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發布時間: 2022-12-18 05:34:34

1. 中文轉為英文 1.很奇怪,湯姆今天上學遲到了 2他喜歡聽音樂勝過於看電視 3我們還沒有決定什麼時候離開 4你

1.很奇怪,湯姆今天上學遲到了 It is very strange/surprising that Tom was late for school today.
2他喜歡聽音樂勝過於看電視 He prefers listening to music to watching TV.
3我們還沒有決定什麼時候離開 We haven't decided when to leave./ We haven't decide when we shall/will leave.

2. 翻譯老師湯姆您為什麼每天上學遲到

One day,Tom went to school,He runed into his teacher when he arrived the school.

3. 要自己翻譯的。。。漢譯英:如果你和我們去看電影,你會很開心; 如果湯姆上學遲到了,他的老師會很生氣

1. You would have been very happy if you had gone to the movie with us. (虛擬句,學過了嗎?)
要是沒學過那麼: If you go to the movie with us, you will be very happy.

2. Could you answer the phone if it rings?

3. If they go to the party wearing jeans, the teacher will not allow them to get in.

4. If it rains tomorrow, we will not go to the zoo.

4. 湯姆上課總是遲到,用英語怎麼說

正確翻譯:「Tom is always late for class」

5. 兩個英語短語選擇題求講解~

1.(blanket)to Beijing in 2008
a.Welcome you b.A warm welcome
c.Welcoming d.Warmly welcoming
正確答案是b 可是為什麼不選a啊?~
析:一、welcome to Sp. 歡迎你來到某地,是一常用語,是「You are welcome to Sp.」的省略說法。如Welcome to Beijing!歡迎您來北京。一般是客人到了主人的地方時,主人說的話,是現燒現賣。是不是可以預售呢?Welcome to Beijing in 2008. 歡迎您在2008年時來北京。(當然這是過時的話了,可能是2008年前教北京市民尤其是計程車司機的奧運英語吧)。個人感覺,應該是可以的。
PS,關於welcome在上面句式中的詞性和省略的說法,是我自己猜的。《Longman》上將它列入了interj.條:[(to)] (an expresion of pleasure when someone arrives in a place new to him, said by any person who belongs there): Welcome to our home. |Welcome home/back (when returning from another place). | Welcome to England
二、welcome sb. to sp. 歡迎某人來到某地。這里的welcome是及物動詞。如:We welcome you to Beijing. 我們歡迎你來北京。但這樣的說法不太好,帶有帶明顯的漢式思維。查《Longman》中welcome的動詞條,沒有這樣的用法:The Queen welcomed the President as soon as he got off the plane. They welcomed him with flowers. They opened the door and welcomed him in.
三、a warm welcome to sb. 我猜測是Let's give a warm welcome to sb. 的省略 或就是一個標語,一個標題,是一個名詞片語,表示「對。。。的一個熱烈的歡迎」。一般都是對「人」才會表示「welcome」,當然,有時也可以是「新年」之類的,但作為一個「地方」,一個不能移動的地方,好象不妥。所以A warm welcome to Beijing in 2008. 對2008年的北京的一個熱烈的歡迎。感覺不是很好。《Longman》上welcome作為名詞的例句:The Queen gave a welcome to the foreign minister. They gave us a warm welcome.
結論:綜上所述,此題設計有誤!CD不用考慮。A因you而定welcome為及物動詞,而定其為祈使句,不合邏輯! B因不定冠詞詞而斷定welcome為名詞,而定其為一名詞片語:對。。。的一個熱烈的歡迎。用法也不對。

2.The students here are not often late (blanket) their homewok.
a.for b.about
c.on d.with
正確答案是d,同樣不懂為什麼不是a 。。。
不是有be late for 嗎....
答:此題也不常見。常見的句型確實是:be late (for) 如:
Tom is late. 湯姆遲到了。
Tom is often later for class/ school. 湯姆經常上課/學遲到。
要是我來翻譯這句話,我可能會這么說:The students here often hand in their homework late.
查一下詞典,看一看有沒有sb. be late with(on/about) sth.用法以及意思:
查《Longman》late adj.條,竟然連be late for ...都沒有找到!只好靠對介詞on, about,及with的理解去猜測了。 with有「和。。。一起」,「帶著。。。」,所以:
The students here are not often late with their homewok. 字面意思就是:這里的學生經常和作業一起遲到。人都遲了,隨身帶的作業當然也遲了!但是,作業遲交的同學,不一定遲到啊,會不會是「在作業方面」呢?about和on有「關於,在。。。上面」的解釋啊?不好意思,孤陋寡聞,不敢確定。既然能肯定不是A,參考答案又說是D,那就D吧。

歡迎(welcome to)

英文表達「歡迎」之意的句子並不是很簡單,這里有一個重要的句型: 「Welcome to(某個地方)」。這個句型可以作為日常家中來客人時的歡迎語,也可以用在飯店賓館服務員招待顧客時。還可以用在招牌或標語上,歡迎人們來到某地。

例如,當乘客乘機抵達洛衫磯時,第一眼看見的就是「Welcome to Los Angeles.」然而 「歡迎你再來北京站」就不能譯成「Welcome you to Beijing Station」. 應譯為「Welcome to Beijing Station」 或「Please come again.」 再看「歡迎」的另一種表達方式:

Translating sentences and thoughts containing the Chinese word 「歡迎」into English is difficult. Here is an important sentence pattern:

「Welcome to (some place)」.

This pattern can be used when someone arrives at your home. You can say,

「Welcome ! Welcome to my home. Please come in and make yourself at home.」

It can also be used by hosts and waiters and waitresses in restaurants and clerks in hotels:

「Welcome to McDonald』 s! May I take your order?」

「Welcome to the Hilton Hotel. How may I help you?」

It can also be used on signs welcoming people to a particular place. For example, when passengers get off airplanes in Los Angeles, the first sign they see is the airport says

「Welcome to Los Angeles.」

However, a sentence like 「歡迎你再來北京站」

Should not be translated 「Welcome you to Beijing station.」

It should be either 「Welcome to Beijing Station」 or 「please come again.」

Let』s consider another use of 「歡迎」.

Chinese : 歡迎你到我家來.

Incorrect English:

「Welcome you to my home.」

Correct English:

「You are welcome at my home any time.」

-or- 「please feel welcome to come to my home.」

6. 湯姆經常起晚,這就是他上班經常遲到的原因 的英文翻譯 Tom ofen( ) ( )late ( )()() he is often late

Tom often gets up late,and that's why he is often late for work.望採納,謝謝

7. 湯姆過去不經常去那看電影的英文的翻譯

Tom usedn't/didn't use to go there for a movie.

8. 湯姆不要遲到怎麼翻譯

Don't be late,Tom!(祈使句)

9. 為什麼湯姆上班總遲到


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