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『壹』 一條狗的使命中英台詞


1.I have a new mission, and people need me, again, and again, in every new life, I can find a new meaning, I try to understand the meaning of all see, this journey I have meaning? Where does it come from?


2.What we save will save us.


3.If I can bring happiness to you, I will fulfill my mission.


4.What is the meaning of life, there is a reason? So what's the point?


5.Also, why food is much better than junk food, this is me, this is me, in return, this little guy is me.


6.As a dog, there are many ways to choose life, but this is a bit early, we start from the beginning of the story.


7.For me, this little boy is the origin of everything, his name is Ethan, and my name is Bailey Bailey Bailey Bailey.

對我而言,這個小男孩是一切的起源,他的名字是Ethan,而我的名字是Bailey Bailey Bailey Bailey。

8.My dog's life is too much, you may not understand, let me start from scratch.


9.Everything from a little boy, his name is Ethan, and my name is Bailey, whenever Ethan unhappy, I always have a way to make him happy.


10.We had a whole afternoon that day, and Ethan was very happy.


11.Sometimes, he needs someone to push him. We play together every day, get along for a long time, I also found that with Ethan's time is not much.


12.Bailey: like this, I'm back, how can I not... I'm a woman?

Detective: good sister, sister.



13.Every cycle of life is a new departure.


14.I try to understand what I've been through, is there any purpose for my journey? Why is Bacon so delicious?


15.Sorry, it was my dog, not me.


16.You should teach him some rules.


17.Bailey: we play together every day, they are in charge of something to eat it? No, no mouth to eat, get along for a long time, I also found that I did not spend much time with Ethan.


18.Bailey, I will remember you forever.


『貳』 一隻狗的使命佳句英語

1. 一條狗的使命 最後一段英文

Here's what i thought. have fun, obviously. Whenever possible, find someone to save and save him. Lick the ones you love.don't get all sad-faced about what happened and scrunchy-faced about what could; just be here now. be here now, that's a dog's purpose.

首先要開心,只要有可能,就竭盡全力幫助別人,親吻你愛的人。對過去的事不要一副苦瓜臉,對未來也不要愁眉苦臉,只要 活在當下

2. 一條狗的使命 英語作文









3. 一條狗的使命 英語作文





4. 一條狗的使命觀後感英文作文100字










翻譯:"A dog's mission":The dog's life is very short, and the most likely life may be a dozen years. The protagonist of the movie is a dog who has been reborn many times, and found different missions in the cycle of life. At last, he returned to his original owner. Although there are many movies about dogs, the film uses the same dog's four life cycle to look at dog's hundred taste dogs from the dog's point of view. I don't know if the dog really has so many life cycles, but I believe it.Our world is rich and colorful, but the world is only us. The dog in the film has a previous memory. He is always thinking about what the meaning of living is and what the dog's mission is. When he saw Ethan unhappy, his mission was to make him happy; when it became a police dog, its mission was to catch bad people and save people; when he saw his master was lonely, his mission was to accompany him. The dog told us with its several times that, in fact, as long as it was happy, it would be better to live in the present. Cherish every day and cherish every person you meet. But the film also makes us see from another point of view. The dog's world has been around the master, and the mood changes with the host's joy and sorrow.After seeing the film, I have a new understanding of my dog and dog. The movie is no exaggeration, that is usually the dog life, eat, roll, bite, run, every day is looking forward to his return, I had watched a cartoon dog "pet big secrets", go to work every day after the owner, in the dog do the only thing. The owner came back, the master came back went to accompany the owner to play. Sometimes, the owner was not at home, the family dog is a party, of course, make friends with congenial persons, cartoon exaggerated, although do not know that I was not at home when my dog doing what, but this is my dog to come home every week, I was jumping around, really play the deerhound specialty. Every time I made a mistake, I said it, as if I could understand it, hiding behind my mother's feet, like a child. In fact, I didn't take it as a dog, because sometimes I feel it what all understand, after watching the movie, I think, maybe my family is Douding after several cycles, maybe before I have Lele, Huanhuan or Jiao Jiao, looking at his eyes, I think I said it understands everything it's the world, and only the eyes of me.。

『叄』 一條狗的使命英文名是什麼

A Dog's Purpose

『肆』 一條狗的使命 最後一段英文

Here』s what i thought. have fun, obviously. Whenever possible, find someone to save and save him. Lick the ones you love.don』t get all sad-faced about what happened and scrunchy-faced about what could; just be here now. be here now, that』s a dog』s purpose.
首先要開心,只要有可能,就竭盡全力幫助別人,親吻你愛的人。對過去的事不要一副苦瓜臉,對未來也不要愁眉苦臉,只要 活在當下

『伍』 電影《一條狗的使命》中英文經典台詞有哪些

every cycle of life is a new departure

『陸』 看電影學英語|《一條狗的使命》



1. 活著的意義是什麼?
2. 做這些有何目的嗎?(片中翻譯:活著有什麼使命嗎?)
3. 一開始,我也不知道怎麼回事。
4. (小狗)品種好,容易訓練。
5. 第二輪就被淘汰了。

1. What is the meaning of life?
2. Is there apointto any of this?
3. First, Ihad no ideawhat is going on.
4. Goodbreed. Easy to train.
5. It has aknockoutin the second round.

生命的意義:the meaning of life
淘汰:knock out / eliminate / weed out(v.),knockout / elimination (n.)

1. 這次該你請我了。
2. 我當場就決定我一定要養這個小男孩。
3. 明天就把它送走。
4. 他很快就會厭倦的。你了解你的兒子。
5. 它沖我們來了,跳下去逃命吧。

1. Now, you're buying this time.
2. I decidedright then and thereI am definitely keeping this boy.
3. We'll keep ittilltomorrow. (till,截止到...為止)
4. He's gonnabe bored withit. You know how he is.
5. It's coming right at us.Jump for your lives.

我請客:It's my treat, I' ve got the bill
此時此刻:right then and there
厭倦:be tired of, be bored with

1. 有時我覺得思考生命的意義完全是浪費時間。倒不如好好地享受生活。 
2. 這個球好像有點奇怪。
3. 不思考食物的時候,我就會胡思亂想。
4. 按這飯量,等你長大了,我們加在一起也沒你壯。
5. 俄國人要在古巴部署導彈。

1. Sometimes I thought that trying tomake sense out of life could be a waste of time. Maybe it was better to just really enjoy life.
2. There wassomething weird aboutthis ball.
3. When I wasn't thinking about food,my mind wandered.
4. The way you eat you're gonna grow up to be bigger than all of us put together.
5. These Russians are putting missiles in Cuba.

make sense:有意義,講得通,言之有理
make sense of:搞清...的意思

1. 他每年都是最佳銷售。
2. 我這工作沒人想做。
3. 我們距離核毀滅只有三秒鍾。
4. 我和貝利可以出去嗎?
5. 真高興今天能過來拜訪你們。因為我們一直想看看公司駐外人員的辦公室。

1. He's one of thetop sellersevery year.
2. I got the job nobody wants.
3. We'rethree seconds away from nuclear annihilation.
4. Can I and Baileybe excused?
5. I am glad we were finally able tomake it out here. Because I have been wanting to visit afield officefor a while.

annihilation:[ə,naɪə'leʃən] 滅絕,毀滅
駐海外人員:overseas officials

1. 東西放回原地,把這里給我收拾干凈。
2. 客人隨時會到。
3. 你提起這事我很高興。我也正想跟你談談這事兒。
4. 我在想,既然業績還不錯,或許我可以不用到處跑,可以坐辦公室了。
5. 我們真的需要你幹下去,你是整個部門的骨幹。

1. Everything goes back where it belongs. I want this placespick-and-span.
2. We got guests coming any minute.
3. I'm glad youbrought that up. I'veactually been meaningto talk to you about that.
4. I was thinking, with the numbers so high,maybe it's time I get off the roadand take an office position.
5. We really need you on the road. That's thebackboneof the whole operation really.

spick-and-span:極干凈的,極整潔的(span-new 嶄新的)
get off the road:由於Ethan的爸爸是旅遊銷售員,所以用get off the road更適用於他的工作
骨幹分子:cadreman / backbone element / key man / core member

1. 我不知道他為什麼不開心,但這讓我很著急。
2. 大飽眼福吧。
3. 升職加薪的機會全沒了。
4. 我做好菜放在烤箱里了。
5. 今天教練讓我當(橄欖球)四分衛。

1. I don't know why he was so upset, but it made me anxious.
2. For your eyes to feast on.
3. Any chances I had of a promotion, forget it.
4. I got acasserolein the oven.
5. Coach made me startingquarterbacktoday.

大飽眼福:glut one's eyes / feast for the eyes
升職加薪:promotion and salary increase / pay raise

1. 不知道跟那個女孩有沒有關系。
2. 或許你應該讓你的狗學點兒規矩。
3. 謝謝你倆送我回來。
4. 我只要求你別那麼大聲說話。
5. 我走了,這下你滿意了吧!

1. I don't know if that girlhad anything to do withthis.
2. Maybe you shouldteach your dog some manners.
3. Thank you bothfor the ride.
4. All I ask for you to lower your voice.
5. I'll just leave.Does that sound good to you?

1. 我受夠了你看我的眼神。
2. 你不能再這么自憐自哀了。
3. 我覺得我們應該分開了。
4. 都開心點兒。
5. 他的腎臟正在衰竭。

1. I'm so sick ofthe way you look at me.
2. You have to stopfeeling sorry for yourself.
3. I don't think we should be with each other anymore.
4. Don't look soglum.
5. His kidneysare shutting down.

受夠了:enough with / be sick of / be fed up with / be tired of
glum:悶悶不樂的,陰沉的(bee glum蜂膠)
衰竭:shut down(口語),failure /exhaustion(醫學用語)

1. 它的眼睛不太對勁,眼裡好像有膿。
2. 它還直喘,呼吸也費勁。
3. 他只會感到脖子上有一點刺痛,然後就再也不會疼了。
4. 我能聞出來以前這兒有別人住過,但是氣味很微弱。
5. 孤獨可能是你遇到的最糟糕的事了。

1. His eyes justdidn't look right. They were kind ofrheumy.
2. He was panting and hisbreathing was labored.
3. He'll just feel a littleprickin his neck, then the pain will go away.
4. I could smell someone elseused tolive here, but theirscent was faint.
5. Being alone might be the worst thing that could happen to you.

1. 我漸漸了解她了,事實上,我可以讀懂她的心思。
2. 只要有愛就好了。
3. 只要被愛就好了,對嗎?
4. 讓它多運動運動吧,多溜溜它。
5. 我的狗今天表現怪怪的。

1. I'm starting to get her, actually, I canread her mind.
2. Love is all that matters.
3. As long assomething loves you, right?
4. Maybe give him more exercise. Go on more walks.
5. My dog'sacting so weirdtoday.

1. 她魅力不減,還是像初見時那麼迷人。
2. 隨著時間的流逝,我相信ROXY,沒有她一切都變了。
3. 現在她不怎麼喜歡你了,是吧?
4. 感覺這個世界和我毫無關系。
5. 能離開城市真是太好了。

1. Shenever lost the sparkthatdrew me to her in the first place.
2. As the years went by, I missed Roxy. It just wasn't the same without her.
3. Not so into you now, is she?
4. It was like the days went on and on without me.
5. It was so happy to leave the town behind.

1. 這應該夠我們用到月底了。
2. 你丈夫去世後這些年你過得不容易吧。
3. 沒遇到過合適的(男/女朋友)。
4. 你一旦決心於什麼事,誰都改變不了。

1. That ought tocover us to the end of the month.
2. Must have been toughon you losing your husband after all those years.
3. Never found the right fit.
4. When you put your mind to something, that was that.
5. It's good for getting things done, it's not so good for relationships.

1. 當年的事,我欠你一句對不起。
2. 現在我只是想告訴你這么多年來,我沒有一天不後悔的。
3. 我覺得如果我就這么看著你離開,那我就是個大傻瓜。
4. 想來段精彩表演嗎?
5. 你真的嚇到我了。
6. 對過去的事不要一副苦瓜臉,對未來也不要愁眉苦臉。

1. I owe you an apologyfor what happened to us.
2. I just want you to know thatnot a day goes bythat I don'tkick myself fordoing that.
3. I just think thatI'd be an all-time foolif I just watched you drive away.
4. You want to go for theshowstopper?
5. You are really starting tofreak me out.
6. Don't get all sad-facedabout what happened, andscrunchy-faced about what could.

not a day goes by:沒有一天
kick myself for:抽自己一頓

『柒』 一條狗的使命 A Dog's Journey (2019)

Bailey,一隻年長的聖伯納德 / 澳大利亞牧羊犬組合,與他的主人Ethan和他的妻子Hannah以及他們2歲的孫女Clarity June「CJ」和她的母親Gloria幸福地生活在一個小別墅里,旁邊附帶一個小農場。Bailey通過電影的旁白想法與觀眾交流,他對CJ很感興趣。


Gloria在電影中的角色更像是一個無能的母親,對狗有仇恨,與她死去的丈夫Henry的父母(Hannah and Ethan)關系不好,所有這些都導致她最終帶走CJ搬走了。此後不久,Ethan在Bailey的肚子里發現了一個巨大的腫塊, 一個獸醫診斷並認為他需要被安樂死。 Ethan深情地抱著Bailey,給他注射致命葯物之前叮囑他要照顧好CJ。Bailey死後,彷彿看到自己穿過一片天堂草地朝著年輕的CJ奔去。



CJ與一個叫Shane的壞小子成為男女朋友,Molly不信任那小子並試圖保護CJ免受傷害。 Shane邀請CJ參加一個派對,因未成年人飲酒而被警方逮捕; 然後,CJ被判處社區服務,在一家教會狗如何用嗅覺診斷癌症的機構工作。聰明的Molly迅速學會了。Shane被揭露對CJ的侮辱虐待行為,而母親Gloria的冷漠反應以及她花了逝世丈夫Henry的保險賠償金的揭露激怒了CJ,然後CJ與Molly離家出走。在開車的時候,她發現Shane跟著她,並且在試圖避開他的時候,一場追逐戰打響了,帶來了一場車禍, Molly不幸成為了犧牲品。 Shane驚恐萬分,迅速逃離現場。之後,Molly穿過Bailey去世時所在的同一片天堂草地開始新一輪的投胎。

Bailey再次轉世,這次作為一隻名叫Big Dog 的獒犬,和他的新主人Joe一起生活,並且是他加油站/便利店的護衛犬。雖然他很享受新生活,但他想念CJ。有一天,CJ,以一副年輕人的模樣出現在他的視野里。CJ路過Joe的商店並進去買點東西,Big Dog認出並引起她的注意。但CJ沒認出來買完東西後就匆匆離開了。 狗子的餘生都在想念她,孤獨終老,抑鬱而終。 然後,他再次穿越開啟新旅途。



CJ現在在經濟上穩定,與Trent 和Max一起前往Hannah 和 Ethan的農場,自從Gloria離開Bailey這么久以來,他們第一次重聚。Ethan意識到Max和Bailey一樣,並且告訴CJ,Bailey信守承諾並保護她。CJ突然意識到Bailey促使她和Trent團聚在一起並挽救了Trent的生命,讓她終於明白Bailey,Molly,Big Dog和Max都是同一條狗。

CJ和Trent深情擁抱互相表達了他們對彼此的愛,並最終走向婚姻的殿堂並有他們的第一個孩子,一個男孩。Gloria修補了她與CJ,Hannah和Ethan的關系。 Ethan陪在Max身邊悄然去世,Max隨後也走得心安理得。

如果你像我一樣是狗狗愛好者 - 那我強烈推薦去看這部電影!它使狗的優良品質不斷放大,無條件的忠誠和投入。這部片淚點頗多,我去電影院看默默抹好幾次眼淚。一部非常棒的電影,細節洋溢著滿滿的愛。因為它純粹的真實性使我的情緒深受感染。富有詩意的開頭和結尾互相呼應,相得益彰,秒啊~


『捌』 因電影 愛英語 ——《一條狗的使命》


What is the meaning of life? 


Are we here for a reason?


Is there a point to any of this?


First,I had no idea what was going on.


Was having fun the point?


The whole point?


No,it couldn『t be that simple.



It seemed like such a short life.


I mean,what exactly did I do?


There was some playing.


There was some eating.


I g in the dirt.


But when I really thought about it, it didn't add up to much.


Alive and ready to ask the big questions.

我還活著 准備好思考生命的大問題。

To dig for answers.



Sometimes I thought that trying to make sense out of life could be a waste of time.


Maybe it was better to just really enjoy life and leave it at that.

直接享受生活 順其自然會不會更好呢。

When I wasn't thinking about food,my mind wandered.

當我注意力不在吃上時 ,我就會亂想。

Why am I here?


What's the purpose?



I had a lot of free time now,so I made a new friend.

現在我的自由時間充裕 所以交了個新朋友。

It was like a small horse.  Or a giant dog.


With its own special  smell  that  was  so  wonderful  and  disgusting.


Oh,I wished I could roll in it.



You have to stop feeling sorry for yourself.


Humans are complicated.


They do things dogs can't understand.


Like leave.


Maybe the point was not to look for a point.



That's when I realized  being  alone  might  be  the  worst  thing  that could  happen  to  you.


I knew how it felt to miss someone.



I was so happy to leave the town behind.


My nose was full of fresh new smells.



So,in all my lives as a dog,here's what I've learned.


Have fun,obviously.


Whenever possible,find someone to save,and save them.


Lick the ones you love.


Don't get all sad-faced about what happened and scrunchy-faced about what could.


Just be here now.


That's a dog's purpose.


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