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發布時間: 2023-01-10 01:21:12

Ⅰ 我有兩張電影票,所以我要和我的朋友張玲去電影院看電影英文怎麼寫

A:where are going?
B:i am going to zhe movie.
A:where is the 電影院/

Ⅱ 湯姆給了我一張他昨天買的一張電影票。(這句話用初一,初二學的英語怎麼說)

Tom gave me a piece of movie ticket what he bought a movie ticket.

Ⅲ 布魯斯這里,我已經買了兩張電影票,你想和我一塊去嗎英語翻譯

Bruce,I've got two tickets here.Would you like to go to the movie with me?

Ⅳ 電影票用英語怎麼說



cinema ticket


Movie ticket


兩張電影票 Two Tickets Please

收集電影票 collecting movie tickets

一張電影票 a movie ticket


1. People can't even afford to pony up for movie tickets.


2. I gave him a ticket for the film, and it was torn in two.

我給他一張電影票, 他卻把它撕成了兩半.

3. The winners will each receive a voucher for a pair of cinema tickets.


4. They queued up to buy tickets for the film.


5. This film ticket is no longer available.


6. I saw a film queue in front of the cinema.


7. That girl told me that the film tickets had been sold out.


8. This ticket for the movie is available for a limited period only.


9. You decide to buy a movie ticket instead of a paperback novel.


10. Actually , no . Spotting somebody is like loaning somebody something , usually money.


11. We tacked ourselves to the end of a long movie queue.


12. Kayleigh and Nathan are buying tickets for the new Harry Potter movie.


13. I have tow. One is mine. The other is you.

我有兩張電影票. 一張是我的, 一張給你.

14. Matinees mid - week has the cheapest cinema ticket prices.


15. Jim give us some freebie to the movie.


Ⅳ 剛上映的電影用英語怎麼說我團購了兩張電影票和團購券用英語怎麼說

剛上映的電影 the film that is just on show
我團購了兩張電影票?I group purchase of two movie tickets
團購券Group purchase coupons

Ⅵ 電影票用英語怎麼說

問題一:一張電影票用英語怎麼說? : a film /movie ticket

問題二:電影票的英語翻譯 電影票
Cinema ticket
The winners will each receive a voucher for a pair of cinema tickets.
People can't even afford to pony up for movie tickets.

問題三:電影票一票難求 英語怎麼說 hot tickets
hard-to-get tickets

問題四:怎麽用英文說買電影票? 電影票:Hi, three st梗dent tickets for Lovely Bones at 7 o'clock please.
商場:Excuse me, could you tell me where I can find ___?
KFC:..其實外國人也沒有很特殊,照樣是 Could you give me a pepsi and a chicken burger please. 或者大咧咧一點就 a pepsi and chicken burger please. 主要是把please放在後面。
LOL do you ever say that? g'day mate? You guys are so famous for it.

問題五:誰能明確給我解釋一下,什麼是肉雞?跟代理有何不同? 10分 一台計算機,被其他計算機作為代理伺服器訪問其他網址。

問題六:怎麽用英文說買電影票 Buying Tickets for a Movie;

問題七:電影「上映」用英語怎麼說 每家電影院都上映不同的電影。:
Each of the theaters has different movies.
I went to see that new film last night but it was no great shakes and I don't remend it.
We would go and they have story telling for children with children's books;And they have movies now,and what else?
When is the new Rocky movie e out?
The old film was revived.
The film has run for five days.
The movie is playing at several theaters.
There's a good picture on a功 the cinema.
The film was booked to play two theaters in New York.

Ⅶ 怎麼翻譯 請給我兩張安凡達的電影票;那裡還有很多垃圾。要地道點的英文。。

請給我兩張按凡達的電影票: Two tickets for Avatar,please.
那裡還有很多垃圾: there are still many junks./It's still a mess there.

問價錢 how much is it?/How much/what's the price?
用信用卡:Can I pay by credit card?
然後收銀員會說可以,然後你就刷卡,接著,他/她會問你是簽名還是密碼:signature/sign or pin?
然後,就是thank you, bye bye/或者你也可以說 Have a day!/night/evening/afternoon之類的以表友好和感謝。

如果你想要在付款的時候從自己的卡裡面取錢時,你可以說Can I cash out?

在餐館呢。剛進去的時候,服務員會先問好,然後問你多少位客人,你就可以直接說數字就好了,比如3個人,就three.然後服務員會帶 你們去合適的桌位。坐下後就會給你們上水(中餐一般是茶,西餐就是冰水)了和菜單了。然後要點單的時候,如果不會讀菜名,可以直接說那道菜的號碼就可以了。hot是指辣的意思,或者chilli.在點菜的時候如果你不想要辣的就說no chilli/hot.服務員就會告訴廚師,把辣材料的去掉了。

如果在餐館想用洗手間的話,就可以問 :where is toilet/barthroom?
如果想要叉子:can I have one fork


Ⅷ 求英語簡單句越多越好帶翻譯,感激不盡!

Any day will do? 哪一天都可以?

Any messages for me? 有我的留言嗎?

Are you by
yourself? 你一個人來嗎?

All right with you? 你沒有問題吧?

Are you free
tomorrow? 明天有空嗎?

Are you kidding me? 你在跟我開玩笑吧?

As soon as
possible! 盡可能快!

Back in a moment! 馬上回來!

Believe it or not! 信不信由你!

Better luck next time! 下次會更好!

Boy will be boys 本性難移!

to the point! 有話直說!

Do you accept plastic? 收不收行用卡?

Does it keep
long? 可以保存嗎?

Dont be so fussy! 別挑剔了!

Dont count to me!

Dont fall for it! 不要上當!

Dont get me wrong! 你搞錯了!

give me that! 少來這套!

Dont let me down! 別讓我失望!

Dont lose your head!

Dont over do it! 別做過頭了!

Dont sit there daydreaming!

Dont stand on ceremony! 別太拘束!

Drop me a line!

Easy come easy go! 來得容易去得也快!

First come first served! 先到先得!

Get a move on! 快點吧!

Get off my back! 不要嘲笑我!

Give him the
works! 給他點教訓!

Give me a break! 饒了我吧!

Give me a hand!

Great minds think alike! 英雄所見略同!

Ill treat you to lunch.

In one ear, out the other ear. 一耳進,一耳出!

Im spaced-out!

I beg your pardon! 請你再說一遍!

I cant afford that!

I cant follow you! 我不懂你說的!
I cant help it! 我情不自禁!

couldnt reach him! 我聯絡不上他!

I cross my heart! 我發誓是真的!

I dont mean
it! 我不是故意的!

I feel very miserable! 我好沮喪!

I have no choice!

I watch my money! 視財如命!

Ill be in touch! 保持聯絡!

check it out! 我去看看!

Ill show you around! 我帶你四處逛逛!

Ill see to it!

Im crazy for you! 我為你瘋狂!

You make me jump! 你下了我一跳!

Make up your mind. 作個決定吧!

Make yourself at home!

My mouth is watering! 我要流口水了!

Never heard of it!

Nice talking to you! 很高興和你聊天!

No doubt about it!

No pain no gain! 不經一事,不長一智!

None of your business!

There is nothing on your business! 這沒你的事!

Now you are really
talking! 說得對!

Please dont rush me! 請不要吹促我!

Please keep me
informed! 請一定要通知我!

She looks blue today. 她今天很憂郁!

She is under the
weather. 她心情不好!

So far, so good. 過得去。

Speaking of the devil!

Stay away from me! 離我遠一點!

Stay on the ball!

That makes no difference. 不都一樣嗎?

Thats a touchy issue!

Thats always the case! 習以為常!

Thats going too far!

Thats more like that! 這才象話嘛!

The answer is zero!

The dice is cast! 已成定局了!

The same as usual! 一如既往!

The walls have ears! 隔牆有耳!

There you go again! 你又來了!

is running out! 沒有時間了!

We better get going! 最好馬上就走!

Well discuss
it later! 回頭再說吧!

Well find out shortly! 我們很快就知道了!

We are all for
it! 我們全都贊成!

Weve been expecting you! 我們正等著你呢!

What a good deal!

What a let down! 真令人失望!

What do you figure? 你有什麼想法?

What happened to you? 你怎麼了?

What should I do?

Whats would you recommend? 你有何意見?

whats come over you?

Whats it to you? 這跟你有關嗎?

Whats on your mind? 你在想什麼?

Which would you prefer? 你要選哪個?

Wouldnt you say so? 你說不是這樣嗎?

You are most understanding! 你真體貼!

You asked for it! 你自討苦吃!

You cant be serious! 你不是認真的吧?

You cant miss it! 你不可能找不到的!
主語 謂語 句義
1 Fire burns. 火燃燒。
2 Birds fly. 鳥飛翔。
3 We all breathe,eat, and drink. 我們都呼吸、吃飯、喝水。
4 The moon has risen. 月亮已經升起來了。
5 The sun was shining. 太陽照耀著。
Example 2:
主語 謂語 狀語(副詞/介詞短語/名詞) 名義
1 He works hard. 他努力工作。
2 She is working quickly. 她快速的走著。
3 It was raining heavily. 下雨得很大。
4 We will arrive soon. 我 我們很快會到達。
5 He stood there. 他站在那兒。
6 She is reading in the sun. 她在陽光下讀書。
7 The rain lasted all day. 雨下了一整天.
8 They had travelled a long way. 他們已經走了很長的路。
9 We waited two hours. 我們等了兩小時。
10 It weighs two tons. 它重兩噸。
11 We stayed the whole night. 我們呆了整整一個晚上。
12 He may live many years. 他也許能活好多年。
主語 謂語 狀語(不定式/分詞) 句義
1 We stopped to have a rest. 我們停下來休息一會兒.
2 I returned to get my book. 我回來取書.
3 He arrived only to find the bus leaving. 他到達時卻發現車正離開.
4 He stood there,begging. 他站在那兒乞討.
5 She ran. followed by a dog. 她跑著,後面跟著一條狗.
類型2: 主語+謂語+賓語
主語 謂語 賓語(名/代) 句義
1 He cut his finger. 他割傷了他的手指.
2 We have already had breakfast. 我們已經吃過了早飯.
3 A baby can not dress itself. 嬰兒不能自己穿衣.
4 We lit a fire. 我們點起了一堆火.
5 I g a hole. 我挖了一個洞.
主語 謂語 賓語(不定式) 句義
1 I have promised to help them. 我已經答應幫助他們.
2 They decided not to go. 他們絕不會去.
3 He pretended not to see me. 他假裝沒有看見我。
4 We planned to buy it. 我們計劃買下它。
5 He agreed to pay for it. 他同意負擔它的費用。
6 I wonder how to do it. 我茫然不知如何做。
7 I don』t know what to do. 我不知道怎麼辦。
8 She was wondering which to buy. 她正不知買哪個好。
9 You must remember when to begin. 你必須記住何時開始。
10 I don』t know where to go. 我不知去哪兒。
Example 3:
主語 謂語 賓語(動名詞) 句義
1 He enjoys playing chess. 他喜歡下棋。
2 They remembered doing it. 他們記得曾做過此事。
3 She don』t mind my smoking. 她不介意我吸煙。
4 We suggested changing it. 我們建議改變它。
5 He couldn』t help laughing. 他忍不住大笑起來。
主語 謂語 賓語從句 句義
1 I hope (that) you will come here. 我希望你來這里。
2 I suppose (that) you will be there. 我猜想你會在那裡。
3 He explained (that) nothing could be done. 他解釋說什麼都沒做。
4 I don』t think (that) it will rain tomorrow. 我認為明天不會下雨。
5 He saw (that) the plan was useless. 他明白那計劃沒用。
6 I suggested (that) he should leave early. 我建議他早些離開。
7 I wonder why he has not come. 我想知道他為什麼沒來。
8 I wonder whether(if) he will come. 我想知道他是否會來。
9 I do not mind where we go. 我們去哪裡我都不介意。
10 He knows who she is. 他知道她是誰。
11 I do not care what you think. 我不在乎你怎麼想。
12 Nobody knows whose it is. 沒人知道它是誰的。
Example 1:
主語 系動詞 表語 句義
1 This is a book. 這是一本書。
2 This book is mine. 這本書是我的。
3 They are hard-working. 他們很勤勞。
Example 2:
主語 系動詞 表語 句義
1 The boy looks a smart boy 這孩子看起來很伶俐。
2 This film seems moving. 這部電影似乎很動人。
3 You appear all right. 你好像身體很好。
4 He got drunk. 他喝醉了。
5 She turned pale at the thought. 一想到這,她臉變得蒼白。
6 The room became crowded soon. 房間很快擁擠起來。
7 The well ran dry. 井幹了。
8 The food went bad. 食物發霉了。
9 She remained calm. 她保持冷靜。
10 The shop stays open until 12. 商店營業直到現在12點。
11 The tool proved (to be) useful. 這工具證明很有用。
12 Cotton feels soft 棉花摸上去很柔軟。
13 I felt puzzled and upset. 工感到困惑不安。
14 Her song sounds sweet. 她的歌聽起來很甜。
15 The food tastes delicious. 這食物嘗起來很可口.
16 Flowers smell pleasant. 花兒聞起來很怡人.
17 He keeps silent all day. 他一整天不說話.
主語 謂語 間接賓語 直接賓語 句義
1 I gave my friend the money. 我給了朋友錢。
2 They told us the news. 他們告訴我們這消息。
3 We showed our teachers the pictures. 我們給老師看了照片。
4 I didn』t lend anybody my books. 我沒有把書借給任何人。
5 He offered me some money. 他給了我一些錢。
6 I owe the tailor ten pounds. 我欠裁縫十英鎊。
7 He handed her the salt. 他把鹽遞給了她。
8 I will bring them some peanuts. 我將給他們帶些花生。
主語 謂語 直接賓語 to 介詞賓語 句義
1 I gave the money. to my friend 我給了朋友錢。
2 They told the news. to us 他們告訴我們這消息。
3 We showed the pictures. to our teachers 我們給老師看了照片。
4 I didn』t lend my books. to anybody 我沒有把書借給任何人。
5 He offered some money. to me 他給了我一些錢。
6 I owe ten pounds. to the tailor 我欠裁縫十英鎊。
7 He handed the salt. to her 他把鹽遞給了她。
8 I will bring some peanuts. to them 我將給他們帶些花生。
主語 謂語 間接賓語 直接賓語 句義
1 I bought my wife a gold watch. 我給妻子買了一塊金錶。
2 They saved me some money. 他們給我儲蓄了一些錢。
3 She made herself a new dress. 她給自己做了一套新衣服。
4 I left him some food. 我給他留了些食物。
5 He got me two tickets. 他給我買了兩張票。
6 I did him a favor. 我幫了他一個忙。
主語 謂語 直接賓語 for 間接賓語 句義
1 I bought a gold watch. for my wife 我給妻子買了一塊金錶。
2 They saved some money. for me 他們給我儲蓄了一些錢。
3 She made a new dress. for herself 她給自己做了一套新衣服。
4 I left some food. for him 我給他留了些食物。
5 He got two tickets. for me 他給我買了兩張票。
6 I did a favor. for him 我幫了他一個忙。
主語 謂語 賓語(名/代) 賓補(不定式to do) 句義
1 I asked her to open the window. 我要她打開窗戶.
2 He wants me to be early. 他想要我早到.
3 He likes his wife. to dress well. 他喜歡妻子穿得漂亮.
4 I warned him not to be late. 我警告他不要遲到.
5 She allowed me to smoke here. 她允許我在這兒吸煙.
主語 謂語 賓語(名/代) 賓補(不定式to be) 句義
1 They believed him (to be) innocent. 他們相信他是無辜的.
2 We consider her (to be) honest. 我們認為她是誠實的.
3 I consider it (to be) a shame. 我認為這是一個恥辱.
4 We think Tom (to be) bright. 我們認為湯姆聰明.
5 We proved him (to be) wrong. 我們證明了他是錯誤的.
主語 謂語 賓語(名/代) 賓補(省to的不定式) 句義
1 I made him finish the job. 我讓他做完那件工作.
2 You mustn』t let the matter rest here. 你不可讓這事停下來。
3 I will have him do the work. 我會讓他做這件工作。
4 He helped me (to) carry the box. 他幫我搬箱子。
5 I heard someone come in. 我聽到有人進來。
6 We saw them go out. 我們看見他們出去了。
7 I felt the house shake. 我感到房子搖動。
8 She noticed the thief leave the shop. 她看到賊離開了商店。
主語 謂語 賓語(名/代) 賓補(現在分詞) 句義
1 I saw him running off. 我看到他跑開了。
2 I smelt something burning. 我聞到有東西在燃燒。
3 We watched her leaving. 我們看著她離去。
4 I felt the house shaking. 我感到房子在搖動。
5 They left me standing outside. 他們留下我站在外邊。
6 We found them working. 我們發現他們在在工作。
7 She kept me waiting. 他讓我久等。
8 He heard someone shouting for help. 他聽到有人喊救命。
主語 謂語 賓語(名/代) 賓補(過去分詞) 句義
1 You must get your hair cut. 你必須要理發了。
2 She had a new cap made. 她找人做了頂新冒子。
3 We heard a song sung. 我們聽到有人唱歌。
4 He saw the house broken into. 他看到房子被破門而入。
5 They found him beaten. 他們發現他被人打了。
主語 謂語 賓語(名/代) 賓補(形容詞) 句義
1 He got his shoes dirty. 他把鞋子弄臟了。
2 It keeps us warm. 它使我們保持暖和。
3 I found the box empty. 我發現箱子是空的。
4 He painted the door yellow. 他把門染成了黃色。
5 I wish her happy. 我但願她幸福。
主語 謂語 賓語(名/代) 賓補(名詞) 句義
1 We made him monitor. 我們選他當班長。
2 They named their son Henry. 他們給孩子取名亨利。
3 I called him Uncle Lee. 我叫他李叔叔。
4 We chose Tom chairman. 我們選湯姆當主席。
5 They elected him President. 他們選舉他為總統。

Ⅸ 他給我們弄了兩張電影票用英語翻譯中文

he gets two tickets of movie for us


Ⅹ 翻譯,我買了兩張電影票,我想邀請你和我一起去看電影

I bought two movie tickets, would you like to join me ?
(後面那半句直譯的話可以說成 I want to invite you to watch movie with me, 但是不符合外國人的表達方式)

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港劇曉梅是哪個電影 發布:2023-08-31 21:50:15 瀏覽:737
書生娶個鬼老婆是什麼電影 發布:2023-08-31 21:49:25 瀏覽:791