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㈠ 求一篇《超凡蜘蛛俠1》的電影英文簡介,任務的介紹也可以,要做一個Presentation,求英語好的人幫個忙。

「你好,很高興能助你成風破浪,如果是大學英語演講presentation用的PPT話,就要自已再簡單組織一下喔!(下配有中文,助你了解。)」 Plot: Tells the story of the orphan Peter parker (Andrew Garfield ornaments>from MeiYi sojourn in tertiary (Sally field) and class (Ma Dingxin) home, introverted shy he was often bullied at school, but along with the fall in love with a person of the school, Gwen stacy, parker decoration><Emma stone, innocent playmates pure first love let his lonely life find hope. Class when parker in uncle's home found father left behind a mystery bag after, he began to search for clues to the mysterious disappearance of parents, and thus find father lab partner Dr. Connor (, Ivan). After an accident was a spider bite, parker suddenly different from ordinary people have of flying climbing ability, become the media and society discuss the dropping of the mysterious figure: spiderman. Secret let parker spiderman must be in front of his girlfriend and she served as police chief father hide identity, and when he found Dr Connors's true identity is actually the villain lizards Dr. Connors, parker, how to face the outside world for spiderman identity and ability question, desperate to save New York citizens from disaster? Chinese name: spider-man Foreign names: The backpacks Spider - Man Other name: new spider-man, the amazing spider-man, spider-man 4 and spider-man prequel, spider-man: surprise again Proction time: July 3, 2012 Proction company: Columbia company Proction areas: the United States Director: marc webb Writer: Steve dieter Type: action, science fiction, thriller Starring: Andrew Garfield, Emma stone Running time: 136 min Release time: 2012-07-03 Rating: pg-13 劇情: 講述了孤兒彼得·帕克〈安德魯加菲爾德 飾〉從小寄居在梅姨(莎莉費爾德 飾)與班叔(馬丁辛 飾)家中,內向害羞的他在校里雖常被欺負,但隨著帕克愛上學校的風雲人物格溫·史黛西〈艾瑪斯通 飾〉後,兩小無猜的純純初戀讓他孤獨的生命找到希望。當帕克在班叔家中發現父親留下的一個神秘包包後,他開始尋找當年雙親離奇失蹤的線索,並因此找上父親當年實驗室的夥伴康納博士(瑞斯伊凡飾)。在一次意外遭蜘蛛咬傷後,帕克突然擁有異於常人的飛天攀爬能力,成為媒體與社會討論撻伐的神秘人物:蜘蛛人。蜘蛛人的秘密讓帕克必須在女友及她擔任警察局長的父親面前隱藏身分,而當他發現康納斯博士的真實身份其實是大反派蜥蜴博士康納斯,帕克該如何面對外界對蜘蛛人身份與能力的質疑,不顧一切挺身而出,拯救紐約市民免於災難呢? 中文名: 超凡蜘蛛俠 外文名: The Amazing Spider-Man 其它譯名: 新蜘蛛俠、神奇蜘蛛俠、蜘蛛俠4、蜘蛛俠前傳、蜘蛛人:驚奇再起 出品時間: 2012年07月03日 出品公司: 美國哥倫比亞公司 製片地區: 美國 導演: 馬克·韋布 編劇: 史蒂夫·迪特寇 類型: 動作,科幻,驚悚 主演: 安德魯·加菲爾德,艾瑪·斯通 片長: 136min 上映時間: 2012-07-03

㈡ 蜘蛛俠英文怎麼說


讀音:英 ['spaɪdəmæn] 美 ['spaɪdəmæn]


1、Our hero Spider - Man again! This is the second mobile phone games!

我們的蜘蛛 俠 英雄又來了! 這次是第二部手機游戲了!

2、Unlike other super - heroes, Spider - Man is about the man inside the costume.

與其他的超級英雄不同的是, 蜘蛛俠幾乎是裝束下的凡人。

Well, in spite of that, I like Spider-Man.




1、Iron Man


例句:In place of angst and derangement, Iron Man was a huge romp.


2、Captain America


例句:Apart from their commercial success, what do Captain America, Thor and Iron Man have in common?




例句:Strength Level: TheHulkpossesses superhuman strength of the Class 100 level, enabling him to lift in excess of 100 tons.


㈢ 用英文簡單介紹一下蜘蛛俠這部電影

Spider-man is a superhero film directed by American director Sam raimi.


Based on marvel comics, it stars tobey maguire and kirsten nst.


It premiered in the United States on May 3, 2002.


The film focuses on a student named Peter parker who is bitten by a genetically modified spider.


Armed with superhuman powers, he vows to fight crime with his superpowers.



《蜘蛛俠》劇情介紹:彼得帕克(托比•馬奎爾 Tobey Maguire 飾)只是美國一個平凡的高中生,當一次他被蜘蛛博物館偷跑出來的變種蜘蛛咬了一口之後,彼得的生活徹底改變了。


彼得好友哈利的父親諾曼(威廉•達福 Willem Dafoe 飾)是一家生物科技公司的老闆,因自己公司生產的飛行器沒得到軍方首腦賞識而苦惱不堪。


㈣ 蜘蛛俠100詞的英語小短文

The movie Spider-man is popular around the world. It describes a young
boy happens to get the super power and then he wears the costume as a
spider, flying around the city. But since his uncle who raises him gets
killed, the boy realizes that the more power, the more responsibility.
So he starts to use his power to help people. he fights against the bad
guy and saves people from all kinds of dangers. The story shows the
growth of an innocent boy. He learns his responsibility and finds his
own place in the world. The positive sides of spider-man inspires the
children to find their value.

㈤ 「蜘蛛俠」英文怎麼說

英文:Spider Man

讀法: 英['spaɪdə mæn] 美['spaɪdɚ mæn]


1、Then Morning Starled thegirltothehouseof theSpiderManwho hadweavedthewebthat haddrawnherup tothe sky. (啟明星把女孩帶到蜘蛛人的房子旁,就是這個蜘蛛人織的網把她帶到了天上。)

2、Theexposedmagnetonspiderman'shandshouldn'texceeding1.5mm, andshouldwithstand the weight aminimumof450gwhen handsticktheweightvertically. (蜘蛛俠手上的磁石露出部分不能超過1.5毫米,能在垂直方向粘起至少450克的砝碼。)


蜘蛛俠(Spider-Man)是美國漫威漫畫旗下超級英雄,由編劇斯坦·李和畫家史蒂夫·迪特科聯合創造,初次登場於《驚奇幻想》(Amazing Fantasy)第15期(1962年8月),因為廣受歡迎,幾個月後,便開始擁有以自己為主角的單行本漫畫。


彼得·帕克(Peter Parker),家住紐約皇後區森林山的伯父伯母收養了他,將他視若己出。








有一次一個小偷逃跑時從彼得面前經過,彼得覺得這不是自己的責任於是沒有幫忙抓住他。 彼得忘了這件事,但幾天後他晚上回家時發現本叔叔被槍殺了,兇手就是那個小偷。 彼得充滿了自責,他意識到「能力越大,責任越大」,於是他決定成為一個超級英雄打擊犯罪。

㈥ 蜘蛛俠的英文

英文:Spider Man

讀法: 英['spaɪdə mæn] 美['spaɪdɚ mæn]


1、Then Morning Starled thegirltothehouseof theSpiderManwho hadweavedthewebthat haddrawnherup tothe sky. (啟明星把女孩帶到蜘蛛人的房子旁,就是這個蜘蛛人織的網把她帶到了天上。)

2、Theexposedmagnetonspiderman'shandshouldn'texceeding1.5mm, andshouldwithstand the weight aminimumof450gwhen handsticktheweightvertically. (蜘蛛俠手上的磁石露出部分不能超過1.5毫米,能在垂直方向粘起至少450克的砝碼。)


蜘蛛俠(Spider-Man)是美國漫威漫畫旗下超級英雄,由編劇斯坦·李和畫家史蒂夫·迪特科聯合創造,初次登場於《驚奇幻想》(Amazing Fantasy)第15期(1962年8月),因為廣受歡迎,幾個月後,便開始擁有以自己為主角的單行本漫畫。

他本名彼得·本傑明·帕克(Peter Benjamin Parker),是住在美國紐約皇後區的一名普通高中生,由於被一隻受過放射性感染的蜘蛛咬傷,因此獲得了蜘蛛一樣的超能力,後自製了蛛網發射器,化身蜘蛛俠(Spider-Man)守衛城市。

㈦ 蜘蛛俠這部電影的英文名和主人公的英文名是什麼

電影的英文名:spider man.主人公的英文名:Peter Parker.

㈧ 關於蜘蛛俠的英語介紹


When I watched the film《spider-man》,it give me a deep impressed. The main host peter who is handsome and brave. He helped so many people who is need others help.

If we were him,whether we can sacrificed our love and friendship and even our study . In our life,people afraid of helping others and get into trouble.

Although we can not use special abilities like peter ,we can also try our best to help people. For example ,if we see some thieves to stolen people's wallet,we can shout to make the thieves hurries.

If we can contribute our love-heart,our society will become more and more warmth. People can make getting along well.






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