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發布時間: 2022-01-30 23:45:54

❶ 有關英文電影中初次見面的對白


外國人見面時通常只是說 Hello 或 Hi 或 How are you doing ? 或 How are you doing this morning ? How are things with you ?

如果過了一段時間再見面,還可以說 How is life treating you ?
若遇上熟人的話,甚至可以說(pigeon English 混雜英語) Long time no see(you) 用上。

初次見面時聽到對方說 How do you do ? 時,
唯一正確的反應也是 How do you do ?
而我們不少人喜歡說 I'm fine, thank you, 這不符合習慣。
而初次見面分手時,我們有人常說 Good-bye; 但你如果仔細注意的話,
native speakers 說 Nice meeting you 或 Nice to have met you.

最適宜的做法是設法把眼睛朝窗外瞧,假裝沒有看見。 說了 Good morning 反而令對方窘迫,這時你不打招呼絕非失禮。

1、What』s up?

2、What』s happening?

3、What』s going on?

4、How』s it going?

5、How』s everything?

6、How』s everything going with you?

見面打招呼,要會說What』s up? What』s happening? 等,而且, 一口氣要說三句以上,才算是英文高手。

❷ 電影收票員與看客之間的對話短文禮貌型英文


❸ 最適合初級學生看的十部英文電影.

序號 中文片名 英文片名 學習難度 推薦星級 MP3下載
1 電子情書 You』ve Got Mail 初級 ★★★★ 點擊下載

2 BJ單身日記 Bridget Jones』 Diary 中級 ★★★ 點擊下載

3 奔騰年代 Sea Biscuit 中級 ★★★ 點擊下載

4 海上鋼琴師 The Legend of 1900 中級 ★★★★ 點擊下載

5 加菲貓 Garfield 初級 ★★★ 點擊下載

6 泰坦尼克號 Titanic 中級 ★★★★ 點擊下載

7 肖申克的救贖 The Stepfather 中級 ★★★★★ 點擊下載

8 勇敢的心 Brave Heart 中級 ★★★ 點擊下載

9 當幸福來敲門 The pursuit of happiness 中級 ★★★★ 點擊下載

10 功夫熊貓 Kung Fu Panda 初級 ★★★★ 點擊下載

11 美女與野獸 Beauty and the Beast 中級 ★★★★ 點擊下載

12 暮光之城 Twilight 中級 ★★★ 點擊下載

13 冰河世紀系列 Ace Age Series 初級 ★★★ 點擊下載

14 風雨哈佛路 Homeless to Harvard 高級 ★★★★★ 點擊下載

15 穿PRADA的惡魔 The devil wears Prada 中級 ★★★★ 點擊下載

16 牛仔褲的夏天 The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 初級 ★★★ 點擊下載

17 姐姐的守護者 Sister』s Keeper 中級 ★★★ 點擊下載

18 情歸巴黎 Sabrina 中級 ★★★ 點擊下載

19 西雅圖夜未眠 Sleepless in Seattle 中級 ★★★ 點擊下載

20 傲慢與偏見 Pride and Prejudice 高級 ★★★ 點擊下載

21 公主日記 The Princess Diaries 中級 ★★★ 點擊下載

22 音樂之聲 The Sound of Music 中級 ★★★★ 點擊下載

23 觸不到的戀人 The Lake House 高級 ★★★★ 點擊下載

24 蒙娜麗莎的微笑 Mona Lisa Smile 中級 ★★★ 點擊下載

25 辛德勒的名單 Schindler』s List 高級 ★★★ 點擊下載

26 馬達加斯加 Madagascar 中級 ★★★ 點擊下載

27 羅馬假日 Roman Holiday 中級 ★★★ 點擊下載

28 燃情歲月 Legends of the Fall 高級 ★★★ 點擊下載

29 純真年代 The Age of Innocence 中級 ★★★ 點擊下載

30 美麗心靈的永恆陽光 Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind 中級 ★★★ 點擊下載

31 歌舞青春 High School Musical 初級 ★★★ 點擊下載

32 人鬼情未了 Ghost 中級 ★★★ 點擊下載

33 窈窕淑女 My Fair Lady 初級 ★★★ 點擊下載

34 亂世佳人 Go with the Wind 中級 ★★★★ 點擊下載

35 麻雀變王妃 The Prince & Me 中級 ★★★ 點擊下載

36 怪物史萊克 Shrek Series 中級 ★★★★ 點擊下載

37 好好先生 Yes Man 初級 ★★★ 點擊下載

38 冷山 Cold Mountain 初級 ★★★ 點擊下載

39 生死朗讀 The Reader 高級 ★★★ 點擊下載

40 死亡詩社 Dead Poets Society 高級 ★★★ 點擊下載

41 天使之城 City of Angles 中級 ★★★ 點擊下載

42 律政俏佳人 Legally Blonde 中級 ★★★ 點擊下載

43 獅子王系列 Lion King 初級 ★★★★★ 點擊下載

44 畢業生 The Graate 初級 ★★★ 點擊下載

45 阿甘正傳 Forrest Gump 中級 ★★★★★ 點擊下載

46 甜心先生 Jerry Maguaire 中級 ★★★ 點擊下載

47 英國病人 The English Patient 中級 ★★★ 點擊下載

48 卡薩布蘭卡 Casablanca 高級 ★★★ 點擊下載

49 其實你不懂他的心 He』s Just Not That Into You 中級 ★★★ 點擊下載

50 四個婚禮和一個葬禮 Four Weddings and a Funeral 中級 ★★★★ 點擊下載

❹ 你想邀請異性同事去看新上映的電影可以用英語怎麼禮貌的說

I'd like to invite you to go to movie ,andare you free?

❺ 30部必看經典英文電影,看完口語、聽力大幅提升!你到底看過哪些



《肖申克的救贖》(The Shawshank Redemption)取自斯蒂芬·金《不同的季節》中收錄的《麗塔·海華絲及蕭山克監獄的救贖》而改編成的《肖申克的救贖》劇本,並由弗蘭克·達拉邦特執導,蒂姆·羅賓斯、摩根·弗里曼等主演。


《百萬寶貝》(Million Dollar Baby)是一部勵志劇情電影。影片由克林特·伊斯特伍德執導,克林特·伊斯特伍德、希拉里·斯萬克、摩根·弗里曼等主演。




小說涵蓋了拿破崙戰爭和之後的十幾年的時間。故事的主線圍繞主人公獲釋罪犯冉阿讓(Jean Valjean)試圖贖罪的歷程,融進了法國的歷史、建築、政治、道德哲學、法律、正義、宗教信仰。1958年法國導演讓.保羅·李塞諾拍攝過同名電影,2006年日本出品了根據原著改編的動畫片《悲慘世界少女珂塞特》。



























❻ 怎樣做個有禮貌的人用英語做一片作文

怎樣做個有禮貌的人,有一些長 你可以節選每個自然段的第一句 那就是一篇比較短的文章了

How to Be Polite

Being polite is all about being considerate and appreciative, but for many people, it remains a challenge. Some have no interest whatsoever in being polite, but if you're reading this, you're probably wondering how you can improve your etiquette. At the very least, you might want to know how to avoid being rude, which can make the people around you feel unwelcomed, taken for granted, uncomfortable, or even hurt.

Be gentle, not forceful or insistent. This doesn't mean you need to act like a meek, quiet pushover. It means that when you do something, offer something, or make a request, you do it without pressuring the people around you and making them feel like they're being pushed into a corner. If you're having a conversation, it's one thing to ask a question or offer your opinion, but it's rude to push the matter when someone has expressed discomfort (verbally or nonverbally) about the subject. Even if you're trying to help, like offering to pay for lunch or wash the dishes, don't be too insistent. If the person says "No, thank you, I've got it" then say "Please, I'd really love to help." If they still say no, then let it go. They obviously want to treat you, so let them, and return the favor some other time.
When in doubt, observe others. How are they greeting and addressing each other? What are they doing with their coats? What kinds of topics are they discussing? Different settings require different standards of formality, and those standards often define what is polite and what is not. A work-related dinner, and holiday gathering, a wedding, and a funeral will all demand a different tone.

Be nice. Treat everyone the same way, even if you are not fond of them. Never make any enemies. Always be courteous, you might meet this person again in another setting and wouldn't want to have caused negative memories that would give you a bad standing. If someone annoys or even insults you, don't get into an argument. Say "Let's agree to disagree" and change the subject, or simply excuse yourself from the conversation.
Start a conversation by asking questions about the other person. Try not to talk about yourself too much. Be confident and charming. Do not hog the conversation, that is arrogant. Look interested and listen to the answers. Don't look over the person's shoulder or around the room when he/she is talking. That implies you are distracted or not interested, i.e. he/she is not important to you.

Shake hands firmly and look your acquaintance in the eye. You might want to practice this a bit so you don't squish people's hands, depending on how strong you are. That would make them feel uncomfortable. Beware especially when shaking hands of women who are wearing rings. Too much pressure can be very painful.

Remember too that many people with an "old-school" etiquette background (especially if you are in Europe) find it inappropriate to offer your hand for a handshake to a lady or an older gentleman if you are a gentleman, or to an older lady if you are a lady. Always greet the other person first, but wait for them to extend their hand. On the other hand, if you are the older person/lady, keep in mind that if you do not extend your hand, the other person may feel rejected, as he/she is not permitted to shake your hand. Usually this situation only takes half a second in checking whether the other person is moving towards you for a handshake. Be alert.
Do not approach someone with an already outstretched hand. That is pushy. If you want someone to know you are moving towards them, establish a firm eye contact and smile, maybe opening your arms a little (bent at the elbow) to make a welcoming gesture.

Do not yell, or laugh at jokes or remarks you made yourself. A sense of wit should come naturally. When making a joke, do not be cruel, make it fun for everyone. Nobody likes being the butt of a joke, especially when they hardly know the speaker. If you want to use your wit to be charming, keep it clean and friendly. Never make vulgar remarks.
Know the proper dinner etiquette. For silverware, go from the outside, in. And put your napkin on your lap, and do not add anything to the table that was not there when you got there (cell phone, glasses, jewelry). Put your purse between your feet, under your chair. Women should not apply makeup at the table. It is rude and demonstrates a lack of refinement. If you want to fix your makeup or check if something is in your teeth, go to the restroom.

Have a laugh which shows you are having fun, without being loud. Loudness either indicates arrogance or insecurity. A charming polite person makes another person feel good. Keep this goal in mind, be considerate of other people's needs and opinions. Don't make derogatory remarks towards any kind of ethnic, political or religious groups under any circumstances.

❼ 想知道哪些英文劇或電影有關於禮儀的橋段

Groundwater exploitation

❽ 幫忙推薦一些英文電影(一周之內要)

我覺得"THE LAKE HOUSE"不錯哦!! 是翻拍韓國的,韓文名叫"觸不到的戀人" 很經典哦^^在韓國賣座電影排名第10哦~ 美國版的是桑德拉·布洛克,基奴·里維斯主演的
主要講的是:講述的是相隔兩年的兩個人之間的愛情故事:1997年聖誕,大學建築系教師韓星賢(李政在飾)搬進遠離塵囂的海邊小屋Il Mare,收到一封很奇怪的信,信的落款日期卻來自1999年。兩人在半信半疑中相互通信,禮貌的回復換來一個驚人的事實--星賢和兩年後住在Il Mare小屋的金恩澍(全知賢飾)通信!兩個人在交往之時,同樣是在失戀的季節。於是這種信件的交往,對他們來說就像有同樣的愛情感覺。那個標著Il Mare的信箱,就像是他們的時空轉移之……

❾ 求裡面有關於禮儀情節的英語電影或電視劇


❿ 英文電影里的習慣表達


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一個法國女孩剪短頭發電影 發布:2023-08-31 21:57:38 瀏覽:1349
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書生娶個鬼老婆是什麼電影 發布:2023-08-31 21:49:25 瀏覽:792