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㈠ 一些電影的英語名

《寶貝計劃》 Rob-B-hood
《泰坦尼克號》 Titanic
《新警察故事》New Police Story
《藍色生死戀》endless love

㈡ 關於電影分類的英語單詞

1、奇幻電影——Fantasy Film


奇幻電影(Fantasy Film)在電影的劃分中可以與科幻電影以及恐怖電影(horror film)劃為同一類型,具有代表性的作品包括《指環王》《霍比特人》《哈利波特》。

2、動作片——Action Films

又稱為驚險動作片(Action-Adventure Films),是以強烈緊張的驚險動作和視聽張力為核心的影片類型。具備巨大的沖擊力、持續的高效動能、一系列外在驚險動作和事件。


3、喜劇電影——Comedy film


4、恐怖電影——Scary Movie


5、愛情電影——love film



Kung Fu Panda is a 2008 American animated
comedy blockbuster. It was directed by John Stevenson and Mark Osborne and
proced by Melissa Cobb and star Jack Black as Po.
The film was proced by DreamWorks Animation's studio inGlendale,Californiaand distributed by Paramount Pictures. Set in ancientChina, the plot revolves around a bumbling pandaPo, who aspires to be a kung fu master.


㈣ 用英語介紹一部電影 內容包括電影簡介以及個人感悟

Dear, you:
I very much like the movie a lot
Like most of the movie name is: "a beautiful mind"
I very love starring the male star of Australia, called Russo Klau
The main contents of a schizophrenia are taught through the difficulties
Struggling in the real and unreal, try every means to overcome mental obstacles
Finally in the appeal of the power of love, his love love stroked his beautiful soul
He continued to study at the same time to students in class when the teacher was appointed Professor, his research has been the practice and achievements in the real life, finally he got Nobel prize stories. It shook my soul so I love this movie, that one reason enough.


㈤ 電影名稱英文翻譯

The king of the effort
由中國演員主演的好萊塢電影 Movie of Hollywood star by Chinese actor
In view of the angle of the movie profession

㈥ 各種電影名的英文

《Be There or Be Square》--在那裡或者是平等的(《不見不散》,雲山霧罩的還是見了就快點散了吧)

《Seventeen Years》--十七年(故弄玄虛,《回家過年》)

《So Close to Paradise》--天堂如此之近(《扁擔,姑娘》,譯名比原名有意思,原名讓人想起什麼《轆轤,女人和狗》之類的東東, 「 解不開的小疙瘩呀 」 )

《Ashes of Time》--時間的灰燼(《東邪西毒》,這個譯名意味深長,無論你是東邪還是西毒,武功再高還不是最後都成了時間的灰燼?)

《All Men Are Brothers: Blood of the Leopard》--四海之內皆兄弟:豹子的血(《水滸傳》,《水滸傳》有個英文譯名就是《四海之內皆兄弟》)

《Chinese Odyssey 1: Pandora『s Box》--中國的奧德賽1:潘多拉寶盒(《大話西遊之月光寶盒》,這個絕對是入鄉隨俗了,不過好象都挨不上邊耶,葡萄)

《Chinese Odyssey 2: Cinderella, A》灰姑娘(《大話西遊之仙履奇緣》,至尊寶成了孫悟空,灰姑娘穿上了水晶鞋,天才啊!葡萄)

《Funeral of the Famous Star》--明星的葬禮(淡出鳥來,《大腕》)


《Dream Factory》--夢工廠(《甲方乙方》,夠NB的)

《Steel Meets Fire》--鋼遇上了火(翻譯遇上了鬼?《烈火金剛》)

《Third Sister Liu》--第三個姐姐劉(《劉三姐》,典型的不動腦筋)

《Steal Happiness》--偷喜(《沒事偷著樂》,直接聯想到了 「 偷歡 」 ,以為是限制級的)

《Red Firecracker, Green Firecracker》--紅鞭炮,綠鞭炮(《炮打雙燈》,兒童片?)

《Breaking the Silence》--打破沉默(《漂亮媽媽》,譯名直接,反觀原名倒有賣弄風情之感)

《Emperor『s Shadow》--帝國的陰影(《秦頌》,是說希特勒的?)

《In the Mood for Love》-- 在愛的情緒中(《花樣年華》,戀愛中的譯者)


《From Beijing with Love》--從北京帶著愛(到香港換不了菜,《國產007》)

《Fatal Decision》--重大選擇(可惜FATAL有致命的意思,致命的抉擇?《生死抉擇》)

《In the Heat of the Sun》--在炎熱的太陽下(《陽光燦爛的日子》,原文的 「 陽光燦爛 」 可有寓意啊。譯文讓JEWAYS想起中學語文第幾課來著--祥子拉著人力車在街上走)

《Keep Cool》--保持冷靜(《有話好好說》,郁詎!)

《Far Far Place》--很遠很遠的地方(《在那遙遠的地方》,想起LONG LONG AGO)

《Sixty Million Dollar Man》--六千萬美圓的男人(《百變星君》,談錢很俗耶)

《Flirting Scholar》--正在調情的學者(別人看《紅樓夢》看到詩,你看到了屎?《唐伯虎點秋香》)

《Royal Tramp》--皇家流浪漢(《鹿鼎記》,為什麼不譯成 「 皇家馬德里 」 ?)

《Flowers of Shanghai》--上海之花(PG18?《海上花》)

《A Better Tomorrow》--明天會更好( 「 玉山白雪飄零,燃燒少年的心...」 ,《英雄本色》)

《Color of a Hero 》--英雄的顏色(《英雄本色》的另一譯名,是不是李陽的學生譯的啊?--GIVE YOU COLORS TO SEE SEE-- 給你點顏色瞧瞧)

《Once Upon a Time in China》--從前在中國(《黃飛鴻》,大而無邊)

《Twin Warriors》--孿生勇士(《太極張三豐》,張三豐是雙胞胎嗎?)

《A Man Called Hero》--一個叫做英雄的男人(《中華英雄》,譯者偷懶,照抄影評的第一句)

《Swordsman 3:The East is Red》--劍客3之東方紅(《東方不敗之風雲再起》,東方一紅就不敗)

《Mr. Nice Guy》--好人先生(《一個好人》,有美國本土片名風格,國內譯者可能會譯成A GOOD MAN)

《Skinny Tiger and Fatty Dragon》--(《瘦虎肥龍》這位譯者一定是後來翻譯《卧虎藏龍》的那位吧)

《Saviour of the Soul》--靈魂的救星(啊呸!真不要臉!《九一神鵰俠侶》)

㈦ 電影分為那幾類及英文名

action film (動作片)
document.ry 紀錄片
kongfu film 武打片,
comedy 喜劇
tragedy 悲劇
detective film 偵探片
science fiction 科幻電影
thriller 驚悚片
horror film 恐怖片
western 西部片
musical 音樂片
cartoon 動畫片
romance/love story 言情片
auto biographies(自轉)
science fiction (科幻)
romance 愛情片
cartoon 卡通片
main actor/actress 男主演/女主演 hero/heroine 男主角/女主角
director 導演 acting 演技 plot 情節
big scene 大場面 splendid landscape 秀麗的景色
intriguing 引人入勝 fascinating 令人著迷的
terrific 極好的 relaxing 令人放鬆的
happy ending 圓滿結局 touching 感人的
moving 令人感動的 tragic ending 悲劇結局

㈧ 英語電影類型的表達方式及名稱

animated cartoon卡通片
autobiographical film自傳電影
comedy 戲劇
propaganda film宣傳片
silent film 無聲電影
sound film 有聲電影
suspense film 懸念片
telecine 電視電影
vaudeville 輕歌舞劇
drama 劇情片
action 動作片
disaster 災難片
thrill 恐怖片
road 公路片
alt 成人片
film-noir 黑色電影(描寫社會陰暗面的影片)
sci-fi film 科幻片(注意讀音為sai fai)

你好我是英語專業的 這些來自我的雅思詞彙和綜合英語課堂上老師講的內容。

㈨ 求英文電影名稱、作者、主演、經典台詞!中英文都要!!!

1:電影名稱:Forrest Gump(阿甘正傳)
作者:溫斯頓·格盧姆(Winston Groom)
主演: 湯姆·漢克斯 Tom Hanks .... Forrest Gump(阿甘)
莎莉·菲爾德 Sally Field .... Mrs. Gump(阿甘的媽媽)
羅賓·萊特·潘 Robin Wright Penn .... Jenny Curran(簡妮)
加里·辛尼斯 Gary Sinise .... Lt. Dan Taylor(鄧·泰勒中尉)
海利·喬·奧斯蒙特 Haley Joel Osment .... Forrest Gump Jr.(小阿甘)
庫爾特·拉塞爾 Kurt Russell .... Elvis Presley (uncredited) (voice)
鮑伯·霍伯Bob Hope .... Himself (in Vietnam) (uncredited) (archive footage)
羅納德·里根Ronald Reagan .... Himself (uncredited) (archive footage)
Steven Griffith .... Tex
Gerald Ford .... Himself (uncredited) (archive footage)
約翰.列儂John Lennon .... Himself (uncredited) (archive footage)(上電視節目後來被刺殺的英國人)
Rob Adams .... College Quarterback (uncredited)
喬·阿爾斯基 Joe Alaskey .... President Richard Nixon (voice)
Sam Anderson .... Principal

Forrest: Hello! My name's Forrest. Forrest Gump. You wanna Chocolate? I could eat about a million and a half o'these. My momma always said life was like a box o'chocolates. You never know what you are gonna get. Now, when I was a baby momma named me after the great civil war hero, General Nathan Bedford Forrest. She said we were related to him in some way. What he did was: he started up this club called the Ku Klux Klan. They'd all dress up in their robes and their bed sheets and act like a bunch of ghosts or spooks or something. They 'd even put bed sheets on their horses and ride around. And anyway, that's how I got my name: Forrest Gump.
阿甘:你好!我叫福雷斯特,福雷斯特·甘普。要巧克力嗎?我可以吃很多很多。我媽常說:生命就像一盒巧克力, 結果往往出人意料。我出生的時候,媽媽用內戰大英雄的名字給我命名,他叫內森·貝德福德·福雷斯特將軍。她說我們在某方面跟他有點關系。他所做的是:搞了個幫派,叫三K黨。他們穿著白袍披床單,裝神弄鬼的,甚至還把床單罩在馬上,騎著到處跑。總之,我就是這樣叫福雷斯特·甘普了。
Jenny: Run Forrest ,run! Run Forrest!
Forrest: And you wouldn't believe it if I told you that I can run like the wind blows ! That day on, if I was going somewhere , I was running.
John F. Kennedy: Congratulations, how do you feel?
Forrest Gump: I gotta pee.
John F. Kennedy:(turning to camera) I believe he said he had to go pee. Heh heh.
Mother : It's my time. It's just my time.Oh. now ,don't you be afraid sweetheart. Death is just a part of life .Something we are all destined to do .I didn't know it ,but I was destined to be your momma .I did the best I could .
Forrest Gump: Will you marry me?
(Jenny turns and looks at him)
Forrest Gump: I'd make a good husband, Jenny.
Jenny Curran: You would, Forrest.
Forrest Gump: But you won't marry me.
Jenny Curran: You don't wanna marry me.
Forrest Gump: Why don't you love me, Jenny? I'm not a smart man, but I know what love is.
1. Mama says,"Stupid is as stupid does.
" 媽媽說,「做傻事的才是傻瓜」。
2. If God intended everybody to be the same, he'd have given us all braces on our legs.
3. Life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're going to get.
4. Jesus loves you more than you will know。
5. You said it all.
6. A promise is a promise.
7. I paid my respect to Bubba himself.
8. You got to put the past behind you before you can move on.
9.When I got tired,I slept.When I got hungry,I ate.When I had to go,you know, I went.
當我累了,我就睡覺。當我餓了,我就吃飯。當我想去,你知道的, 我就去。
1.Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you』re gonna get. (生命就像一盒巧克力,結果往往出人意料)
2.Stupid is as stupid does. (蠢人做蠢事,也可理解為傻人有傻福)
3.Miracles happen every day. (奇跡每天都在發生)
4.It made me look like a ck in water.(它讓我如魚得水)
5.I don』t know if we each have a destiny, or if we』re all just floating around accidental—like on a breeze.(我不懂我們是否有著各自的命運,還是只是到處隨風飄盪)
6.Death is just a part of life, something we』re all destined to do.(死亡是生命的一部分,是我們註定要做的一件事)
7.You have got to put the past behind you before you can move on.(放下包袱,繼續前進)
8.Shit happens!(不好的事情發生了)
9.It was like just before the sun goes to bed down on the bayou. There was a million sparkles on the river.(就像太陽在落山前映射在河口上,有無數的亮點在閃閃發光)
10.If there is anything you need I will not be far away.(用情至專)
11.I am a man of my word.(我是信守我承諾的人)
12.There is one small step for a man,a giant leap for mankind.(某人的一小步就是人類的一大步)
13.Nothing just happens,it's all part of a plan.(沒有事情隨隨便便發生,都是計劃的一部分)
14.A little of stinging rain,and big old fat rain.(牛毛細雨,瓢泊大雨)
15.That is the outstanding answer I've ever heard.(誇獎別人一定要把這句話掛在嘴上)
16.You are no different than anybody else is.(你和別人沒有任何的不同)
17.There is an awful lot you can tell about a person by their shoes.(通過人家的鞋可以了解別人很多的東西)
18.I'm not a smart man ,but I know what love is. (我並不聰明,但我知道什麼是愛情)
19.I want to go home (我想回家)
20.I was messed up for a long time.(這些年我一塌糊塗)
21.Jenny and I was like peas and carrots.(我和珍妮形影不離)
22.Have you given any thought to your future?(你有沒有為將來打算過呢)
23.You just stay away from me please.(求你離開我)
24.If you are ever in trouble, don』t try to be brave, just run, just run away.(你若遇上麻煩,不要逞強,你就跑,遠遠跑開)
26.It's my time. It's just my time. Oh, now, don't you be afraid sweetheart. Death is just a part of life, something we're all destined to do. I didn't know it. But I was destined to be your momma. I did the best I could. (別害怕,死亡是生命的一部分,是我們註定要去做的一件事。我不知道怎麼回事,但我註定是你的媽媽,並且我盡我的全力去做好。)
2:電影名稱:Gone With The Wind(亂世佳人)原著為<飄>
主演:費雯·麗 Vivien Leigh.......Scarlett O'Hara
克拉克·蓋博 Clark Gable......Rhett Butler
萊斯利·霍華德 Leslie Howard........Ashley Wilkes
奧莉薇·黛·哈佛蘭 Olivia de Havilland....Melanie Hamilton
哈蒂·麥克丹尼爾 Hattie McDaniel.......Mammy



瑞特離開斯佳麗後,斯佳麗最後坐在樓梯的台階上說——「After all, tomorrow is another day。」

㈩ 英文影片的英文簡介


Directed by Anthony mingra, the English patient is adapted from the novel of the same name by Michael ondaj.

The film is co starred by Ralph Fiennes, Christine Scott Thomas and Juliet Binoche. The film was released in the United States on November 6, 1996.

The movie takes the war and desert as the background, decing a love tragedy across time and space.

During World War II, a British plane was shot down by the German army while flying over the Sahara desert.

The pilot on the plane was completely burned on the face. The local people rescued him and sent him to the Allied field hospital.

Because of the injury, the pilot lost his memory and could not remember who he was, so he could only be called "English Patient".


該片由拉爾夫·費因斯、克里斯汀·斯科特·托馬斯、朱麗葉·比諾什等聯袂主演。影片於1996年11月6日在美國上映 。





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