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發布時間: 2022-12-11 22:30:45

Ⅰ 急求公主日記觀後感

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但在片中,我折服於女王的並不是這些,而是她那優雅無比的風采。她的氣質是當今影壇少見的,年近70的茱莉·安德魯斯早已經沒有了女教師的生機與動感,可是她舉手投足間散發的迷人的魅力、優雅的氣質撲面而來,令人難以抗拒。擁有亮麗嗓音的茱莉·安德魯斯在《公主日記2》中也再展歌喉,為影片完整演唱了片中插曲「Your Crowning Glory」。可以說,我們欣賞到的,是依然清馨美妙的歌聲。她那輕盈的身姿、從容的表情、優雅的舉止讓我印象深刻。而且,我們完全可以肯定,這種優雅的魅力,不是因為她扮演的是高貴的女王,而是因為她就是她本人——茱莉·安德魯斯。這種優雅是她不自覺地從骨子裡散發出來的。像花香,令人流連;像美酒,讓人沉醉。




Ⅱ 公主日記英文觀後感~~~

The Princess Diaries is a modern day fairy tale about Mia (Hathaway) who lives in San Francisco with her divorced mother. One day, her estranged grandmother (Andrews) comes to visit with a proposal for her: She would like Mia to be her successor and become Princess of Genovia. Hilarity ensues because Mia is pretty much a regular teen who is clumsy, awkward and in desperate need of a professional makeover, so she spends the next several weeks in etiquette lessons, getting "re-done" and trying to decide if being a princess is what she really wants in life. The film was cute, at times extremely corny, but watcheable. It featured surprisingly decent acting by Hathaway, who made up for the horrible Mandy Moore. I especially enjoyed Hector Elizondo, a good character actor who was kind of hilarious doing his best Shaft impersonation as the Queen's head of security. Heather Matarazzo who was also featured as Mia's best friend, continues in her "quirky girl" tradition, but still can't live up to her role in Welcome to the Dollhouse. This is one of the few "kid's movies" that I wouldn't hesitate to watch with a kid, because it's tolerable. It's also so predictable that if you snooze in the middle of it you won't miss anything when you wake up.
I just recently viewed The Princess Diaries and over all liked it pretty much, so I figured I would see the sequel. I rented it yesterday and watched it this morning and it seemed to me like it was the same plot as before only with a couple different elements. The film also felt very rushed in some aspects, some of the plots or characters that took place seemed to come and go. Although I'm still not sure since I haven't read the books, but the movie itself was just predictable and a bit too silly at times, it just seemed like it could insult the audience it was aimed at.
Mia has graated college and is off to Genovia to become queen and her grandmother, Clarrise is about to give up her title. But Genovia law is that before Mia is to become queen she must marry someone. She is falling for a young man, Nicolas, but he is also up for the throne as king, so his uncle is trying to set Mia up where she will loose her crown before she could even have it. Mia has to decide wither to go with her heart and let herself love Nicolas or have her ty for her country and marry for Genovia.
The Princess Diaries 2 has some cute and funny moments, I won't lie, I did laugh a little bit, but over all I have to say that it just could have been more, you know? The actors didn't seem to click as well as they did in the first film. Not to mention how quickly the character Michael went away and Lily just was there for 5 minutes to make like a semi quick cameo and just be out of the story. If you want too, feel free to watch this movie, it's harmless, but it's not a great movie if you're looking for one

Ⅲ 求美國電影《公主日記》觀後感要求:全文英語 50詞以上


Every girl has a dream in her heart, to be a princess.

Small inferiority, shy, shy, hope to make mistakes when the time to go into the ground, have a best friend, fantasy beautiful love, like most girls, invisible life.

Then one day luck came, unacceptably fast, "in the genetic." Suddenly he became a princess, suddenly into the fairy tale world, so everything, began to become different.

From rude to elegant, to my fair lady, the girl has gone through their own way, of course, without the help of others.

Every part is beautifully shot, lovely, and the shy boy playing the harmonica, his voice blowing in the wind, Julie Andrews playing the queen Mother, tells you what temperament is.

I really recommend every girl to see this movie, to meet their hearts a little dream.







Ⅳ 誰能幫我寫十篇英文電影觀後感


Ⅳ 公主日記英文影評

If "Proced by Hollywood" represents the film of big proction and big star, then "proced by Disney" must be engraved with the trace of fairy tale. "

Princess Diaries" is a new era of "sparrow to phoenix" story, and the actress Anne Hathaway has been regarded as a new generation of "Audrey Hepburn" type princess.

The film tells the process of growth and growth of the mind, not only the princess's diary, but also from the responsibility, confidence diary.






Ⅵ 〖公主日記〗的觀後感


Ⅶ 公主日記英文觀後感200詞


The "Princess Diaries" is a film made by Disney company. It tells the story of a New York City ordinary girl - mia, she used to work as a transparent person in the school, but in her 16 birthday coming before the accident was confirmed to be Jinuoweiya the princess after grandma Norinari an elegant princess, find my prince charming.

This movie is similar to the sweet fairy tale Cinderella, the hero Mia is the modern version of Cinderella, the plot is full of strong fairy tale color. Mia from the past a cipher, suddenly became the focus, this is how many girls dream of a happy life.

The theme of the movie is not original, and it is not expected to get rid of the traditional mode. Its ending is also expected, but it didnt fail to get the box office. Instead, it got a good review, because the audience paid more attention to the enjoyment of watching the movie process.

I was deeply impressed with the film. A teenager, inferiority and shy I happened to see Anne Hathaway, played by MIA in creating makeup, transformed into a beautiful girl with a smile. At that time, it was a magical thing in my short cognition. So that he forgot to pay attention to the name of the film, which led to the search for it for so many years before it was found.

This film is more than the old and young story, not lack of fairy tale innocence and innocence, and the overflowing and gentle alt humour.

This role seems to specifically for her a lively, Frank Anne Hathaway will play Mia vivid. And she will each girls cherished dream princess of Shi Quan so true, her performance is a little jerky jump, but her bright smiling face, confident, elegant temperament, has become my dream girl goddess.








Ⅷ 急求電影公主日記的劇情介紹,影評(中英對照)

Julie Andrews在戲中,她扮演了吉尼維亞的女王,宣布下一任繼承人將是外孫女米婭。而十幾歲的舊金山女孩米婭卻從未想到長期離散的父親竟有皇家血統。
米婭對歐洲一無所知,更不要說如何治理國家了,但女王卻十分樂於指正她的舉止和言語措辭,以及如何衣著得體……以便把她調教成一個真正的傳統意義上的公主。公主這差事固然有許多好處——正如對於只有一輛爬坡都費力的老爺車的女孩子來說,豪華轎車實在是不可抗拒的誘惑;然而,米婭生性靦腆害怕皇室高位帶來的聚光燈。那麼,善意的祖母是否能使米婭順利成為君主呢?亦或是在加里福尼亞形成的價值觀如此根深蒂固,以至於連Henry Higgins自己也不能改變米婭呢? The film which focused on this modern Cinderella, the process of how to become a princess: Mia's curly head was straightened into a hair, a pair of bright eyes no longer wide-brimmed glasses masking, the usual young hunchback posture Grandma's also been ridiculed, and then reborn into noble station phase and sit-phase. The outcome of the whole movie to be expected, but the details of the whole process is surprisingly rich, interesting, as the wonderful sitcom, every minute with little surprise. Video belongs to light comedy, style, instead of barbed exaggerated, sweet not greasy.

Plot Overview

15-year-old Mia learned that his father was originally Jiniweiya prince, while he had King-to the country's sole heir to the throne. In the occasion of 16th birthday, she must face a choice: It is moved Jiniweiya to be a princess, or is to remain in Manhattan and the artist's mother live together. Meanwhile, Mia's grandmother, also had to accept the harsh unbearable for her princess etiquette on the course ... ...
Julie Andrews in the movie, she played a Jiniweiya Queen announced that the next successor will be the granddaughter Mia. The teenage girls in San Francisco, Mia has never been thought as much long-separated father of royal descent.
Mia knew nothing about Europe, let alone how to govern the country, but the queen was very happy to correction of her manners and speech language, and how to dress decent ... ... in order to transfer Norinari her a real princess in the traditional sense. Princess This is an errand of course there are many advantages - just as effortlessly with only one climbing all the young women of classic cars, luxury cars, it is an irresistible temptation; however, Mia shy to bring a high fear of the royal family in the spotlight . So, if well-meaning grandmother, Mia quickly become monarch can do? Also the formation of values in California, or so entrenched, so that even Henry Higgins himself does not alter the Mia?

Ⅸ 觀公主日記有感英文50詞

綜述:This is a very cute,heartwarming and postivie and uplifting movie.i loved watching it over and over again-it's very uplifting.

《公主日記》(The Princess Diaries)由美國迪斯尼電影出品,加里·馬歇爾執導,朱麗·安德魯斯、安妮·海瑟薇等主演的喜劇電影。




Ⅹ 用英語寫一篇公主日記的觀後感


I loved this movie and although it may have been slightly cliché, the dialog was quite smart and it was quite a funny movie. I think that if you expect the movie to be Oscar worthy.

it will obviously fall short. But as it only attempts to be a sweet story about a misfit 15 year old turned princess, it completely lives up to it's potential. I think that Julie Andrews completely made the movie and that Anne Hathaway also did an excellent job.

The movie is great for people of all ages because it has a simplistic plot yet has great one liners and great repartee between the characters of the Queen and Princess Mia. I also think that the minor characters are great also because they provide even more comic relief.




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