產。首個芭比娃娃綁著馬尾辮,身穿黑白斑馬紋泳裝,並有金發及深褐色頭發兩種。初期芭比以「青年時裝模特兒」為綽頭,她的衣服由美泰兒的時裝設計師Charlotte Johnson設計。芭比娃娃推出後首年售出了約三十五萬個。



芭比娃娃及其相關的產品的標准比例是約一比六,此比例亦稱為playscale。芭比的產品共不限於玩偶和玩偶的衣飾,亦包括芭比品牌下商品,如書本、時裝及電子游戲等。芭比曾出現一系列的動畫中,並於1999年的動畫《玩具總動員 2》中客串。


[編輯] 設定
芭比的全名是 Barbara Millicent Roberts,過去這些年來她被賦予相當多的同伴,最被熟知的就是她的帥男友Ken (Ken Carson),他第一次登場是在西元1961年,如同芭比一樣,肯也是使用了羅絲·韓德勒兒子的名字。芭比與肯之間分分合合的關系相當的知名,他們在2004年也宣布暫時分開的消息。在芭比社交圈中其他不同種族且長期來往的朋友還包含了Hispanic 泰瑞莎(Teresa), 非裔美籍人 克莉斯堤(Christie) 與史提芬(Steven) (Christie的男友), 以及Kayla。芭比完整的朋友清單,可見List of Barbie's friends and family.



⑨ 芭比之三劍客英文簡介

《芭比公主三劍客》(Barbie and the three musketeers)
「人人為我,我為人人」的精神——出自芭比和她的朋友們聯袂出的《芭比公主三劍客》2009年秋天芭比將全新呈獻演。加入芭比飾演的科麗娜,一個年輕的鄉村女孩,要去巴黎進行她偉大的夢想——成為一位劍客! 她離開她的家鄉前往巴黎,去追尋她的夢想時,她遇見到另外三個也擁有同樣的夢想的女孩,她們也像科麗娜一樣,希望成為一名劍客。為了實現自己的願望,科麗娜她們每天都在努力訓練著技能。 但是,她們發現一個邪惡的、計劃殺害路易王子的陰謀時,為了拯救路易王子和他的王國,科麗娜她們受到了不少艱難險阻的考驗! 靠著她們每個人特殊的才能,她們來到一場化裝舞會暗中保護王子,經過一場搏鬥,科麗娜她們最終成功阻止了這個邪惡的陰謀並拯救了路易王子,她們最終也實現了自己的夢想,終於成為了一名劍客

⑩ 芭比系列電影的英文簡介!!!

Barbie in A Christmas Carol
Barbie�6�4 in A Christmas Carol is a heart-warming adaptation of the classic Dickens story filled with cherished Christmas carols, fabulous fashions and lots of laughs! The tale stars Barbie�6�4 as Eden Starling�6�4 the glamorous singing diva of a theatre in Victorian London. Along with her snooty cat, Chuzzlewit, Eden selfishly plans to make all the theatre performers stay and rehearse on Christmas Day! Not even Eden』s costume designer and childhood friend Catherine can talk Eden out of her self-centered tantrum. It』s up to three very unusual Christmas Spirits to take Eden on a fantastical holiday journey that will open her heart to the spirit of the season and the joy of giving. Barbie�6�4 in A Christmas Carol is a family favorite to enjoy every holiday season!

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