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❶ 求中英文雙字幕以商業財經類為主題的電影20部!謝謝


❷ 電影英語術語

Episode 一集 定義:A regular installment of an ongoing program. 一部正在播放的節目中的固定分段。

Extra 群眾演員;臨時演員 定義: An actor without a speaking part, usually hired by the day as part of a crowd scene. 沒有台詞的演員,通常是在人群場面出現。

FX 特技 定義: Slang for 「special effects.」 「特技」的俚稱。 舉例:Steve is a FX man for a major film company.
Genre 風格,體裁 定義:A film using a specific technique, style, story, or setting. 一部電影所採用的特定技巧、故事類型及背景等。
Made-for-TV-movie 為電視製作的電影 定義: A movie that is made expecially for TV. 專門為在電視台播放而製作的電影。
Makeup Artist 化妝師 定義:A person who applies makeup to actors. 負責為演員化妝者
Candid Camera 偷拍 定義:The action of filming people in various situations without them knowing that they are being filmed. 在被拍者毫無察覺的情況下進行的拍攝。
Cast 全體演員 定義:The actors who portray all the roles in a play. 一部片子中所有參加演出的人員。舉例:There will be a meeting for all cast members this afternoon.
Blockbuster (=Hit) 火爆片;叫座片 定義:A movie which is a huge financial success. In common usage a "blockbuster" is a movie that has a box-office of more than $100 million upon release in North America. 商業上很成功的影片。一般講來,叫座片在北美是指發行以來,票房超過十億美元收入的影片。 舉例:Movie-makers are hoping for a summer of full of blockbusters. 電影製片商希望整個夏天都是叫座片。 The film 「Mr. Bean」 was a box-office success, but it was not much praised by the critics. 電影「豆子先生」是一部大賣片,不過影評差強人意。
Cameo 大演員小角色 定義:A bit part (i.e. small role) played by a famous actor who would ordinarily not take such a small part. Originally meaning "a small piece of artwork", the term was borrowed by director Michael Anderson when attempting to attract famous actors to play bit parts in Around the World in 80 Days. 由一名著名演員扮演的一般他們不接受的小角色。原意為「小件藝術品」,這個詞被導演麥克·安德森借用以吸引著名演員演出他的影片《80日環游世界》(1956) 。
Slow-motion 慢動作;慢鏡頭 定義:The effect of very slow action by filming faster than normal then replaying the film at normal speed.
Love Triangle 三角戀愛
Follow-up=Sequel 續集
Supporting Actor 男配角
Sitcom=situation comedy 喜劇情節,幽默單元劇。 Nominate 提名 舉例:Nicole has been nominated for 3 golden globes, and won 2. 尼科爾基德曼被提名三個金球獎,贏得了兩個獎項。
Star 主演,擔任主角 舉例:She starred in a film about schizophrenia, where she was an aspiring architect who developed the horrible disease。 她主演了一部關於精神病人的影片。在影片中她是一位有抱負的建築師,卻漸漸病重。
Paparazzo (pl. Paparazzi) 狗仔隊 舉例:Some paparazzi go to outlandish extremes to photograph a particular star that they are following. 狗仔隊有時為了拍攝到某個明星的照片可以不擇手段。
suck / / v. 糟糕 pathetic / / adj. 無聊 hilarious / / adj. 有趣的,滑稽的 sultry / / adj. (女子或其神態)性感迷人 box-office / / n. 票房 critics / / n. 評論

❸ 求一篇600字左右英文的商業電影概念和起源、發展。


China's commercial film is a quality problem is to model a problem, I feel like now the director of the mainland will only be a commercial movie to be half the success of Feng Xiaogang, and can not say that the whole success is because of his style always seemed too restrictive, while the Film audiences are too limited, like other directors, most artistic film, was born, or is simply a market that is an artistic film, always heard so and so took a prize in foreign countries, to get the same little box office mainland.
China's current commercial films do not come into vogue several directors Chengsi so just a handful of writers, but also because of the good principles of socialism, many subjects can not be beat, nor so much money to get.
As I opened video stores in the university, many Indian students, not to mention how this country, people's qualities. People also is to love people than our movies, even if always, speaking in a strange pronunciation of English to ask a of a film, but the film has become an integral part of life people.
As now there is not a unified national film base, the establishment of the principle of the film is also too rigid and, where there is what writers should have been a screenwriter, a good scriptwriter eat dead life so a good script, do not all garbage to film would be set aside large tracts of what the business, got to the last are the advantages of relying on the media to come and collect at the box office.
Chinese commercial films has always been the case if a single model, I am afraid to go a long-term.
Looking forward to the birth of good films, but also I'm afraid they have been can only be a dream.

❹ 推薦幾部商業方面的英文電影

Outsourced,是講很多大型跨國集團在欠發達國家建立call centre作為售前售後服務提供得決策,在國外可稱為商科學生必看電影之一 :)

發行日期: 2006年
地區: 美國
分類: 電影 喜劇

❺ 我覺得這部電影很商業化,商業化,用哪個英文單詞.

如: The TV show was interrupted by too many commercials.
那檔電視節目插進的商業廣告太多了, 一直不停被打斷。

所以英文中並沒有這樣一個詞來對應的. 如果你想表示這首歌已被很多人唱過很多次了, 那很顯然,它是一首人氣很高的歌, 那你可以說它popular. 這也是為什麼我們稱流行歌曲為Pop music的原因.

❻ 我正在學習BEC,想看和商業有關的經典英語電影!

看電視劇也可以吧 你說的這種題材推薦女人幫cashmere mafia

不過bec的聽力發音是英音哦 所以當時我復習時候看的是英國的劇集 hotel babylon 對提高聽力很有幫助的


❼ 關於business的電影最好是英文的


❽ 大型電影商業中心翻譯成英語是什麼

Large-scale movie business center

❾ 想尋找一些英語的電影(與商業有關的,最好是商業談判性質的片子)

"王牌對王牌"(The Negotiator)
《心靈捕手》(Good Will Hunting)

以上兩部影片是某大學的"談判與溝通"課程中要求學生必看的電影, 並且要做報告的, 是值得一看的影片~

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